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Everything posted by FireFaced

  1. Okay, since you reverted, I will pick up where you are. 0 (-)
  2. 2/10 I can't see much, but I see a stereotypical military guy.
  3. False. The user below me can't stop playing KSP.
  4. @Fel, I corrected my posts, so actually -5 was the last valid post.
  5. -5 (-) Get some negative energy, folks! lol - - - Updated - - - Fel, where are you?
  6. Thank you! -1 (-) - - - Updated - - - Yes, Fel. You have been summoned!
  7. 1 (-) then. - - - Updated - - - Fel, come help me!
  8. @windows_x_seven Check the rules, your posts are invalid.
  9. Invalid post: Other team members for positive have not posted before: Last valid post: I will pick up here. 0 (-)
  10. Banned for having less than 100 posts
  11. Granted, but you ninja yourself. I wish for a non-corruptable corruptable wish.
  12. Granted, but the delivery guy drops it. I wish for a wish that can't be corrupted.
  13. Invalid, you need to go to zero. Last valid post:
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