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Everything posted by CivilizKerbolz

  1. Nice! I think this is the first mod of 1.0 , anyway! congratulations on making this mod!, it's helpful so much!
  2. is your nephew danny? anyway:D, Because the first man who found that bug is danny2462, Squad still trying to fix this.
  3. Hi, I have some small questions, How do i update, I already run the launcher.exe, it's stay in Check for update for many hours, any fix on this? NOTE: I'm a new Kerbal Space Program player, Please respect me Thanks. - CivillizKerbolz
  4. Nice mod, Very stable, not that buggy, but when i install KAS, etc, the gui is blank, there's no connect, add, settings, etc, in Multiplayer GUI, is this a bug or just incompatible? please fix this as fast as possible
  5. THIS IS AMAZING Mod!, Very nice, Does this work with FASA and MechJeb, Incredibly awesome mod !
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