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Everything posted by Warzouz

  1. At Duna, I found a bug : Chutes safely opens at 220m/s instead of nearly 600 or 700m/s in 1.0.4. As the atmo is very thin, this speed can only be achieved by retro burning now. Trying a landing of a light probe on Eve, I lost all landing struts even after burning to slow down. I think my old ascent vehicle couldn't land safely due to overheating. Finally I use a lot of recoverable rocket SSTO. I've now a hard time recovering them as the engines burn and airbrakes can't be uses more than few seconds at a time.
  2. I got the "Duna Crew transfert" milestone. I discarded it. It keeps poping again and again each time I change ship, if the check test always fails.
  3. Duna regular chutes are destroyed above 220m/s on Duna. It used to be around 600m/s in 1.0.4.The thin atmo shouldn't destroy chutes that way. It's worth than on kerbin !
  4. Oh, ok, I always delete them. So they're gone. I thought they could be displayed in the contract actives...
  5. I can't find where to review them. It seems there is a way to.
  6. Thx Claw. Is it only a display issue, or does it really affect flight ? I find that in 1.0.5, rockets are much more unstable than in 1.0.4, even very big wings does help much. I mostly have to follow "prograde" only up to space.
  7. Since 1.0.5, I have a hard time putting my space station to LKO. I looked into F12 and I discover a body lifting force far away from my rocket. What is this body lifting force at the top of my rocket ?
  8. Due to aero changed in 1.0.5, all LKO stages aren't stable and flips. I'll redo so tweaking...
  9. The real question around contract is WHICH contracts do we accept and don't accept. Do we like short contract or long contracts ? Personally, I'm very specific about contracts. I find the contract stuff a nice addition, but I agree that many contracts are not fun. The 4th space station around Mun, or a 6 tourists contract which each wants to visit 3 planetary systems (different for each tourists)... Part testing doesn't feel "epic". If Part testing makes sense around Kerbin, I'm not too found of testing parts on Mun or Laythe. Also recovering parts requires specific craft. Even Crew recovery only ends when landing on Kerbin. Space stations aren't a valid contract end, so we keep the mission for a very long time. Hopefully, this feature can be disabled. I'm sad that KSP doesn't offer to modify or change difficulty after career starts. I agree with others that, despite the work of Squad, the contract system isn't as great as most of KSP is.
  10. That would be a goo idea, a bit like in real life when you explain you project and get a budget, or not.... The reward would be depending on the tech level and a bit of luck
  11. To turn it in a positive way : disabling option is a nice feature
  12. I found that usually doesn't work : on the segment you can't add maneuvres, you generally can't move nodes either. Only shifting time trough mods do the trick.
  13. QA team will always have a testing time much smaller than the first hour of player running the game. Pre-planned testing scenarios can be quite efficient to run efficient testing, but I'm not sure those are easy to do in KSP which is a very complex piece of software. There could be much more than thousands of testing scenarios. The only way to do some more efficient testing is to get a bigger QA team and do some longer tests. But from what I understood QA tester isn't a full time job so real testing time is quite limited. On the other hand, dealing with a bigger QA Team is harder for SQUAD. Bug reports have to be quite thorough (not "It doesn't work!"). We've seen that Squad want very specific testers which can find an describe bugs efficiently. There is no ONE way to deal with QA, and certainly no perfect one. Giving more time to QA Team would only delay release and may not discover much more bugs. Even big organisation which release very simple software which can be testing using coverage scenarios still have bugs.
  14. OK, I mentioned a discrepancy on how the game is started. If it's a unity feature, then it can't be fixed, but some heating data aren't initialized as other. This doesn't seem to be a Unity problem. I found a workaround but this bug might cause other misbehaviour of KSP which is quite hard to find. There are many ways of starting apps, not only shortcut or double click. Any software should always be sure of the folder it runs into (except if designed to run into various folder such as user data folders which is not the case of KSP). As a former developer myself, I always deal with folder even before loading parameters and data (language files are sometime an exception to deal with user error messages). Of course this is not a major bug, but some test could be run on Unity 5 dev version.
