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Everything posted by rasta013

  1. Thanks very much for these! Just as a side note - the original textures for the agency flags were DDS anyway do I don't expect it's an issue.
  2. My 2 cents is this is a bit of a trick question. I see others mentioning that they have 140-150 part stations with no lag at all. I on the other hand run an extremely large mod load (currently around 160-170) and many of them are graphics mods like Scatterer and EVE amongst several others. Because of that, my stations begin to slow down noticeably as I start to approach the 100 part limit. It's nowhere near as bad as it used to be and my slow downs typically entail a frame rate drop from my average around 60ish to down around 25-30ish. As Nightside mentioned above this is largely a function of whether there's a planet in my view or not. If there is, FPS tends to run around 25 for me on a system with 24Gb RAM on an I7 5820 3.2GHz with dual NVidia 770s. If I remove the graphics mods from my setup that frame jumps drastically up to around 45-50 with a 100 part count station. I suffer the frame rate drop willingly though because I want my game to look as nice as I can while playing even if I have to occasionally suffer that drop. So, this is not really an easy question to answer regarding where the performance line should be drawn. Those of us on large loads that include things to make it look pretty are going to suffer that drop. So to me, the ideas of things like welded docking ports is very, very attractive. Including other parts like RCS, adapters, antennas, solar panels etc. would only make that experience better. The important thing to me though is that you find a way to do it that is comfortable for you and how you envision your mod. I knowingly suffer the issues I do and can clear them up any time I want.
  3. Nope it won't. The SciContainer added in through AR just becomes redundant. You typically would remove that from an AR patch once it's been added to a part however since it's unnecessary.
  4. Anyway you can link to those textures somewhere? It would seriously be most appreciated because I love this mod but I'm like you - it's the principle of....oh what am I saying? I just want to squeeze as much into my mod list as I can and these textures make up several mods worth... It's so damnably beautiful!
  5. I cannot believe I inadvertently necro'd this thread because I was trying to reference these models for someone else... LMAO. Law of unintended consequences...
  6. Balance - MOS-PCS Pressurized Cargo Segment : Volume needs to go down or the tech node needs to go up. 8000 liters is 2000 liters greater than the KIS container #2 @ 6000 liters which arrives at the Specialized Construction node 1 level up. Also would suggest a KIS compatibility patch to remove this part if it isn't installed since it does no good without it. I can pull that together quickly if you'd like. - MOS-UCS Unpressurized Cargo Segment : This is currently set to the Survivability node, the same location as the 1.25m service bay. I'd suggest moving this to General Construction since it is a 1.875 form factor and gives a great deal more room. @15 points that's a gigantic leap in capability for that little in science cost. - Sarnus-SI-SRM Retro Motor : I LOVE THIS PART!!! That said, the thrust is awfully high for a separation motor. I have now used this twice in 4x symmetry to land heavy re-entry vehicles on a suicide burn. It's a beautiful thing and I love it really but if this is not the intended use you want out of this part then I think reducing the thrust to 15-18kN will be more than sufficient. The Sarnus tank really is not all that heavy and frankly the thrust of the PDC-R @18kn has proven more than sufficient to handle the job. This is not a call to remove the part though. Please don't. It's a wonderful addition. Compatibility The AR and CTT patches are now completed, rebalanced and up to date. I'm also looking at the camera parts to try and get adjustments made in re: to Issue #88 as well as getting science definitions written for at least the biomes on the near-by bodies. I probably won't have all the biome definitions done before the weekend is over but I should have at least Kerbin, Mun and Minmus done as well as basic definitions for high/low/landed situations for all other stock bodies and maybe even OPM. If I can get the cameras updated and the definitions completed to my satisfaction before the weekend is out I will also be looking at the definitions for the Hydrometer and Ion Trap as well. I'm probably going to wait to issue the PR until Sunday in order to get as much of this done before I do so it can all be merged at the same time.
  7. Sure no problem. I'll switch it on and see what turns up. I'd really have my doubts that it was Time Control doing something though. With a mod load the size of mine I run into so many little quirks that show up once and never return it's become fun to try and lay odds on when I'll see another mysterious gremlin come romping though my play land.
  8. Yeah same here but I just wanted to make sure that @JPLRepo doesn't start trying to track down something unrelated to RB. As for another way to do it? Pretty sure it could be done with an MM patch but I've never bothered to try since there was a mod doing it and more already. If it keeps acting up though I can see myself digging into it...
