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Everything posted by Findthepin1

  1. I put it in synchronous orbit around Dres. I give a cup of tea to the next user.
  2. I give away my free universe to everyone.
  3. There's a misspelling in the description of the Dynawing. "Convectional" should be "conventional".
  4. So that's three astronomic (the Ordovician-Silurian gamma ray burst, the Late Devonian bolide impact, and the K-T bolide impact), two geological (the Permian-Triassic Siberian Traps and the T-J ocean acidification), and one biological (Holocene technological civilization). There were probably more but we don't know about them.
  5. Build a space elevator on Dres. Now you can mine the biggest asteroid of them all without having to deal with one of those pesky gravity wells. You'd need over seven hundred kilometers of parts and an asteroid to fix it to at the top. The kerbals can use it as a slide.
  6. Why did plesiosaurs go extinct and not other major marine life at the KT boundary event
  7. The ISS weighs 450 tons. It's not that far off. Assuming the probe will be travelling at solar escape velocity at the time of the flyby, are there any stars that it will pass significantly close to (say 0.2 LY) after the intercept and succeeding escape? We could put a message or something on it on the off chance that something'll pick it up. The proposed trajectory seems well plotted, I assume we know the direction of the trajectory after escape.
  8. TRANSIT AND ARRIVAL Well, they waited another hour or so before beginning two burns. They spent that time doing "gravity experiments" by spinning the ship around as fast as it could go without actually breaking apart. Here's your pictures. That's the plane-correction burn. The thing in the background is debris from the OAV. It's still there. That's the transfer burn to Minmus. It was kinda hard to get a trajectory not to encounter the Mun. I had to overshoot this one, to get onto an escape trajectory, to get past the Mun. This is Boreas 1's course right after the transfer burn. There's a course correction planned at the Mun's orbital distance, that's the one to slow down after speeding in front of the Mun. This is the first course correction. It was supposed to be the only one, but I could cut the Minmus periapsis by eighty percent if I did a second burn before the encounter. This is the second course correction. Minmus looks like Vall. Nobody's seen Vall in person in this universe, but we know what it looks like because of a Jool atmospheric probe in Year 0.90. This is the course of Boreas 1 after the second course correction. Old periapsis (after the first correction) was about 1 451 500. This is the ship, braking into Minmus orbit. And there you have it. Boreas 1, with Hilly, Melald, Erke, and Dagrid Kerman on board, is safely in a 320x360 orbit around Minmus, with enough fuel to get back home. Landings will be tonight or tomorrow. They're very happy to have arrived, after having spent six days stuck in a rocket-powered Pepsi can with each other. They will finally be able to get out into the open. Hilly even went EVA and held onto the ship with her feet.
  9. RENDEZVOUS WITH TRANSIT VEHICLE (TV) The rendezvous burn went perfectly. I didn't get any pictures of it because it lasted a second and a half. Melald is playing random songs in the cabin PA. They watched a movie. It's now time for the rendezvous with the TV. The crew has arrived at the TV. The TV is operational and ready for the crew to live in. The OAV has successfully docked with the TV. The big orange tank is jettisoned. The crew will find snacks and stuff in the TV. There isn't any gravity onboard, because I didn't want the rocket to have to carry that much extra mass. No, seriously. I've built wheel stations before. You can have gravity onboard a ship in orbit, using centripetal force. Thing is, it's very heavy to lift, quite power-intensive to spin, and when you raise your arm it moves in the direction of the spin, whether you want it to or not. Also, try running and jumping in the opposite direction to the spin of the station, it's weird. It's cool, actually. The gravity changes. I digress. The crew is onboard. They're gonna do some experiments, then go to Minmus.
  10. MOAR LAUNCHES We have ourselves a crew for Boreas 1! Yes, we built and partially launched a mission before choosing astronauts. Here's a bit of info on them, and maybe backstories. Also, SCIENCE! (Not necessarily INGAME SCIENCE!) Hilly Kerman is the captain of the mission. She will be commanding the mission. Melald Kerman is the engineer on the mission. He worked on the Aeris 4A in the United Kerbal Air Force. Melald operates the ships because he knows how they work. Dagrid Kerman is a scientist. She noticed Minmus' orbit changed slightly over the years, and hypothesized that Minmus had a subsurface ocean that sloshed around and wobbled the moon. (In my KSP it does, although this isn't actually in the game.) She also discovered Bop. (Yes, in my KSP Pol was discovered first, it's brighter.) Erke Kerman is a taxi driver. He is registered as a scientist in the official documents because Dagrid wanted him to be on the mission, and Dagrid has some authority for having discovered the reason the mission exists. That's everyone. The alternate crew, if this crew dies horribly in a fiery, Michael Bay-ish explosion has an issue and can't go on the mission, will be the Big Four. The launch for the crew is in a few minutes. They're doing last-minute checks, like adding moat struts and pulling flagpoles out of the launchpad. EDIT: Here it is. CREW LAUNCH The crew were loaded into the Orbital Activity Vehicle (OAV) lander/orbiter as usual, with the Really Big Catapult. It's called the Really Big Catapult because it was built by the United Federal People's Democratic Kingdom Telescope Company of Telescopes. They built the Absopositively Humongousaurus Telescope on Mauna Aka in Iwahaki. Yes, that is the map I use when it concerns location-specific KSP things, and yes, in this universe these kerbals get into ships by catapult. Everything went "smoothly". Melald decided to use the PA system to calm everyone down. Playing the Footloose theme helped this until the ship caught on fire. Then everyone panicked except Hilly, who was trained not to panic. Anyway, here's your pictures. On launchpad. Launching. This is Melald and Erke about 10 kilometres up. This is about a minute before the ship caught fire. I don't know what Erke was looking at. Above Iwahaki, looking east-southeast. There's nothing but sea here. The ship isn't covered in flames anymore. Orbit burn. The debris behind the ship is the spent boosters. The OAV is in a stable 81x96km orbit. There's 2154 units of fuel left in the big orange tank. You might have noticed that the first two pictures don't have parachutes in them. I noticed this as the ship was going up. I fixed it and took the rest of the photos as the ship is now. Erke is asking when they can get to Minmus. They have to rendezvous with the transit vehicle first, because they don't have more than a week or so of air in the OAV.
  11. I'm gonna try to fix it now. EDIT: It works. I fixed the VAB by making a new save, opening the VAB in that, deleting that save, and going back into the old save. The VAB works now, and Boreas 1 is back on track after the delay. Thank you to everyone who helped me fix it. Crew stuff is soon.
  12. Destroyed? AFAIK photons can't be destroyed. Absolutely crazy amounts of energy can theoretically be turned into matter, but that doesn't actually happen by chance.
  13. That's another thing. If the universe has no volume from the photon's perspective, how can it go in any specific direction?
  14. Why would they use radio? If they're building stuff like that nowadays, they're probably going to be communicating with something better than radio. Something less hackable, or something more efficient. Or both. Lasers, quantum entanglement, maybe little gravitational waves inside an empty pocket dimension. Not radio. They're a type 1.95 or so, constructing their Dyson Sphere to launch them to Type 2. We're a Type 0.73. They're much more advanced than we are, and like we seem to be on the path to doing, they probably stopped using radio among common society centuries ago. If they used radio at all. Basically, we can't see their transmissions unless we can literally see them. Which it seems we can't.
  15. Photons move at the speed of light so time doesn't pass for them. If time doesn't pass for them they can't be moving from their own perspective. How does that work?
  16. DunaLandings, your own username is a good idea
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