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Everything posted by FireFaced

  1. Combine KSPRC + Ven's stock revamp? KAPOW Awww, I want Twitch emotes here! - - - Updated - - - One thing about combining packs, make sure not to overwrite the files. Instead, put all of the lines in the NF config into the VSR, stock, or KSPRC config.
  2. I'm racking up rep quicker than I expected! Keep it coming, guys! Anyways, yeah. Maybe we could find some idea for a mod we could work on together at some point. Also, it's good to know that if you use the tag, you'll give me credit.
  3. ? I had thought that Avera9e had took my idea to put a FINAL tag on his patches for Ven's revamp. I was only asking for credit. But, he didn't do the tag. I was proud of myself, but not too much.
  4. I bet I could mod KSP at some point. Sadly, I'm focusing on Java due to my internship.
  5. It's something like @PART[part here]:FINAL - - - Updated - - - Yes, it makes it the last patch. - - - Updated - - - *realizes that he is helping someone who won over him* SO EVIL! *blames judges for hating me* ​Kappa
  6. *starts writing concession speech* ​Kappa
  7. I'm not even at my 2nd dark bar. - - - Updated - - - Stop giving me rep for saying I have none! No, keep doing it, please! Seriously, just carry on with doing it.
  8. I put on a radiation suit and close the fuel valve. My hill and SCIENCE stuff!
  9. R.I.P. Logan It will be greatly missed. My computer is getting close to R.I.P, so yeah!
  10. Fraps will record a window OR the full screen depending on how you set it up.
  11. I was actually discussing that with Upsilon via PM. It could be possible to have this yearly.
  12. Wafle, NOBODY wants to go to Texas in the summer.
  13. Really trying to avoid a $1000-ish round trip. That's two people, not one btw.
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