  15. This is a old bug I though was related to mods, but it's not. Symptoms The DOVE stock plane should partially blow when ascending (or at least overheats). It didn't at all. I could get up to 1600m/s at 10000m (with another plane) without any sweat. KER said the convection flux was 0.00W and never changed (There could be other anomalies of such kind) Failed search for the mod First I though of a mod, or editing I did, that wrecked the squad files. I did a fresh install and removed Physics.cfg and tested it. I got heating. Then I added mods and didn't get any... Then I restarted and did a fresh install, removing physics.cfg again and didn't get any heating. So mods weren't the cause. I even noticed the Physic.cfg wasn't recreated ! The truth is elsewhere For some reason, on my second test run, the physics.cfg wasn't recreated. There is a dependency on HOW the game is started. I remembered that the first time I double clicked on KSP.exe in the KSP folder. I usually start the game from Windows 10 tile added by TILECREATOR app. W10 TileCreator App call for a proxy that run the game. That proxy simply call the EXE BUT it doesn't set the starting folder. I think that behaviour can be emulated by running the game from a command line in the console without being in the KSP folder. Correct game start - Shortcut (by default, the starting folder is set to the exe folder) - Double click from KSP folder - Use the uncooperative stock launcher Incorrect game start - Direct EXE launch (example command-line) - Proxy or launcher that doesn't set the starting folder (such as TileCreator app & proxy) My understanding of the bug When the game starts, it checks for Physics.cfg. If it doesn't find it it creates it and initialise parameters. THEN it forces the current folder despite of the starting folder (most software do that) The game runs correctly because most of the files are initialised after the folder change, but not all of them. BUG : the current folder is not changed soon enough so few parameter aren't initialize correctly causing few but hard to find bugs. I hope that description helps.
  16. You can use some kind of "Node Editor" mod and place a node elsewhere and shift time. I hope this will be fixed in 1.1
  17. OK, I found it. This was tricky. It's a bug of KSP when the KSP.exe is launched without forcing the "run folder" to KSP folder. When I start KSP with the launcher or directly from the folder or with a shortcut, it works fine. But when I launch it with my Windows 10 warpper (TileCreator) which doesn't handle "run folder" heat management is off (especially the convection flux data) For example, if I remove the physics.cfg and run the game wit TileCreator, the Physics.cfg file is NOT recreated, even the game seems to run correctly (except for heat management). Mods aren't damaged by this glitch and the game never crashed. Probably the game forces the run folder quite soon, but some parameters seems to be initialized before that.
  18. Ok, it's not MOD related. I removed all mods and I still can go up to 1550m/s with th Dove (stock) plane ? Should I remove the Physics.cfg ?
  19. Something odd came though. Yesterday I was testing my usual recoverable launcher. I put a testing rocket on the pad, fired it, deorbit and splash. I notices airebrakes would have blown, engines overheating... That was in Sandbox. This evenig, I came back to my career save an noticed I had an on going mission (that's not odd) which I dodn't dorbit it's launch stage. So I do it. Then I noticed no heating and KER said the critical temp was at 15%. Airbrakes didn't blow. Surely I'll do some more testing. My mods are really basic with default config (MJ, KER, KAC, KJR...) nothing too fancy. Did you noticed that ? What could be the cause ?
  20. Since 1.0.5 engines overheats during reentry. That never occurred in 1.0.4. The engines (Mammoth or Mainsails) didn't blow up, but that was close... As the engines overheats during reentry, I'm not sure it's a good idea to ignite them to slowdown. They might even overheat more quickly and blow up for sure. That maybe an issue for landing rockets on Eve though Some peoples said that radiators help in 1.0.5, but that's strange because everybody told they are useless during reentry (in 1.0.4). Some testing are mandatory !
  21. I agree with you Chaos : it was the same with the 1.0 new aero. Many peoples told it was "broken". It's only "new" or "different" and we must relearn how to deal with it. If heat is "understandable" and don't look like random (as some have described it in 1.0.4), it improves the gameplay, then it's a positive feature. Personally, I may not redo a full new career, but I'll surely refit all my previous crafts (launchers, SSTO, space stations) and do some experiments to get ready for the 1.1 release.
  22. Yes I do as I feels compelled to explore planetary bodies using a space station. Priority - Rocket tech (to go to LKO in good condition) - Science tech - Docking ring Then I send quick a dirty space station to Mun and Minmus and strip science from there. This should unlock everything before the first Duna Window.
  23. Yes, I tried the stock "Dove" plane which is a SSTO. I blow the small nose cone, front nose tank and air intakes but finally get to space. I successfully reenter by flat spinning as hell. In thicke atmo, I regain control over the plane by transferring fuel. I finally crashed because I couldn't manage a landing with only rear gears Reentry need to be relearned
  24. Starting anti-normal, try pitching up/down/up/down/... until you speed come under 1400m/s. I did it succesfull with a MK2 SSTO space plane. Air brakes are useless for reentry now.
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