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Everything posted by Warzouz

  1. Personally I use a lot of recoverable SSTO rocket (from 15T to 550T) stage and I had a hard time saving them in reentry from LKO. I figured that a steeper deorbit help a lot. I used to set PE at 10000m (60m/s deorbit) now I do a 100m/s deorbit. The overheat is less destructive and I manage to recover the stage with a combinaition of airbrakes, 250m/s when overheat becomes dangerous and rolling the ship. I'm also equipped with drogues and chutes. Reentry is much much harder than before, no doubt about it. Same for Duna Same for Eve
  2. Well you misunderstood me. I always use KAC, it's the first mod I install even before KER. The issue is only with the list of flights and with the ability to group them by mission.
  3. I like to do multiple "missions" but there is no "mission" concept in KSP. We only get "flights". After several hour of game on a savegame, I get a LOT of flights, I my not want to remove The left column is only a third of what I have, no counting flag (and I delete a lot of stuff). [url=http://tof.canardpc.com/view/34e3e51d-2fdc-4f75-93da-640c3fd0bb4e.jpg][img]http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/34e3e51d-2fdc-4f75-93da-640c3fd0bb4e.jpg[/img][/url] Is there any way of dealing with "missions" to organize flight. Is there a mod that allow flights regrouping per mission ? Thx
  4. The increased flipping is due to a bug on fairings which creates body lifting phantom forces far in front of the rocket. Further more, I noticed the station doesn't have enough batteries for researching during night. Maybe the research energy needs have been increased, I don't know, I never had this issue before, even on older space station which worked the same (4 solar + 1*4k battery)
  5. OK after some more testing on the 300T launcher, things are quite complex. I still recommend a very flat ascent path (try to cross 45° at 8000m). High path will need more fuel. Deorbiting is still the same, but heating ins a real issue. On most of the rockets you won't blow you engines. But the 300T is heavy and has really littl drag. The Airbrakes have nearly no use and should be kept for less than 1200m slowdown, before drogues. use engines to slowdown, but beware of keeping 100m/s for landing, even in water. As Mammoth would survive a splash at high speed, the tanks above won't. I try adding some radiators, it didn't help saving the engines. But Rolling the rocket helps quite a lot. Small elevon could be added to the bottom wings to increase rolling (rolling will increase if elevon are reversed when SAS try to stop it) Beware of auto deploy the chutes, the new aero and lack of airbrakes make chute deployment very near from the ground. Check chute color and deploy as soon as they change from red to yellow. Also aim from sea, not shores, you might need the few meters... NB : I successfully landed (with the help of MJ) the 300T stage with only the 2 drogue chutes after I destroyed the regular chutes. Let's say the new heat management makes SSTO (rockets or planes) much harder than before. Edit : A steeper descent (100m/s deorbit) a permanent rolling and a 250m/s burn help the airbrakes to stay open nearly all the time. I'll run some more tests. Please note the 300T is probably the hardest to land due to it's reentry high mass.
  6. The issue is : how the hell are we suppose to guess how to get to Eve without cheating. Will it need dozens of unmanned missions ? Or just copy other's vehicles ?
  7. [quote name='Violent Jeb']Its things like this that illustrate clearly how essential dV readouts, ejection angles and maneuver planners are, and how they should be in stock. The staff that makes Mechjeb and KER really need a raise. Oh wait..[/QUOTE] And precise node editor is also a very user friendly tool. It should be stock. KAC (maybe a simpler version like feature is also necessary when dealing with multiple missions.
  8. That's sad Duna was turn into a nearly vaccuum world. There aren't much atmospheric worlds and Duna was quite fun to explore, even it's biomes and surface features are very poor.
  9. OK, here it is. I recheck on pure stock game. Go to radar room and go to "DUNA LANDER". Deorbit it (it's on a quite medium orbit). [url]http://n.lejeune.free.fr/ksp/duna_chute_bug.zip[/url]
  10. I must say I also used tools (alex tool, KAC window, MJ interplanetary transfert...) I rarely got what I wanted. Maybe I don't use those tools correctly. I'm better with my own method (even I still use MJ for executing nodes :D ).
  11. I suppose any plan for that have been delayed by the console(s) version(s) Sad we don't have any roadmap
  12. [quote name='sal_vager']Shouldn't be Warzouz, can you upload the save, I don't have anything on Duna currently.[/QUOTE] I'll do it this evening. ;)
  13. [quote name='micr0wave']i found the phase angle map from [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26393-Handy-interesting-graphs-charts"]this thread[/URL] quite helpful to find the right time for a transfer.[/QUOTE] Of course, but you can find it by yourself only by shifting node time on its orbit.
  14. No heatshield is needed when coming from low Duna orbit.
  15. I also have the same joystick under W10. Works fine. Not necessary but quite pleasant, especially for docking.
  16. Even deactivating the mouselook double click, the mouselook kicks in when I use the "KER" key.
  17. Yes I've notice that in 1.0.4 regular chutes could be open around 500 to 700m/s (I don't remember precisely). In 1.0.5 it's 220m/s, lower than on Kerbin. It's seems to be a bug. Thiner atmo shouldn't destroy chutes.
