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Everything posted by FireFaced

  1. He's not updating it until the next series, and HE CAN'T GIVE YOU HIS GAMEDATA FOLDER! It would be illegal. - - - Updated - - - What I meant by "derivative" was: A lot like your series, but somewhat different.
  2. Almost one week remaining! #HypeTrainDeparting!
  3. This isn't the KSO thread, this is the CKAN thread. If you're using KSP 1.0.x, the KSO mod IS NOT updated. Go to the KSO thread to say anything else about it.
  4. Again, request for a fairing that looks like (and maybe even acts like) a heat shield. That is, a black heat shield, not yellowish. To clarify, it is a FAIRING, not stacking heat shield that I'm asking for.
  5. Haha, very funny. Except IT ISN'T A MODE! IT'S A MOD!
  6. Why does everyone think "mod" is spelled "mode"?
  7. If you hold another Oscar-B awards next year, you should add "Best young youtuber" to the list of awards. - - - Updated - - - Why do I have to wait until the 3rd? I CAN'T HANDLE THE SUSPENSE!
  8. Gotta love explosions! - - - Updated - - - Oh no, SpaceX is landing a rocket on my house! *grabs snacks*
  9. Are people voting, or is it just the judges? - - - Updated - - - Here's my notepad-ified list of votes: Bob Fitch Danny2462 Bob Fitch Chris P. Bacon Bob Fitch Macey Dean TheCrazyCarts The Battle For Laythe (Macey Dean) Scott Manley Landing an Actual SpaceX Rocket (Stefan Noack, Scott Manley) Project Alexandria #1 (Bob Fitch) Kerbal Space Program- Ares: Voyage to Mars - RSS (Chris P. Bacon) G-Force Damage (Hazard-ish) Project Odyssey
  10. Now is the point at which we should wish each other the best. I'll start: Good luck, everyone!
  11. Could someone recommend me a mod that has a heat shield type of procedural fairing?
  12. Can't wait for the winners of the Oscar-B awards! I can't wait for anything these days.
  13. I was posting that because I wanted to make sure you wouldn't be unhappy about it. - - - Updated - - - Actually it's 0.25
  14. You should look into the source of Procedural Fairings, it has non-stock-type fairings, so it might work for the side fairings.
  15. You realise that there is a couple of days to nominate people, so I think your nomination will be added soon.
  16. And I was worried this was over. I'm glad it isn't! EDIT: Uh-oh, I can't decide between HALCO and Oscar-B awards... Someone please help me decide which one to put in my signature. SOMEONE HELP! EDIT2: Oscar-B is more important.
  17. That's exactly what we need for now!
  18. regex: I'm fine with a realistic (different resources convert into different things) approach to ISRU. undercoveryankee: I'm fine with either way. If you want it to be more realistic, I'm fine with it. I was just simply suggesting the use of the new resources system.
  19. I just thought of how to the ISRU refinery would be useless if it weren't RF compatible, so in RF v10 can you find a way to make the ISRU refinery compatible?
  20. I'm tempted to download the RF repo and test it for myself. I probably shouldn't.
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