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Everything posted by Khalkion

  1. I was trying to write a small MM patch to allow mk2 and mk3 modules use interstellar fuelswitch and cryostates... and found a couple of bugs Thermal rockets/turbojets can fly in methalox mode without any liquid oxigen. And they still can switch to pure methane mode with different thrust and isp. However big interstellar tanks(48 and 96) have different ratios for methalox, so I don't know which values to use for patch I'm absolutely new to mm, but here it is: @PART[mk2*|mk3*|*mk2|*mk3|*Mk2|*Mk3|adapterMk3-Size2Slant|adapterMk3-Size2]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel],@RESOURCE[Oxidizer],!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant],!MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch]] { %LF = 0 %OX = 0 %totalCap = 0 %pureLF = 0 %mixHO_H = 0 %mixHO_O = 0 %mixMO_H = 0 %mixMO_O = 0 %mass1 = 0 %mass2 = 0 %cryo_powerReqKW = 0 %liquid_boiloff = 0 @LF = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ @OX = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ @totalCap = #$LF$ @totalCap += #$OX$ @pureLF = #$totalCap$ @totalCap *= 4.35 @mixHO_H = #$totalCap$ @mixHO_H *= 0.8 @mixHO_O = #$totalCap$ @mixHO_O *= 0.2 @mixMO_H = #$totalCap$ @mixMO_H *= 0.557 @mixMO_O = #$totalCap$ @mixMO_O *= 0.443 @mass1 = #$mass$ @mass1 *= 0.6 @mass2 = #$mass$ @mass2 *= 2 @cryo_powerReqKW = #$totalCap$ @cryo_powerReqKW *= 0.001875 @liquid_boiloff = #$totalCap$ @liquid_boiloff *= 0.66 MODULE { name = InterstellarFuelSwitch resourceGui = LFO;Liquid Fuel;Liquid Hydrogen;Liquid Helium;Hydrolox;Methalox;Liquid Oxygen;Liquid Methane;Liquid Ammonia;Hydrazine;Liquid Nitrogen;Liquid CarbonDioxide;Liquid CarbonMonoxide;Water resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;LqdHydrogen;LqdHelium;LqdHydrogen,LqdOxygen;LqdMethane,LqdOxygen;LqdOxygen;LqdMethane;LqdAmmonia;Hydrazine;LqdNitrogen;LqdCO2;LqdCO;Water resourceAmounts = #$../LF$,$../OX$; $../pureLF$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../mixHO_H$,$../mixHO_O$; $../mixMO_H$,$../mixMO_O$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$; $../totalCap$ basePartMass = #$../mass$ tankMass = #0;0;0;$../mass1$;$../mass1$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;$../mass2$;0 volumeMultiplier = 1 massMultiplier = 1 displayCurrentTankCost = true hasGUI = true availableInFlight = true availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } MODULE { name = FNModuleCryostat resourceName = LqdHelium resourceGUIName = LqdHelium powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$ boilOffRate = 0 boilOffTemp = 4.222 boilOffMultiplier = 1 boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$ boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5 } MODULE { name = FNModuleCryostat resourceName = LqdHydrogen resourceGUIName = LqdHydrogen powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$ boilOffRate = 0 boilOffTemp = 20.271 boilOffMultiplier = 1 boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$ boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5 } MODULE { name = FNModuleCryostat resourceName = LqdNitrogen resourceGUIName = LqdNitrogen powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$ boilOffRate = 0 boilOffTemp = 77.355 boilOffMultiplier = 1 boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$ boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5 } MODULE { name = FNModuleCryostat resourceName = LqdCO resourceGUIName = LqdCO powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$ boilOffRate = 0 boilOffTemp = 81.65 boilOffMultiplier = 1 boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$ boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5 } MODULE { name = FNModuleCryostat resourceName = LqdOxygen resourceGUIName = LqdOxygen powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$ boilOffRate = 0 boilOffTemp = 90.188 boilOffMultiplier = 1 boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$ boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5 } MODULE { name = FNModuleCryostat resourceName = LqdMethane resourceGUIName = LqdMethane powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$ boilOffRate = 0 boilOffTemp = 111.66 boilOffMultiplier = 1 boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$ boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5 } MODULE { name = FNModuleCryostat resourceName = LqdCO2 resourceGUIName = LqdCO2 powerReqKW = #$../cryo_powerReqKW$ boilOffRate = 0 boilOffTemp = 220 boilOffMultiplier = 1 boilOffBase = #$../liquid_boiloff$ boilOffAddition = 8.97215e-5 } }
  2. Yep, and I suppose that for now KSPI-E has nothing to do with LiquidFuel. As I remember it was changed somewhere between 0.9.0 and 0.9.5 or about a month ago...
