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Everything posted by Findthepin1

  1. Jeb, Bill, and Bob are in an (successful) Apollo Command Module with the LM attached, I wanted to bring it with me. Then I launched an ion probe to Jool before taking them out. So they're probably eighty by now. Still there.
  2. ridiculously overpowered ship. second stage took us to low munar orbit with half its fuel left. lol. apollo style. eventually they went back to kerbin after mucking about on the surface. parachutes were dead somehow, idk. jeb jumped out and lived. then i reloaded the quicksave and they all survived because the parachutes took pity on me.
  3. Banned for banning. COMIC SANS MS IN YOUR FACE.​
  4. "Sir, our solar panels have broken off. It looks like something hit them." "Sir, we just lost contact with Gilly Stations Alpha thru Delta."
  5. Minmus Low g, easy access to interplanetary space, easy access to Kerbin, half the fuel needed to return from the Mun.
  6. i am on an elliptical orbit around kerbin, my apoapsis is increasing, i have 7 ion engines and 7 tiny ion boxes, 1 small ion box, 1 okto2, 1 medium sas module, a small-to-tiny adapter, 4 gigantor xl solar panels, 2 mystery goo, 2 barometers, 2 thermometers, 2 seismometers, 2 gravioli detectors, 2 narrow-band scanners, 1 something-16 antenna, and 4 very small square node things (i forget their name). i am accelerating at about 0.3 meters per second per second. trying to use the mun as a gravity handle to jool, now accelerating when ions are down. can't control the ship. i heard someone else had this happen to them. it may also have happened in the ksp livestream, iirc. plz help. thx. edit: it was pointing toward the maneuver node when this happened, so accelerated in the right direction. i am now too fast to encounter the mun, but as soon as i was too fast for it i started decelerating again. - - - Updated - - - i fixed it! or at least figured it out. two ions are dead, not enough power. they were still taking xenon and accelerating for some reason. but now i disabled fuel flow in all tanks then i can control the ship again.
  7. Get an asteroid orbiting Kerbin and do an Apollo mission to it. I must have at least one photo. You don't have to orbit the rock because you can't. SCOREBOARD: Ghostbuzzer7
  8. In case anyone's wondering, this may or may not have something to do with the poll I put up a few days ago.
  9. Build a spaceship that can enter Eve's atmosphere and fly around as a plane, then get back to Kerbin without ever touching the surface of Eve. No mods are allowed except KAC and similar. The debug menu is not allowed. Ion engines can be used, solid fuel engines can be used, liquid fuel engines can be used. There must be a kerbal in ship ship, however this doesn't restrict probe cores. Science can be collected freely, and contracts can be completed on the way. You must have a video of the descent into the atmosphere and the ascent to orbit. They can be separate videos. You can never touch the ground.
  10. How much mass can a Falcon 9 rocket get to a trajectory towards Jupiter? What about Venus or Mars?
  11. Q: How do we efficiently get something to each and every ball of rock in the Sol system? A: CUUUUBESAAAATS. - - - Updated - - - Close enough.
  12. There has been 1 mention of Mercury, 1 mention of Titan, 1 mention of Neptune, and 3 mentions each of Europa and Uranus. How do I make this a poll? EDIT: While I was writing someone else posted, so another mention of Titan and Uranus, 1 Venus, 1 Moon, 1 Ceres, 1 Phobos, 1 Mars, lots to the gas giants, and an interstellar one. ANOTHER EDIT: Poll is done.
  13. where should there be an unmanned space probe sent to besides earth?
  14. I brought him to Eve with Bill and Bob. I thought the game was glitching because the ship was glowing. It turned out to be reentry heat. They landed. Bob planted a flag and got back in to leave. The ship wouldn't take off. The engine was on but produced no measurable thrust. Suddenly I realized what was going on. Rocket engines require a large pressure differentiation to work properly. But we were on Eve, so the atmospheric pressure was very high. The Mainsail engine I was using only produced a certain amount of pressure increase inside it, and compared to the high external pressure it wasn't enough. It was like letting go of a balloon, except the balloon was taped to an SUV. The engine would've had to pump an exorbitant amount of fuel into itself to take off like this, and we haven't even gotten to drag yet. Never mind going back to Kerbin, they're going to have problems even leaving the ground. It's specific impulse was effectively zero. I deleted the ship with them inside. Later they all appeared at the KSC's Astronaut Complex, claiming they had never left the building and the flag that was on Eve was actually an old Ocean Probe.
  15. i made a probe called don parody of nasa's ceres probe the trajectory it is in is absolutely terrible it is in a near resonance with dres and will arrive in 92 years. i abandoned the save.
  16. i am on a mac actually it doesn't work edit: alt fn f12 works thx
  17. how do i open the debug menu is it a mod
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