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Everything posted by Solar71

  1. Ok i'll try... If you launch a rocket. (emergency rocket+mk1+kerbal+some fuel+4 small winglets+raliable rocket engine), then once you get above 10,000m Goto the next stage (hit spacebar) In that stage, have a de-coupling, and an emergency rocket. Not 2 separate stages. Decouple, then emergency rocket. But the same stage. Usually this will trigger the problem more often. You hit space bar, de-couple and emergency rocket fire off at the same time. Then as the emergency rocket+mk1 come down they often times, have zero drag. PS: One other thing I noticed... In the FAR debug screen, the first TAB all the way to the left. You have a Preset settings or Custom settings. When I use the custom settings I put Mach 1 drag factor 1.0 (usually this defaults to 0.7) This seems to make the problem happen more often... (if I use a Preset setting like the one im using now, FULL drag with STRICT rules) the issue seems to happen less often. hope this helps.
  2. You know TBH im not sure if im using the latest. Someone gave me a link about 3-4 days ago, to a version of FAR that is called FerramAerospaceResearchMaster The part "Master" seems to mean it was not a normal release. So maybe it was a special release? im not sure. Let me just say. Before I got the "Master" version of FAR, the physics would just shut off MUCH more often. Since I got the "Master" Far, its been Much much better. Maybe only once per 5-6 flights will the physics just shut off now. Before it seems as if it was every 2 flights that I would lose the physics. So its much better now, then before. But it still happens regularly. Also just to let you know, certain stock parts make the physics turn off more often, for some reason. One part that comes to mind is the "escape rocket". Sometimes I use it and BAM physics are gone. About 50% of the time. Thanks
  3. Please just relax... I deleted FAR... Then I re-installed it. No modifications yet. Im telling you that FAR has bugs. Its not from my changing the atmospheric viscosity (which I hadent even done yet). What im telling you is this........ Sometimes FAR just does this.... I might leave KSP, come back in, and its working again.... Then sometimes IN THE MIDDLE OF A FLIGHT the physics will just SHUT OFF... example: I take off, physics are perfect. I eject my boosters, physics are perfect. I eject my 2nd stage. Physics are gone. 100% gone. I click the FAR button to see my physics... Where it normaly shows drag of the craft, it will display 0.0 Kn ZERO DRAG!!! But other times. It shows the drag PERFECTLY during the entire flight. very nice and happy physics. Sometimes not. Just look at the pic I posted... It also does this when making Airplanes. Sometimes the lines are straight, sometimes they're squiggle and sometimes there are NO physics..... Sorry for getting all pissed off, I know you're trying to help, this is just getting so tiring.
  4. Yes, that's what it seems like to me. Did you look at the pic I posted?p by chance? any idea why Far thinks my rocket is a perfectly aerodynamic object? Lol just kidding, it looks more like Far is not seeing the craft at all. Any idea as to why? thanks
  5. I think I either found the problem with my FAR or I just found a new bug. Ok here goes. You know that screen that shows a yellow line and a green line... Sort of squiggly... Well mine used to be squiggly too... Depending on design of craft, sometimes more squiggly then other...hahaha Well I tried to modify FAR again today and I keep hitting the ground at 465 m/s with just an MK1 capsule. None of my parachutes can survive this. They open for about 1 second. Then they snap off and my kerbal dies. This is a simple rocket. 2,044 Dv... goes up to about 80k then straight back down. (Suborbital) So I try to see whats going on... I click the button to show me the squiggly lines along the outside of my ship... They both pop up. but are PERFECTLY straight. Yellow and green perfectly straight in a vertical direction. When I hit the debug button to show the little pink voxels or whatever they're called. they show up... just like normal... But the squiggly lines are totally straight. Could this be why FAR is not responding to my changes to the FARAeroData.cfg ??? thanks I hope this link works http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459033694
  6. it is? Hmm. I always thought non military, small single engine jet aircraft landed at about that speed. Assuming neutral conditions. No head, tail, or crosswinds. now fighter jets might typically land at higher speeds? Like an F16? Maybe because it's a little heavier. So what speed would you say is typical for landing if not 90-100 mph? 150? 180?
