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    Sandbox Bungler
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    We talked about this...
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    Food. Space. Spacefood 8{D

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  1. doesn't this take the whole trick out of stock replicas? Otherwise, mods are always here for you. edit: A small, responsive and flattish engine for VTO/L purposes would be nice, Squad or Modders
  2. Hey! I noticed that somewhere along the line of 1.2 and it's many patches (before and after), the Obnoxious midnight birdsong around the Space Centre issue has been resolved by the addition of some very tasteful and polite crickets. Props to developers for this small immersive change, don't know if they spotted my previous suggestion. Any other small annoyances like these, feel free to post below.
  3. um... it might be hard for some of us to scrape together the time to create a good aircraft and youtube video during exams. I'm just saying, this is a pretty specific and challenging... well, challenge. Responses might be limited.
  4. Sorry to say this, seeing as you might be in some pain now... but...




    Hope you heal up soon!

    1. Squelch


      Haha! That had escaped me, thanks for pointing it out. (did I make a pun?) 50% typing efficiency isn't fun.

      Thank you for the sentiments, I'm at that healed enough, but not quite enough stage, so have to be careful not to overdo things.

    2. Dreambish


      I play hockey and recently incurred a pretty severe astro-burn on my knee: the scab is taking weeks to come off so i certainly understand your dilemma xD

      (greetings from South Africa)

  5. Firstly, that was an attack of Hype and should not be taken seriously Secondly, I feel like they haven't given us a time estimation at all. They've said "after Experimentals", which says as much as "soon". Thirdly, I'm an asshat. Feel free to ignore me.
  6. Is it SQUAD staff protocol not to give estimations on HOW LONG TO THE DAMN PUBLIC EXPERIMENtals i'm sorry everyone. pece The Hype was too strong
  7. I feel like the ability to pre-program certain features in the VAB/SPH (such as throttle, sas/rcs on/off, navball on in map view etc) would be nice, this could also just be a list of simple tickboxes in the settings menu. Could remove some of the annoyance about "T, Z, SPACE" which quite some people experience a.t.m.
  8. Pffffffff..... As a person who immediately turned off the *shudder* camera shake, i really don't see why we wan't another disruption that prevents us from seeing planets, docking targets or our OWN DAMN SHIP. I feel like these quick visual effects make the game feel tacky and worthless; the subtle effects we have now are far more suitable to a gameplay-based game that doesn't rely on graphics over actual playing experience.
  9. Vim Razz makes a good point for the uses of the vertical control orientation, but more tweakables are always nice.
  10. Well, when i posted a suggestion for sleeker RCU units, Red Iron Crown said they're already working on re-doing the rocket parts visually. Fear not, fellow Obsessive Compulsives! Thine salvation draws near.
  11. How about we build smaller, simpler ships like every engineer will tell you... i'll leave now o_0

  13. This really is a fantasitic way to get the community involved. (it also keeps the update pitchforks docile... rest well, me beauty)
  14. Yeah, I'm stuck with clipping tiny probe cores into other plane parts; this always feels somewhat risky and cheaty. Also, the service bays seem to look more like rocket parts than plane parts, and they have a habit of detaching parts with their doors when they open. Ty for your feedback.
  15. Something that annoys me when building remote controlled planes is that unless you use the spaceplane parts, your remote control unit has to be a grey, protruding disk. I don't want my planes to look like an anaconda swallowing a dustbin lid everytime i attempt a safe, pilotless test flight. Is there a possibility of adding a tweakable in the VAB/SPH that allows you to switch between the standard grey texture and a smooth, Porkjetalike finish? My OCD with aerodynamic shapes prompted me to post this.o_o Thanks for any thoughts.
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