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Everything posted by Findthepin1

  1. can we get ore from asteroids if we can't we should be able to and the devs should add that in 1.0.3.
  2. that is where we will put the nitrogen. it will probably be freed from the ground and ice like the co2, as a remnant from the old atmosphere in the noachian. i assume the ice caps have been there since, because mars has been cold since then. so the nitrogen needs nitrogen-fixing bacteria and stuff, then it will stay in the ground and not mostly the air. i hope.
  3. there is co2 in the ice cap how do we get it out to thicken the air pressure
  4. most people assume that when we eventually terraform mars, it needs a 1-atm atmosphere composed almost exactly like earth's. this is not needed. mars' atmosphere need only be 7 or 8 kilopascals of nearly pure oxygen. some mountains on earth are in what is called the "death zone" where the oxygen levels are lower than required for humans to breathe. the pressure at this altitude is 0.356 bar. but as always on earth, oxygen only makes up one-fifth of that. this gives us 7.12 kpa as the lowest partial pressure of oxygen for human life. water at 7.12 kpa boils at 39.32 degrees celsius or 102 degrees fahrenheit, so humans could theoretically not boil off on the surface, because the average temperature inside a human is 98 or so fahrenheit. but that's cutting it close, so i'd be comfortable with 0.1 atm of mostly oxygen, as we don't need a buffer gas should the pressure be low. this is enough to support water up to 46.11 degrees celsius and about half the total partial pressure of oxygen on earth. what do you think? also, if anyone has any ideas about how to terraform venus and mars, feel free to post them here.
  5. A spaceplane is a vehicle that can reach space/orbit using only one stage, and has at least one wing. I have an idea. MWAHAHAHAHA. You'll see soon enough.
  6. i built a mun return-capable 4-kerbal ship by mistake in 8 minutes. it is OP with the new aero and was designed to go to orbit and back.
  7. has anyone made a kraken drive in 1.0 yet? EDIT: oops i posted twice plz delete this version
  8. we are. temperature is being ignored, but radiation shouldn't be a big problem if you have an atmosphere.
  9. as i explained (see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117379-we-do-not-need-spacesuits-on-eva-sometimes), they should have scuba diving-like suits on, for breathing. also, mars' atmosphere is 96% co2, but the atmosphere is on average 0.6% the pressure on earth (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Mars), which means mars' co2 is only 600 pascals partial pressure. earth's co2 is 400 pascals partial pressure (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Earth). we can survive up to 2.5 kilopascals without much effect (see http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/co2-comfort-level-d_1024.html).
  10. assuming kerbals need the same amount of air pressure to survive as humans, then on kerbin (~0.3-1 atm), laythe (~0.3-0.6 atm), and the lower elevations on duna (~0-0.2 atm, although this needs 0.06 atm or more), kerbals shouldn't need a pressure suit. their space suits should be replaced with something that looks like a scuba diving suit. just a thought.
  11. i am using osx 10.8 and the game crashes frequently; once when i zoomed out from my ship on the mun, and a second time when i landed that same ship on kerbin and tried to go to the space center. i had to force-quit the application both times.
  12. kerbodyne mammoth engine at bottom, just stack 3.75m tall tanks until you run out of room, then the mk3-3.75m adapter, then the 3.75m spaceplane controller. slap a wing on top and call it a plane. tomorrow afternoon i might record my "efforts" with this. it worked in 0.90 without the wing.
  13. if it does that and you can't explain it, it is not a "glitch". it is a law of physics. this particular law of physics allows your kerbals to reach across the galaxy, which means you should keep it. figure out how to toggle it and use it anywhere in your orbit, and you've got warp drive. use it wisely. -findthepin1 p.s. oh and if you can control the acceleration, you has to give everyone here the knowledge of exactly how the craft is made. we want to go to a(k)lph(k)a ce(k)nt(k)aur(k)i. (k). thx
  14. the first thing i did in 1.0 was fly jeb in a plane to the anomaly north of ksc. then i planted a flag there. then i sent jeb, bill, bob, and val to the mun. truth be told, all i wanted to do was see if i could get to orbit. a mun return was fairly more than i expected. bob should have died ten times over and he ran out of eva fuel a kilometre from the ship. i had to fly it to him, then it fell over. i had to roll it to him, then get it back upright, then walk him the rest of the way to it. he didn't have eva fuel left so i had to tip the ship back over so he could jump inside. then i put it back upright. each kerbal got something on the mun named after them. jeb got a terrain glitch. val got a crater. bill got a rock. just a rock. sorry, bill. bob got multiple holes in his space suit and a canyon. they didn't die because video game. so yeah. - - - Updated - - - we need 2.5 and 3.75 meter liquid fuel tanks for nuclear engine-using ships
  15. i just got 1.0, i have no mods installed. in the vab i built a satellite with a 2.5 meter fairing at the bottom. i also built a rocket for it under a separate craft file. i had the rocket's file open and i opened the craft selector and i clicked merge on the satellite. there is nowhere for the satellite to attach to the rocket. the connection should be between the 2.5m separator on top of the rocket and the 2.5m fairing on the bottom of the satellite. there are no green spheres showing the ships are attachable. how do i fix this? thx EDIT: anything merged into the rocket's file has no green spheres on it, however the rocket has where they are expected.
  16. the sun has an atmosphere now and laythe's is thinner how do i toggle entry damage also, my laythe plane no longer works. i'm just kidding. i don't have a laythe plane.
  17. i don't have anything to log in with; i got it off steam early access and idk if i signed up on the site. there's nothing associated with my email there.
  18. i got ksp 0.90 some time ago and now 1.0 is out; how do i download it?
  19. maybe they meant eleven years we're past the deadline
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