  7. Hmm. Ok. I guess I can cut throttle even sooner. But im already pretty far from kps when I do. But I can try even further. My goal is to land at around 90-100 mph. 40-45 m/s. I find it very difficult to get that slow without air brakes on my little single seater jet. ps: I made a mistake earlier. I meant 100 mph. Not 200. So. About 45 m/s. Not 90 m/s
  8. Lol. You're funny. Offcourse I cut throttle to zero. A looooooong way before the runway begins. But the plane scrubs speed too slowly without air brakes or flaps. Real life, single engine planes don't need flaps to slow down. They use flaps primarily to create lift. This is done to lower stall speed. But in general is not used as a brake. Even though it has that secondary effect. Either way. I will either mod/fix fars's physics to my liking. It just stop using it all together. In fact I don't even care if far is fixed by the dev. All I care about is being able to mod it myself. But right now that's buggy as well. Since changes don't always stick. Ah well.
  9. Lol. Yea. You would think that. Actually I did as well. I thought changing the numbers would make a bigger difference. But in actuality. If im remembering correctly, it used to take something like 3800 DV to get into low kerbin orbit. But after making the changes, it was taking about 4700 DV. That's a substantial amount more. But not three orders of magnitude. not sure exactly why, maybe atmospheric viscosity has a smaller effect than we think ? ps: it's not just rockets. Airplanes slip through the atmosphere at sea level far too easily as well. Planes do t normally NEED air brakes to get below 200 mph. But with far is seems like you need them. Even for a light weight single seater jet.
  10. Thank you very much. REAL solar system sounds like something I would like. Also, yeah, I kind of suspected Far would ignore most or all of the physics cfg file. I was just wanting to make sure. Wishful thinking I guess. Thanks again
  11. no no, I did edit the Far cfg files. And sometimes it would work for a short period. Then it would revert back to stock. I would then go and look inside the Far cfg file. And my changes were still there. But In the game ksp, Far would revert back to its original numbers. That's why I was so confused. That's why I came in here. So I deleted far and reinstalled it, made a few changes to the cfg file, then it would work again. For about a day. Next day I wake up. Try to play ksp. Far is back to stock. It's an intermittent problem. It works, then it reverts. Sometimes after hours. Sometimes after a day. Even with the cfg file edited. Thats why I came in here, report this bug. the fact that I don't think Far does physics totally accurately is actually, a mute point. I just want to change Far physics to make it feel more realistic, TO ME... i don't mind if you disagree with me.
  12. AHA!!! something constructive. Thank you. So there is a nice mod to make it harder to get out, into orbit? is it possible to make kerbin the size of earth? also. Would you happen to know the names of such a mod? or maybe I should just simply search for ksp mods planet resizing? ps: would you happen to know if I were to edit the ksp file physics.cfg with unFar installed, would that change at all the flight characteristics of nuFar? Or does nuFar ignore that file? thanks again. - - - Updated - - - Lol. Thank you for the tip. The mods name is Deadly reentry? I will look that up. Ps: in my earlier post I said that I very much liked Far. I never ever said is was bad. I was just reporting that a feature wasn't working. And that I wanted to change some of the physics characteristics. But some people took offense to that. I still don't think Far is perfect. But with a little bit of tweaking I would be very happy with it. In fact it was while trying to tweak a few numbers in Far that I discovered said bug. It was just a menu that allows you to change the viscosity of atmosphere. Once I made the changes, it would work perfectly as I wanted it to, for a short time, then it would revert itself eventfully. That was all I was reporting. Next thing I know. It's world war three in here.