  9. Yeah I had the exact same issue recently. For whatever reason that was never able to be tracked down, my contract system lost it's mind and started generating non-stop contracts of all kinds one after another and killing them immediately with a message of "Over the maximum limit" even though I was allowed unlimited contracts. Re-installing Contract Configurator and all my packs did absolutely nothing. What ended up solving the problem for me was removing and reinstalling Contract Reward Modifier. It had lost its mind apparently and just refused to allow any new contracts other than those being offered by a single pack - the first in the list, Anomaly Surveyor. If you're having this kind of problem and have the Modifier installed I'd recommend starting there.
  10. Is it the goo being returned or the data gathered from observing the goo? It isn't a surface sample after all. Although, that said, you still need something to bring back things like surface samples or core samples from something like DMagic etc.
  11. I have played around extensively with labs and their settings in the past so I can tell you that the numbers you have listed above will get you close to what you're looking for for the most part I think. It's been a while since I worked on them though so my lab math is a little rusty. The biggest issue you'll face is not going to be reward totals though. You can keep those under control with a combination of the scientist bonus and multiplier. What you'll have the most problem controlling is time rewards. Keeping a lab full of data makes the rewards payoff very, very quickly so delaying that process somewhat is damn near impossible with one exception - keep the science cap low. You're going to have to play around with your numbers until you find a balance that is comfortable for you. A science cap of 2000 though is really quite simple to get to and maintain at a full level and even with 2 three star scientists it will payoff in science very, very quickly. By lowering the total data cap to something more along the lines of 500-750 you can reign that in somewhat but you might also have to drop the research time a little lower to balance it out as well. If you want to see some examples of various configurations I suggest you take a look at Better Science Labs as those have been configured for various levels of performance the last time I looked at them (admittedly a while ago). Hope this helps!
  12. WOOHOO! New thread... So an update after a solid evening of playing with the latest version. I'm happy to report that with my 150+ mod load that I have seen no errors of any kind. I've seen a couple of quirks but nothing that I can 100% attribute to Time Control. The strangest one of all was a sudden, mid warp halt for no apparent reason but there were no messages nor anything in the log so I wrote it off as pure strangeness. That's the closest thing to a ?bug?/?quirk? that I've seen. Fantastic job and thanks again for the work!
  13. Yup. Those are the kinds of ideas I get after a 39 hour day on 5 hours of sleep. After waking up from 11.5 hours of sleep I realized exactly what my idea would entail time wise for you. Not a good solution...
  14. Just my 2 cents on the whole laggy graphics issue... I'm running my typicaly 150+ modlist including EVE, Scatterer and OPM and haven't had any real issues of any kind. The only slow down I ever see that's large is when first entering the tracking station where it takes about 5-7 seconds to load and after that works fine. I know the memory usage difference between EVE and SVE is vast so I'm sure that it would have the potential of creating big issues though.
  15. Maybe I'm missing something as it's late, I'm exhausted and only skimmed the last 2 pages of posts.... Couldn't you hard code the crew capacity and have the IVAs appropriate to the chosen part? For instance, a 1.25m habitation only allows space for say 2 kerbals. If you move it up to 2.5m it becomes 4 and 3.75 becomes 6. With the IVAs they would be grabbed and used as appropriate according to which size is chosen for the part. Basically the idea would be to restrict the sizing to fairly standard versions and allow nothing in between. How many and which sizes could be figured out fairly easily but this would at least give some variety in station making that isn't available right now. I don't know if this is viable or not but it was something that occurred to me... EDIT: Hell, it might not even be advisable because I'm not even sure how this would work out in part reduction since the models wouldn't be procedural in really any sense of the word...I don't know...
  16. AWESOME!! Thank you so much for working on this and keeping it up to date. My science game now revolves partially around this mod and without it timing those small zones in low orbit (highland craters on the mun anyone) has been damn near impossible for the time delayed experiments. I will punish the hell out of this in testing for you with my 150+ mod load.
  17. Good timing. I just spent all evening undisturbed and had a bunch of the new parts in use. The Linkor is fantastic. That has actually proven useful in several different places including one manned Minmus landing...well the ascent/return stage was the Linkor anyway. The RCS ports are also working out nicely. Their size makes them very useful in all kinds of small craft where you don't need the higher thrust RCS typically available. One suggestion on the RCS I would make though, slightly increase the ISP for them. At 240 that's the low end in relation to every other RCS unit I have. Most of the ports average around 250-260 and a few large nozzle varieties go as high as 290 but just coming inline with the average would make them even more usable.
