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Posts posted by Findthepin1

  1. 21 minutes ago, fredinno said:

    I guess they just couldn't resist, huh? Only 20 years or so of being seperate from military and major governemnent interests, then back to that excrements again. The "space agency" portion of this new conglomerate (the other side selling rockets and satellites) I think would just start focussing on Orbital Weaponry and reconaissance instead. 


    Maybe the DOD would start considering kinetic bombardment as a realistic option? Since the new Rocosmos is focussing on Defense purposes, that's 2 billion dollars (probably slightly less) for that kind of excrements. It would appear to me the DOD would actually have an important reason to launch more excrements - (The Russians have it!) and to build things like the long-wanted Minuteman replacement.


  2. Sorry, I should have been more clear. They wouldn't have any concept of a year until they discovered the regularity of planet orbits. So they wouldn't know when to celebrate annual holidays. A year for that purpose is arbitrary of Kerbin's orbital period. Any set number of days between a certain holiday would suffice. 

  3. I can't find a calculator on the Internet on which I can calculate the ESIs of exoplanets. In particular, I want to know the ESIs of Eve, Kerbin, Laythe, and Duna. Where can I find a good calculation tool for this? Or does anyone already know them?

  4. 5 hours ago, Martian Music said:

    Nice ;p well they would drink fuel of course ;p on Minmus they'd serve plates of Minmus dirt.. you know, tasting Minmus is a tradition! 

    But in general Kerbin doesn't have seasons so they would have to fly to the polars and celebrate there ;p I wonder what Jeb would do.

    Not only a lack of seasons. Kerbin's orbit is perfectly circular. Nobody would know how long a year is. Actually, there's a chance they would notice that another planet appears in the same part of the sky in predictable intervals, and some scientist would deduce the year from that.


    TLDR, Kerbin has no discernible year to plan annual holidays with.

  5. The Moon formed in a collision between Earth and Theia. Rock hitting rock and knocking off pieces. With gas giants, you can't do that. Rock hitting gas gives you a different rotation of gas and no rock to speak of. Such as with Uranus, a collision happened between objects similar to Earth and Moon, and the Earth-mass object was basically vaporized. Uranus was tilted. No moons from that, you can't fragment a chunk of air. So the Earth-Moon system isn't a good reference point. The average in the Solar system is 1:10 000 moon mass to planet mass. Meaning a 10-100 lunar mass moon would most likely have a parent planet of 100 000-1 000 000 lunar masses or between 4 and 40 Jupiter masses. That's more like a brown dwarf than a planet. 

  6. 2 hours ago, fredinno said:

    Those people really have no idea.

    Or they are dumb.

    And the ISS only housed 6-7 people. 

    The ISS is mostly science and research space. Only a small bit is actually for the crew. The beds on the walls, the bathroom, food somewhere. Other than that, it's research and science equipment and labs unnecessary to the crew's survival. If you had 400 tons of only the ISS's crew-needed compartments you could fit many more people in a 400-ton ISS Mars compound. Maybe like 50 or something. 

    By the way, there are 4444 topics in the forums right now. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Bill Phil said:

    Mars doesn't really have anything the asteroids don't. Neither does the moon. 

    Mars and the moon, especially Mars, have the intrinsic value of being actual worlds rather than pieces of rock in space. Technically they are pieces of rock in space but it has a huge effect on the human brain whether or not you can stand and walk on the ground, whether there's wind or snow or water or coloured sky, etc. We should, and probably will, value Mars the way we value Earth.

    We can't mentally treat worlds like chunks of ore as long as we have our emotions. And once we lose all our biological emotions, our intrinsic values we put in things, we become basically biological computers. Soulless in a way. I don't want that to happen to humanity.

    Anyway. TLDR: Intrinsic value in being on worlds makes Mars valuable.

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