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  • About me
    Advanced Fighter Developer
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    The little red dot
  • Interests
    Aviation,space, Battlestar Galactica (TRS), KSP

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  1. So tru, that mod's outdated for ages now. I've been enough overlapping numerous wheels together
  2. Sorry for the hiatus, exams bothering me like crazy and falling sick during the break Anyways, the F-6 Leopard is now published! Also, here are some crafts without variants as followings: The F-7 Comet II, the replacement for the F-1 Comet I The F-8 Falcon II, the replacement of the F-4 Falcon I Here is the planned crafts(NOTE: planned= Experimental has been built, no actual production versions): The F-9 Phantom II, successor to the extremely popular F-2 Phantom I (Currently XF-9A Phantom II, undergone 2 redesigns) The F-10 Crusader, new type of fighter with bottom mounted engines (Influence was actually from Hyperdimension Neptunia the animation where Leanbox's fighters were doing acrobatics, lol) All constructive feedbacks are highly recommended and see you soon! YangQiming_, Fleet Admiral, Colonial Fleet Marshall of the Air Force, Colonial Air Force
  3. Hey Mycroft, I've found a short temporary workaround by slightly offsetting the front wheels a bit, hope this helps! By the way, its pretty slow... oh well, can't complain with triple layer armour! Link: https://kerbalx.com/YangQiming_/Armored-Personnel-Carrier-Mk2 Enjoy! Cheers, YangQiming_ Combined Commander, Kerbin Armed Forces
  4. Hi BlackLine: looks like a pretty heavy build of KSP in my opinion but anyway: could you give your PC specs? Heavier-modded builds results in higher demands of hardware and will cause instability As that build will instantly crash my Macbook of I run that build. Remember, PCs do have its limitations and if you really wanted to play with those mods, a better CPU and GPU will help as memory was not an issue since it indicated 48% usage at the time of crash. I would first recommend a complete fresh install of stock KSP and slowly adding mods until the game crash, there you know your PC had hit its limits. cheers, YangQiming_
  5. Thanks for your feedback! Much appreciated and I will continue to work on what I am passionate for! (^_^)/
  6. New Update after a long hiatus due to the exams, the F-5 Viper I is launched!
  7. There is no restrictions on ASC4, I'm actually looking forward to ASC4 as I can't build a good enough fighter for ASC3 :/
  8. First of my poll revealed that I should build a space fighter, so here you go: The SF-1 Kepler Download link (KerbalX):Download On KerbalX Have fun with it! Cheers, YangQiming_
  9. Closely fowling up is... The publishing of the F-3 Panther I series of heavy fighters! The F-3 series is a special type fighter that incorporates a two-man crew with 4-extra passenger load. It also comes with the experimental Air-To-Air refuelling, Have fun! Cheers, YangQiming_
  10. 1st update! F-6 Leopard program has been started. However, the F-1E Comet I variant is cancelled in favour of the F-4F Falcon I which shared the SRB as main propulsion
  11. Before we dive right into this: All crafts are tested and flown by me (Therefore used), warranty void if crashed! Want some cheap multipurpose fighters suited for all scenarios fast? You have come to the right place! Welcome to the Colonial Air Force spare fighter disposal page! Note: Imgur albums broken so only links will be provided First off is the very first series of fighters, the F-1 Comet I Album Link F-1A Comet I:Download On KerbalX F-1B Comet I:Download On KerbalX F-1C Comet I:Download On KerbalX F-1D Comet I:Download On KerbalX Here is the F-2 Phantom I series: Album Link F-2A Phantom I:Download On KerbalX F-2A Phantom I (Extended Range Modification):Download On KerbalX F-2B Phantom I:Download On KerbalX F-2C Phantom I:Download On KerbalX F-2D Phantom I:Download On KerbalX Here is a experimental series, the F-3 Panther I! (TweakScale required) Album Link F-3A Panther I:Download On KerbalX F-3B Panther I:Download On KerbalX F-3C Panther I:Download On KerbalX F-3D Panther I:Download On KerbalX Here is the Lightweight Fighter, The F-4 Falcon I: Album Link F-4A Falcon I:Download On KerbalX F-4B Falcon I:Download On KerbalX F-4C Falcon I:Download On KerbalX F-4D Falcon I:Download On KerbalX (Requires KW Rocketry) F-4E Falcon I:Download On KerbalX (Requires KW Rocketry) F-4F Falcon I:Download On KerbalX The super agile aerial superiority fighter: the F-5 Viper I Album Link Downloads: F-5A Viper I:Download on KerbalX F-5B Viper I:Download on KerbalX F-5C Viper I:Cancelled F-5D Viper I:Cancelled The widened Dual seat Viper: The F-6 Leopard Album Link Downloads: F-6A Leopard:Download Here! F-6B Leopard:Download Here! F-6C Leopard:Download Here! F-6D Leopard:Download Here! Specials!: SF-1 Kepler: All of my aircrafts (well, except for a limited crafts which require KW Rocketry and the F-3, which require Tweakscale) are left stock without weapons so that you can customise your own weapon layouts! Also note: these aircraft were only briefly tested with FAR compatibility so they could actually have problems. Please report these issues so that I can fix these to make these fighters better! To be published: None yet, Check variants to be built section below Variants to be built: F-7 Comet II (B/C/D) F-8 Falcon II (B/C/D/E/F) Planned: F-9 Phantom II F-10 Crusader
  12. Is there anyone still working on this mod? The download link is dead so can anyone reupload it?
  13. A RO install is a must and with RO you'll get RealFuels which will make the parts behave much better. Even with the LiquidFuel/Oxidizer the engines won't work as they require LH2/LOX which is only present in RF And also, welcome to the forums!
  14. Hi everyone, I was flying back a F-22 (BDAromry, Proc. Wings and tweakscale) when my plane exploded without hitting anything. All the missiles and ammo are used up by then and I can not find any reason for the explosion. The mission report said it "Crashed into Terrain" What happened with the terrain doing there? I was previously installed with RSS but I removed it. could this be the cause?
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