  18. Well the mine the fuel and a different world is true but adding the 3rd party mod is not necessary. Patches are included to add karborundum to drills and the CRP already includes definitions for its locations which you can also expand upon very, very easily. Hell, if you wanted too, you could have it appear at 100% in 100% density on Kerbin if you really felt like it. Point being, the resource is optional in all kinds of ways. You can even configure the mod to not require any resource at all. As for your other suggestion re: heat system - ohhhh...that would be cool!!!
  19. Ok cool. I'll double check them all and get both patches current and updated in the morning. I'll also look at the description for the dish and throw something into it. If I get lucky I might even have time to add some more science definitions as well...
  20. @CobaltWolfDid you already update the master on Git? Just want to make sure I stay on top of the parts before release so that the CTT patch stays current. Also, I've got the rebalanced AR patch completed with the A27-C Dish added and I'm working on testing all my tweaks. Will get the PR done on that probably tomorrow but if the Saturn 1 stuff has already been added I'll update the CTT patch and just issue a single one for both. EDIT: I really need to figure out this synced fork thing for Git so I can answer these questions myself
  21. Very cool. From now, once an issue is confirmed I'll be sure to make a note of it on GitHub for you if it's not already there. I completely agree with the independence of the mod. That was kind of a stream of consciousness post regarding the ideas and I love the ideas you've got. The upgrade to improve parts would be a fantastic way to address the 'all bodes at once' issue and I'm really looking forward to the contracts. Keep up the great work!
  22. They have been removed in the 1.1.x versions because landing gear and wheels are so borked right now. They were there before though - you didn't imagine it.
  23. Wouldn't the 'model = Sovietengines/????/model' set in the DECQ/Dragon01 version configs cause a bit of an issue once they are moved into the BobCatind directory? Unless I'm mistaken it needs a temporary patch until you update to the DECQ/Dragon01 verions - something along the lines of this I would think. Unless I'm misreading your patch I think this will still be necessary but I have not started the game up since I grabbed your Nova pack so I'm not entirely sure. If it is needed...well...at least it's done. If not, it took all of 5 minutes to write this and I was bored anyway.
  24. Schweet! Thanks for the link and the update. I'll be sure to guard myself closely in the Q&A...
  25. So I had the luck that you released 1.8 just as my new career got to the point of opening up the first telescope. As such, I've had the chance to play with this a lot over the last day and a half and it is outstanding! I've not come across any major crashing bugs, no NREs of any kind and all but one of the previous little nag issues are gone. The only one remaining is the toolbar persistence and I'm not even sure whether you meant to address it with this latest release or not. If you did, I'll just update you and let you know that the RB button still has a dire addiction to the stock toolbar. No big deal at all in my opinion but figured I'd report on it just in case it was meant to be fixed. The other piece here is a few observations/ideas I've had. The new system for finding bodies is soooo much better with vastly reduced clicking and has definitely increased the joy of using this mod. However, it has also become really easy to find all the bodies in the solar system at once which means an instant influx of science with very little effort. Now that this is integrated with TST and (working nicely so far I might add) I had an idea about this whole 'find everything at once' issue. Would it be possible to limit what can be found with each telescope? For instance, the first scope could be used to find anything local and maybe immediately next door like Eve and Duna. Another alternative instead of the immediate neighbors would be to limit it strictly to finding planets but not moons. If this could be tied to the tracking station even more tightly it could be planets only with level 2 and moons with level 3. Furthermore, if you've got TST installed, it could instead fall over to planets for the first scope, planets+moons for the space telescope. I don't know if you've gone this far since I haven't played with the deep space TST scope yet but adding in that with awards for galaxy discovery could be a third stage. The other observation I had was in regards to the research costs. They are needed and I support them fully. But...they are so cheap right now that it was no issue at all in my career to find all 29 bodies in my OPM setup and research every last one of them one after the other. Bear in mind I'm playing on hard with contracts modified further to reduce payouts to 25% and I still didn't have any issue paying for all 29 bodies. I have yet to dive into the configs so this may be a simple issue of just bumping up the costs for personal tastes. If so, could I suggest maybe having this available as an UI configurable setting similar to the science slider? You may already be heading towards a design that would address all these ideas but figured I'd throw in my 2 cents being long winded as usual...
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