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Everything posted by FireFaced

  1. It's advertising my KSP company. CATS CATS CATS CATS EDIT: Ninja
  2. 5, with some aluminum foil. You land at KSC, and you're at war with the aliens. 1. Fire an IABM (inter-atmosphere ballistic missile) at the aliens. 2. Send something up to try and calm them down and get them as allies. 3. Move Kerbin.
  3. 9/10 Someone visited my channel?
  4. Nice try with what? 2/10 You're all about WAR!
  5. Yuck. Not KSP. 1/10 http://i.imgur.com/OSvckXA.png
  6. Looks like you crashed into one of the buildings due to your switch to forward flight mode, then tried going VTOL to save yourself but it was too late.
  7. Current one was a random name generator. I'm ashamed. My first one was my initals then last name, so I'm not going to post it here.
  8. Using a bunch of mods, will link the list. My shuttle is experiencing an issue where, for some reason, the roll is reversed when launched on the stack. Doesn't happen if the shuttle is launched from the runway, without the lifter. I need to disable all of the aerodynamic surfaces for my shuttle to fly properly. Can anybody help with this? Also, mod list: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=BqAp09EP KSP: win32 1.0.4 Mods linked above Reproduction steps unknown, but I'll link a bugged craft. Craft here. Also, SPH version Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w5x0fakekcs9268/output_log.txt?dl=0
  9. LOLOLOLOL. Bad Red5! BAD! So, Kasper doesn't like science?
  10. Wait, hold up! Do it like this .........> And don't "close" it Example: .........>Testing this. Wait, that's a filter.... welp
  11. I am making a ModuleManager patch, as follows: @PART[linearRcs]:FINAL { @scale = 1.0, 0.5, 1.0 }
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