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Everything posted by FireFaced

  1. The Pentium can't be overclocked.... Or at least, it's hard to do so.
  2. I would do something to have workers paid more. Other than making them work more
  3. Banned for showing your reputation
  4. Banned for being correct-ish. One white bar means that person's rep is hidden, so it just displays their name when hovered over.
  5. I would call KSC and ask for a personal centrifuge module that had everything I have in my house. Also, I would start flying around and flipping critical switches.
  6. $(customapi [URL]https://nightdev.com/hosted/uptime.php?channel=Ironoak[/URL]) Was using my sword powers to give Ironoak an uptime command on Twitch
  7. They're counterfeit. I wish to have something to do in KSP
  8. \_/ This is from when the Twitch chat broke EJ
  9. Kapow? You belong in the Twitch servers, not the forums!
  10. Name: Fire Kerman (Male) Famous Quote: "You know, I've always been a kuy that likes fire"
  11. I don't have enough time to read that. 5/10
  12. AX860 ATX Power Supply Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 Intel® Core i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz I was telling someone MatoroIgnika's computer specs.
  13. Granted, but jokes can't wish. Paradox I wish for this wish to not be granted
  14. I've used Ubuntu, Linux Mint, openSUSE, and Fedora. Right now, my main Linux distro is Linux Mint.
  15. Ehhhm.... Budget? I can't help without that.
  16. ? I guess I have nothing on my clipboard.
  17. They're an ingredient. WAITER, KERBALS ARE IN MY SOUP!
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