  13. Ok I'll try to write in a less aggressive style. Can I ask you a question then? Lets say I want to tweak something regarding physics. Lets assume I have nu FAR installed again. Can I tweak some of the values in the ksp physics.cfg file? Not the nu FAR files, but the original 1.0.2 ksp physics.cfg? Does nu FAR look at that file at all? Or is that file only for stock physics? Because I could just manipulate a few lines in that file easily. Like maybe the drag exponent value. Or would doing that, not have any effect on nu FAR? thanks in advance. Ps: I'm just trying to make ksp require a bit more delta V to achieve a given speed and or orbit. also I'm trying make ksp generate more friction heat. Not only for reentry, but for all friction. I already have reentry heat set to 2.5. But I still don't always need heat shielding. I want to ALWAYS need a heat shield during reentry. thanks again
  14. yes you are totally correct. 1g = 9.82 m/s per second. but AERODYNAMICS is MUCH more then acceleration. infinite numbers of finite forces, turbulence, to be calculated. Its literally impossible for a home PC to do this at 30 fps + LITTERALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!! That's why these fluid simulations have to cut corners... Look dude, I think FAR is a wonderful mod, That's why im in here trying to figure out a fix. If I didn't like FAR, I would just delete it and move on. But since I do VERY much like FAR, I would love to see it fixed. I don't really care that much, if the DEV made FAR for himself or for others. The point is, HE released it to the general public. The General public absolutely SHOULD report bugs. If this DEV cant emotionally handle constructive criticism, then I don't know what to tell him. If the DEV doesn't want to fix his mod, that's totally ok, its his choice. FAR, will just have to join the dodo bird. - - - Updated - - - Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude. I really didn't expect so much hostility from reporting a "non-working" feature. I thought someone would reply with "ok the bug is know, and hopefully someone will fix it soon" Once again I apologize.
  15. LOL, be realistic dude. This thread is 1000+ pages long. You are "realistically" expecting someone to read through that? I came here for help with a feature in FAR that is not working correctly. In response I got "WHY DO YOU WANT TO DO THAT?" But that is a DODGING of my question. Not an answer. secondly I don't want anything from this FAR dude. In fact I never asked for anything from him, except to read my bug report, and either FIX IT or NOT. I don't really care either way. Let me tell you something, only good users report bugs. Bad users don't report bugs, but instead just stop using the software without giving the DEV a chance to fix it. Secondly fluid dynamics are very complicated. The only reason in FAR that they have the atmospheric viscosity set to 0.00002 (accurate) is because they don't understand that the atmosphere must be much thicker to "COMPENSATE" for the fluid dynamic pseudo simulation that KSP uses. You see, KSP "TRIES" to simulate a fluid dynamic called atmosphere. But to do this correctly, all our PC's would need to be 100 x faster to achieve a minimum 30 fps. You see, if we try to accurately simulate true fluid dynamic, all our KSP's would turn to 1 fps slide shows. So what KSP does is cut corners... LOTS of corners!!! This is so that our PC's can give us that 30-120 fps that we require for having fun... So to COMPENSATE ksp thickens the atmosphere to simulate a true atmosphere. Its not accurate, maybe too thick... So FAR comes out and improves the fluid simulation, but its still NOT EVEN CLOSE to realistic... Yes its MUCH BETTER than stock, but its still a LONG way off. So FAR also needs to compensate by possibly thickening up the atmosphere as well. Maybe not as much, but still it needs some help. So in FAR when they set the atmosphere to 0.00002 viscosity, its actually NOT correct. Because the only way for it to be perfectly accurate would be for the ENTIRE FLUID simulation to be 100% accurate. But its not. so you NEED that compensation to correct for the short comings of our PC's. So in this case, less accurate = more accurate. ie: 0.02 is more realistic "FEELING" then 0.00002 Because we can never achieve true realism with our current PC's. They're just too slow. I hope this clearifies things for you. Good day.
  16. Wow that pretty squiggly. But TBH, some of my rockets are much more squiggly then that... lol So it looks good to me!!! But my problem is my rockets are WAY WAY too fast!! I need much MORE drag... But I cant seem to get it... I wonder. Your fairing is procedural. And my SRB is also Procedural. Is it possible that FAR has an issue with procedural parts? My 3.5m stock SRB flies only SLIGHTLY higher (78,000m) Then my 1.75m procedural SRB (69,000m) The delta V is only about 2,100 and 1,800 respectively. This is WITH 4 fins and an MK1 + a Kerbal inside. Maybe the DEV for FAR will fix it sometime soon I hope.