  18. Polnoch, going to Moho is the hardest navigation you can get in KSP. Going everywhere including Eeloo is easier. When you're there it's quite easy to land and get back (just a bit harder than Vall) but much easier than Tylo. So getting there is hard. First as Moho is on an incline and eccentric orbit dV to get there can vary a lot, depending on your location. Further more, the SOI is small and getting an encounter is very hard. Even you get one, the burn time may wreck your course and make you miss it. You have to recheck after leaving Kerbin SOI. I've noticed that MechJeb does a poor job to find encounter : it only calculate a flyby which has a cheap escape burn at LKO. You'll probably get a very expensive retro burn for circularizing around Moho (I had a 5500m/s once... then I stopped using MJ for interplanetary navigation) Good Moho encounter - Get encounter behind Kerbol (180° from Kerbin location) - Try to encounter Moho at it's own apoaps (to minimise dV). How I do it - I use "Precise Node" or "Node editor" feature from MechJeb - Launch your ship in advance (10 to 15 kerbin days) or use any already vehicle at LKO. - Set Moho as target - Set a node anywhere (don't bother about ejection angle) and increase the prograde down to Moho orbit - With any node editor, shift the node time by 10s until the orbit PE comes to a minimum (then you'll be in the correct ejection angle). - Change the prograde again down to Moho orbit - Locate AN/DN and set a second node there, match Moho inclination - Tweak the second node to get an encounter. - If you fail tweak the first node and reset a new second node. - If you're too late or too soon, don't try to get radial, add orbits to your first node (MJ has a feature for that in the Node Editor). - When you get an encounter, check if orbit touches nicely and don't intersects too much. Try to fix it if needed. - Don't bother getting the perfect PE around Moho yet, but you can add a third node to get an evaluation of your circularize burn dV at Moho PE. - If you get something coherent with the dV charts you can use it to burn your first node. - After leaving SOI, I recommend recreating a proper second node at AN/DN. - On arriving at Moho, the SOI is usually less than 45min long (if I remember correctly) and you have a lot of dV to burn there. Beware of low TWR ships. I've been to Moho several times with probes to 100 tons space stations. Soon I'll do some crew rotation...
  19. [quote name='parameciumkid']Yep - things have indeed been burning up a lot more. It turns out airbrakes overheat and explode at hypersonic speeds now, which has given my "old" 1.0.4 reusable rockets some grief (as well as the water changes).[/QUOTE] I recovered most of mine with grossly the same reentry profile. But I lost one. 1.0.4 reentry profile - 60m/s deorbit on the left side of the west kerbin crater (thus targeting KSC) - Deploying airbrakes in space - Deploying 2 drogues around 500m/s - Deploying 6 to 24 regular chutes around 200m/s - Powered landing in the water 10 to 50km east of KSC 1.0.5 adjustments - Airbrakes are open and close many times to avoid overheating. Their efficiency is minimal, though. - If engines overheat, I slowdown by burning fuel at 100% thrust for 1 or 2 seconds - Sometimes rolling the rocket helped. This is useful when you have some wings control surfaces. As they are reversed, they increase the roll the SAS want to correct, the spinning can be quite high. I had to increase wing size due to a bug in fairing body lifting making rockets flip. Rockets with big wings tend to flat spin very rapidly (or wings are destroyed). This rapid flat spin protect the whole stage from overheating. The rocket slows down faster that way, making landing prediction quite hard to do... This is also the method I used to reenter a SSTO space plane from LKO : pitching up and down the most rapidly I could. Flat spinning works also very well on a non aerodynamic (nose cone and intakes destroyed) DOVE stock space plane. Please note that I didn't test all my launchers (check Cygnus recoverable rocket SSTO in my signature)
  20. [quote name='Wanderfound']I'm not suggesting double rewards, I'm suggesting ditching the "explore x" contracts entirely and having it all handled by the passive achievement system.[/QUOTE] The explore contracts are probably on of the most "roleplay" mission we could get. They are very "Mission" oriented. They are the first mission to get there. They should be bookmarked when many other could be discarded. I would very much having a "mission oriented" contract system. For now we have a unsorted list of flights and random contracts. Those new "achievements" are quite nice, but they don't do "missions"
  21. I'm running multiple missions (from a former 1.0.4 save game). Each time I returned to one of the ships from Duna SOI I got the blue sign in the top right coming again. Every time I deleted it but it came back after reloading the scene. In the evening, this issue seemed to have disappeared. I'll try to reload an older save, a look if I can find it again. Worst case scenario : I could reload the 1.0.4 save game and redo the crew transfert again (space station is already there). I'll get in touch when I've done some more testing.
  22. More fuelled adapters especially 3.75 -> 2.5m More adapters (flat 3.75) Dedicated space stations parts
  23. Things get easier if you look from above in map view. - Set Mun as target, you can view if you miss it (otherwise, you'll only see the encounter). - Set a node where Mun is on the horizon (it doesn't have to be precise) - Increase the prograde until the projected trajectory touch/intersects Mun Orbit - If you don't get anything, move the node forward or backward until you get the encounter. When you get an encounter, you can tweak it : orbits touch, not intersects It you have a hard time moving and tweaking the nodes, I recommend "Precise Node" mod. (MechJeb has a similar feature)
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