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    B Unit Kerbal Wrangler

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  1. Holy CRAP these are some unbelievably beautiful cockpits. Please add cargo bays as well- they're mostly the reason I use SSTOs.
  2. Adding more voices to the horde asking for official RO support. I'm gonna try and run it anyways and see what happens with my RO install.
  3. Holy crap people actually replied to this topic. *looks at his notifications settings funny* I'd actually like to see if Van Disaster could run, or at least help run, this competition? My interests tend to oscillate wildly, and right now a BD AI competition would bore me stiff. And yeah, the F-12 was made to be beaten, basically.
  4. Alright, I'll go ahead and take a crack at it. Flagpole area's still a little rough 'cos I need the flag to finish that bit up, pinch/whorl can do a number on proportions. Anyways this something liek what you were thinking of? also eugh whats going on with the horizon...
  5. So proud of this thing. Wave-drag profile is less than 1 square meter when loaded with air-to-air ordinance. Supercruises like nothin'.
  6. Hello, and welcome to the new Ganymede Aerospace Security! Featuring all sorts of combat aircraft designed to satisfy the needs of only the pickiest proletariat politicians, we pride ourselves on aesthetics, capability, and low part count! OK, I may have lied. For now, we only have the one, the F-151 (or was it 515?) Golden Eagle. Here's the download link. More coming soon.
  7. ...Maybe y'all have too many parts packs.
  8. Hmm. I'll have to try this one out- I've never actually successfully redirected an asteroid before. And the way the probe works out in Hard, I can easily meet the mass limits, especially with a transfer stage. So.. yeah. Hard mode it is. Wish me luck! Update: Is the Materials Bay required on the probe? That's one heavy piece of equipment...
  9. I get the feeling we might be flooding the market.
  10. The Kerbal Alliance military, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to open yet another competition for the best BDArmory fighter design on the planet, disregarding the fact that the entire planet has been at peace for decades. Entrants are restricted, but barely, by what’s noted down in appendix one. Since the Kerbal Alliance is not a terribly pro-active organization, they’re probably never going to get around to determining the winner, so the competition is running in a “beat the best” format with challengers going up one-on-one against whatever beat the last champion, with both designs controlled by the idiot AI that took over the control tower last week. Competitions will be broadcast via the state-approved TV channels when Real Housekerbs isn’t on. APPENDIX ONE: DESIGN RESTRICTIONS 1a: You MUST USE FAR, BDArmory,and Dynamic Deflection. Dissenters will be processed into delicious snacks. 1b: Other Allowed Mods List: Adjustable Landing Gear, B9 Procedural Wings, Procedural Parts, and any visual/audio mods you want. In fact, if you can record at a respectable framerate while using visual mods, please submit your rig to the Kerbal Alliance for usage in recording the dogfights, in return for the Alliance’s everlasting gratitude. 1c: Entrants are limited to using a single 20mm hidden Vulcan for the guns, as per KOSPAR regulations. 1d: Entrants are limited to a maximum missile count of ten, none of which can be PAC-3s, and all of which must be faced forwards. We don’t want a repeat of the Monkey Flight incident. 1e: Entrants shall program their AI autopilots to a minimum altitude of 1400, default altitude of 2000, and maximum speed of 400. All other settings are up for grabs, but AI settings resulting in unstable flight will be glared at disapprovingly. If you can’t get the slider to exactly the stated settings, “close enough” is good enough. 1f: Entrants shall limit their engine choices to one of the following: up to four Junos, up to two J-33s, up to two Panthers, one turbo-ramjet limited to 50% of throttle. Any fighters using other engines will be laughed off. 1g: Entrants may use one ECM pod, two chaff dispensers, and two flare dispensers, and are limited to one forward-facing radar array [required for entry]. 1h: Manned fighters only. The Kerbal Alliance is still not comfortable with the moral ramifications of automated killing machines, especially when they’re using probe cores developed last Tuesday. Video of first "match" because I can't find the YouTube embed button on this new forum interface Download the F-12 now to get started!
  11. Yes, I know Bac9 had a blog entry on this very subject. Thing is, with the forum upgrade, that is now lost to history. So, once more for old time's sake: How do I import this decent set of parts I made into Unity?
  12. So you're making a single-part Centaur then? Thank you! Mind making a DEC variant too?
  13. This could really be made into the ultimate "science camera" mod for KSP. Add narrow-angle processors, a smaller planetary-surface only telescope lens, and perhaps a multispectral processor (Ooh! Maybe UV and IR, too!).... hmm.... I could FINALLY have heavy unmanned orbiters for an actual reason! (e. g., a more complicated way to do SCANSat work, but ulimately more satisfying and possibly with higher science return)
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