  17. I understand what you're saying, but its completely irrelevant. You have a FAR setting tab with "settings" in it. Those "settings" are there to be "set". If a person chooses to change the "settings", those "settings" should stick... Weather you agree or disagree with said "settings"... Personally I don't think a 1 meter long SRB should be able to fly so high. And I personally don't think it should have a terminal velocity or 465 m/s at sea level. 465 m/s = 1,046 mph with empty tanks at sea level!!! Sorry but that's not realistic to me. I thought this mod was made by you, for the "Players" of KSP? Im a player. I want to make changes, I cant. therefore something is wrong. Get as pissed / defensive as you want. But the fact remains the same. You made an AWESOME mod. But since 1.0.2 its having issues, that its never had before. I was posting my problem to you... Just for your information. I was not trying to insult your ego. But it seems I have. Sorry, I will check back here for a fix periodically, because your mod is "at its core" Awesome. But for now, I will not be able to use it. Good luck
  18. Hey guys. Thanks to "ObsessedWithKSP" I finally have nuFAR working all the time!!! yeah!!! But now I have another problem. I personally do not agree with nuFARs' atmospheric settings. So I wanted to change them to be "IMO" more realistic. So I opened up the FAR debug/settings window inside KSP. I went to the atmospheric settings tab. Then I clicked on Kerbin. The viscosity for the atmosphere is set to 0.00002, ok fine... So I change it to 0.05000 I fly my base/test rocket and I like the results. So I save the game and leave. I come back into the game about 30 minutes later and the settings have been reverted. Is there any way to make this change stick? I opened the FAR physics file and I found the reference to kerbins' atmosphere. The changes I made are still in the file, but whenever I load the game up, the setting is reverted. Can someone please help with changing this please? Thank you!!!
  19. Thank you very much. How can I download a "Dev" version? Im not a Developer. Just a user. Can I still download it even if I'm not a Dev? ty.
  20. Someone please help. My voxel drag keeps turning off. Its totally random. Sometimes drag seems to work perfectly. Sometimes I will just go through kerbin atmosphere as if I'm in a vacuum. I'm talking 1500 m/s at sea level just falling in an Mk1. Unpowered. Just falling and always accelerating. Something is wrong with FAR. This used to be the best mod for ksp. What happened? if anyone knows a fix please let me know. Im using 1.0.2. And I only have about 6-8 mods. KIS , KAS , procedural fuel tanks. Kerbal engineer. TAC life support. And remote tech. That's it. Someone please fix fix this beautiful mod!!! Thanks.
  21. Hey guys. I was watching someone stream KSP. They had wonderful clouds and planets and such. I asked the streamer what he was using. He said EVE. But when I google eve, I only find people talking about eve, but not a downloadable eve mod file. Does anyone know where I can get the download for EVE? I am playing 1.0.2 Thanks
  22. Thanks for the reply. No I haven't tried declining any missions. I always click accept. I didn't know that the kerbin orbital missions would start at the same time as Mun and minmus. That seems very strange considering kerbin orbit is much easier to get to compared to the Mun or minmus. I wonder why why it's setup that way. Doesn't make sense to me. Thanks.
  23. Hey guys. Im playing career. I keep getting missions to build orbital bases around the Mun, and minmus. But ive never ever been given a mission to build a base in kerbil orbit. It's as if the game just skipped that level of progression. It asked me to do a few other missions first. Then BAM! Make a Mun orbital base then BAM! Make a minmus orbital base. Uhhh what happened to kerbin? why did it feel like 0.9 had far better mission progression? Is this a simple bug? only mod I have is kerbal engineer redux for the in flight information. That's it. I dont even have the science progression to build big enough rockets to put a station in minmus orbit yet. Any suggestions? Thanks
  24. Hey guys. I made a plane. It flies wonderfully. I use the brakes and the 2 Elerons on my main wing will move to they're max deflection to create drag and slow the plane down. Perfect! It works great! But after I fly my plane on 2 or 3 missions, I will launch my plane "lets say" for the 4th time / mission, and when I hit my brakes to slow the plane down on landing ((( Only 1 of my Elerons will deflect, causing the plane to make a turn ))) Why is 1 "The left" Eleron not working as a spoiler anymore? It literally just stops working as a brake. It still works to turn the plane while flying. But it stops working as a brake... ????? If I go into the Plane editor and delete the Elerons and re-create them, it starts working again for 2-3 flights. Then stops again. Is this a bug? PS: Yes the Elerons are in the action group assigned to "Brake" nothing changes there. But in flight the left one just does not work after a few flights. HELP!!!! Thanks
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