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Everything posted by Findthepin1

  1. That's the monolith near the KSC. It's half buried and looks like a briefcase.
  2. I felt like it. Pourquoi pas.
  3. In a hundred years all of us will be dead. In five or ten years most of us will play KSP.
  4. Is it simulating the satellite's effect on the planet?
  5. The world isn't free, cheater. Look at how we're calling everyone cheater.
  6. The AI in the rover wants to be a Battering RAM. A pyramid is found on the moon.
  7. Just an English comment passing through Nur ein Scherz Die Navball könnte für "Orbit" oder "Surface" eingestellt werden. Es sollte für die "Target" festgelegt werden, nehme ich an gesetzt haben Sie die Station ist als Target.
  8. I saw The Core once. This and following reports about this is almost as good. You may be the first person ever to reach a planet's core through a hole in the ground. If it's water the whole way through, that's a major breakthrough for Kerbinology.
  9. That's an amazing submarine. How long did it take to design that? I tried making a sea car with ore tanks and it floats upside down, I tried making a heavier, bigger one and it blows up on the runway. I built a whale as well. It travels at a maximum speed of 0.4m/s and it can only travel with its mouth open. It also can't steer.
  10. I can't get out of the Mk1 Crew Cabin and get back in again. I have it between two ore tanks. When I get a kerbal out (the two in the thing are Harming and Barkin Kerman) they appear inside the ship, wedged between the cabin and an ore tank. I press the spacebar and he ends up on top of the ship (the ship is horizontal, it's a literal ship). I can't get him inside again because there's no door on the side of the cabin, the only entrance appears to be at the point the kerbal spawned at (marked by a green blob in the SPH). I had to reload a quicksave.
  11. I'm using this to power my whale. Literally, there's a big jet engine in the whale's mouth (newly added ramp) that I'm propelling it with.
  12. I did a 16-kerbal Dres colony in 1.0.4.
  13. I wonder if when humans attempt to land on Phobos, the whole moon just shatters when somebody puts the flag down.
  14. Someone's going to build the Titanic, you just wait.
  15. I am saying I think it's possible that the object supposed to have caused the eccentricity of Sedna and company's orbits might be the same object that was supposed to have been ejected from the solar system in some versions of the Nice model. I am asking whether any of the simulations don't show a complete escape of the object in those versions of the Nice model, and instead an extreme extension of its orbit to way above the Kuiper belt where it eventually circularized.
  16. When will these collide, from our perspective? A few months?
  17. So we think Sol/the Sun had a third ice giant that was ejected in the early solar system days. It would be more likely to end up with today's system than a four-gas-giant scenario. So I was reading some stuff about outer, eccentric Trans-Neptunian Objects like Sedna, and I thought about why it might end up like that. People say there must be another planet-sized object (I don't say planet because it obviously hasn't cleared its orbit) orbiting far beyond Neptune. Its mass is supposed to be between Mars' mass and Saturn's mass. Anyway. Is it possible that this far object is the same object as the "ejected" ice giant in the Nice model? See here.
  18. They act like they're in air, but air 100m below sea level. Higher pressure air. I assume.
  19. Works anywhere you say? Time for the first Sun Landing in 1.0.5. EDIT: Failed on launch. Vector engines are too fast. It was the only survivor of an ascent explosion. I put it together in thirty seconds. There were only seven parts. It was very slow on "touchdown", maybe the drag is too high. It hit the launchpad at 27.6m/s.
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