  3. Excellent work. Tested the latest version: all engines perform similarly either with or without NF. The only problems I see now with reactors, engines and radiators: large fusion reactor don't scale with NF and magnetic nozzle's flameout(however last is easily avoidable). Also I don't know is it intended but looks like ATTILA 1.25 is missing wasteheat resource in cfg. - - - Updated - - - LiquidFuel is not LqdHydrogen. They have completly different densities and properties. Also for last one you have to use some kind of powered cryostat to prevent boil off.
  4. Do you remember that you need to unlock upgrade for thermal turbojets to allow them switching? Just tested the latest version - switching is ok for me.
  5. If you are talking about Near Future... Just installed dev versions of NF propulsion and electrical. NF engines properly use power from interstellar genrators (1to1 ratio). The only problem is that engines uses megajoules as second propellant, but production of generators is somehow hidden. So ingame delta-v calculations is not available. May be i should post this to Nertea... Problems with NF electrical installed: Large fusion reactor is not scaled down, other reactors are. My test setup, all default sizes and fully upgraded, full throttle: antimatter reactor, charged particle generator, 8 large flat radiators [TABLE=class: grid, width: 800, align: left] [TR] [TD]Name[/TD] [TD]KSPI-E thrust[/TD] [TD]NFe thrust[/TD] [TD]Other problems with NFe[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Plasma Thruster[/TD] [TD]163.69 kN[/TD] [TD]2.135 kN[/TD] [TD]Don't scalled down MAX power consumption[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]ATTILA Thruster 1.25[/TD] [TD]2795 kN[/TD] [TD]30.398 kN[/TD] [TD]Don't scalled down MAX power consumption[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]ATTILA Thruster 62.5cm[/TD] [TD]465.94 kN[/TD] [TD]30.398 kN[/TD] [TD]Dont' scalled down MAX power consumption have the same mass as the big one[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Magnetic Nozzle[/TD] [TD]407 kN[/TD] [TD]58920 kN[/TD] [TD]almost instatly burn all available fuel can't be restarted after flame-out[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Vista engine[/TD] [TD]1200 kN[/TD] [TD]1200 kN[/TD] [TD]overheats in a second at full throttle[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Also I suppose that something wrong with wasteheat storage scaling. With NFe installed all radiators become stable red in minutes while without NFe it can take hours. For example vista engine has 1.2kk wasteheat storage, but with NFe it is only 2400 and vista still has 10k production rate so overheats instantly. And one more about wasteheat. May be not a bug... With installing NFe existing crafts with reactors are updated, but not the wasteheat storages. Even in VAB to properly update heatstorages on existing blueprints we have to remove appropriate part and place it again.
  6. Several problmes with scales and rescales in new version: [TABLE=class: grid, width: 800, align: left] [TR] [TD]Name[/TD] [TD]Reactors report[/TD] [TD]Engines report[/TD] [TD]Tweakscales report[/TD] [TD]Actual size[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Small molten salt[/TD] [TD]1.25[/TD] [TD]1.25[/TD] [TD]1.25[/TD] [TD]1.875[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]"Sethlans" PB[/TD] [TD]1.875[/TD] [TD]1.875[/TD] [TD]1.25[/TD] [TD]1.875[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Omega Fusion[/TD] [TD]1.25[/TD] [TD]1.25[/TD] [TD]1.25[/TD] [TD]1.875[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Large Fusion[/TD] [TD]2.5*[/TD] [TD]2.5*[/TD] [TD]2.5[/TD] [TD]2.5[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Antimatter initiated[/TD] [TD]3.75[/TD] [TD]3.75[/TD] [TD]2.5[/TD] [TD]3.75[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] *Reactor and engines always think that reactor is 2.5 even with rescaled to 3.75 or 5. Large molten salt, dusty plasma and antimatter reactor are ok. And I can't remember if "Akula" PB was so big.. It reports 2.5 but fits tightly in 3.75 fairing (tweakscale and engines report 2.5 too) BTW antimatter initiated reactor is still with upsidedown nodes, so i change them manually after each update... Anyway thanks for your hard work with this mod.
  7. Try to go eva and restart them manually. More advanced reactors can be turned on and off from controll window.
  8. Done some more testing with tanks... So here is the list. Radial ones: ThF4 tank has zero cost, the ThF4 itself applies cost correctly. Uranium Nitride tank - the same. Lithium tank - the same. UF4 tank - looks like correct. He3 and deutherium/tritium tanks have huge initial cost and very low impact whether they are full or empty. Inline ones: All three cryostats have capped their prices at one point (5000 for longer ones and 735 for short). Doesn't matter what is inside: if it is full it always costs the same, if we empty it - cost of the cryostate itself depends on type of internal liquid (with some liquids it is negative). Antimatter containers: Antimatter contaiment devices have negative prices, as I've mentioned above. But they also can contain kg of antimatter instead of g. (1.25 unit contain 10000 units what should be 10 grams according to original wiki but it is over 700 kilograms). Small antimatter bottle contains very tiny amount of antimatter and I suppose it works correct. Reactors itself: Molten salts and gas core have negative prices while empty. Correct prices while full of Enriched uranium and zero prices while full of ThF4. Particle beds. Akula has zero price while empty. Sethlans and dusty plasma seem to cost correctly. Large fusion reactor... I can't say is it intended but difference between full and empty is 217 credits. Antimatter initiated reactor seems to cost correctly except for very low prices foe He3 and deutherium. Antimatter reactor costs correctly as there is no tank inside... BTW antimatter reactor costs 50000 (in cfgs and ingame), but thanks to antimatter contaiment devices and antimatter production its price seems to be balanced. However empty antimatter initiated reactor costs 650k and much smaller omega fusion reactor even 1kk. Is it intended?
  9. Great work with new version! Small fixes: Antimatter initiated reactor has wrong nodes. 3.5 Antimatter contaiment device has wrong name. (should be 3.75) And I don't know whether it is bug or my own problems, but tanks for expensive things such as deutherium and antimatter have something wrong with their prices. Antimatter contaiment devices have negative prices while empty and very low prices while full. (For example 1.25 module is -150kk worth while empty and only 40$ while full). I suppose that antimatter itself has proper value as it compensates negative value of tank to zero. BTW somewhere in this topis I've read that antimatter should not be available in VAB and only produced on a ship and then transported to where it is needed. And about deutherium. Deutherium/tritium cryostat (radial one) has huge price, but deutherium itself has zero price(no matter full deutherium or empty - price is the same). Inline deutherium/tritium/hellium3 cryostat has proper value except his deutherium/trtitium mode which has negative price. Edited: With changing default for antimatter tanks from zero to full, prices for them are nearly ok (zero for empty ones and huge huge for full ones). But I couldn't find what to change for deuterium price... as definition in CommunityResourcePack is correct
  10. Most likely these crashes are from thermal gauges memory leak. Did your craft overheat during the flight? If so - try to press F10 after launch to disable them and try to complete the flight.
  11. Try this one https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/431/artifact/MechJeb2-
  12. Thank you for quick fix, but still some problems with vista. It consumes any amounts of liquid deuterium and liquid trtitium instantly and shows something like NaNM/2400 in resourse window. Engine reports Status: Flame-out, Cause:LqdTritium deprived. Deuterium/Tritium Cryostats show that they have NaN/600 but with full green bar. For experiment I tried to have multiple cryostats, several of them were disabled in VAB, but after start of the engine any tank with these resources shows NaN. (even a tank of a fusion reactor). And again something about ATILA and Plasma engine. I see that they provide their thrust based on original interstellar values but i play with Near Future mods and my reactors are scaled down. For example interstellar wiki on github says that plasma engine provide 0.0131 kN per megawatt with liquid hydrogen and it's exactly what i see ingame. I tested plasma engine with 3.75 antimatter reactor + 3.75 generator. They provide 550.8 megawatt and engine has thrust of 7.21 kN. (550.8*0.0131=7.21548). However limits on these engines are not scaled too and still allow me to put in 15 and 25 GW respectively for 1.25 modules.
  13. Hello, sorry for my English. I really appreciate your work with this mod. But I have a small problem with it and Near Future. All reactors are scaled down from GW to MW, but not the ATILA and Vista. They still want enormous power and produce large amounts of heat (vista) which can not be handled with scaled down radiators. Thermal rocket nozzle and thermal turbojet appear normal, but magnetic nozzle provides enormous amounts of thrust: 2,5m Fussion reactor (6 MW charged particles) + 2,5 magnetic nozzle = 28 195 kN (3,75 parts provide over 100k kN). If it helps, I also have FAR, B9 and MKS installed.
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