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Everything posted by schlosrat

  1. We’ve tracked the issue down to a call to the CreateManeuverNodeAtUT method in Node Manager, which itself calls one of the games’s API methods. At least that’s where the Null Reference Errors are showing up. Some very talented people are helping to sort this out, so fingers crossed that we can get a new version of NM out that will enable FP to work in 0.2.0.
  2. I’m sorry to hear that the For Science release has broken Flight Plan. Unfortunately For Science dropped the day after I left on a three week vacation and the only computer I’ve got access to is a Mac. I will look into this and see what’s going on when I get back home, but that will not be until January 8th, so my advice is to fly without Flight Plan until after I’ve had a chance to sort this out. If you’re having trouble making nodes at all then the problem might be Node Manager. Please let me know if you’re also possibly having issues with Maneuver Node Controller as that also uses Node Manager.
  3. For what you want you should look at Flight Plan. It encompasses much of MJ other than than the autopilot functionality. In particular the things you find in the maneuver planning. FP is compatible with K2-D2 and even gives you a K2-D2 button to execute the nodes it creates. There are a couple of caveats with FP. Currently it doesn’t do advanced planetary transfer correctly so that’s disabled and there’s an issue with returning from a moon where it gives the right maneuver at the wrong time. It’s possible to use Maneuver Node Controller to adjust the time on the node for that, but the APT part is not working yet
  4. Maneuver Node Controller should be all set now! Thanks to an amazing effort on the part of @munix, the text fields are fully functional without locking up the game input! That may sound like a simple thing, but trust me - it was not. The fix he produced will also be paying off for Micro Engineer and Flight Plan too, so we all owe him a big Thank You! You will definitely need UitkForKsp2 v 2.1.1, and MNC 1.1.1, but that should take care of it.
  5. Ok Flight Plan should be all set now! It’s updated to 0.9.1 for real, and - thanks to a Herculean effort on the part of @munix, the text fields are fully functional without locking up the game input! He not only got an updated UitkForKsp2 out improving things for all mods that use it, he also helped track down the specific place in FP that needed an update. It seems to be functioning fine now. You will definitely need UitkForKsp2 v 2.1.1, and the for reals FP 0.9.1, but that should take care of it. Fly Smart!
  6. I've got a test version of K2-D2 working in KSP2 0.1.5 and have given @cfloutier a PR for the fix, it's very minor. Hopefully, we'll have a working K2-D2 soon.
  7. Yep, as Munix noted above this is in fact an issue and it's affecting multiple mods (MNC and Flight Plan at minimum). I'll work with Munix to see if we can get this sorted out shortly. In the meantime, I'd advise you not to try to use the text input fields in MNC 1.1.0 or Flight Plan 0.9.1 (which is reporting itself as 0.9.0 - but that's a separate and much easier-to-fix issue).
  8. Yep, the SpaceWarp modlist is reporting FP is 0.9.0, when it should be 0.9.1. CKAN also shows the latest being 0.9.0. I'm sure this is just a simple problem and I can have that sorted out shortly. The much more pressing problem is that the text input fields in FP (and in Maneuver Node Controller) are currently broken. I thought UitkForKsp2 v 2.1.0 would fix that, but apparently not. Please don't click into any FP or MNC text input fields at this time with FP 0.9.1 or MNC 1.1.0. I'll be working on that, too.
  9. Thanks for reporting on that! I'll take a look to see what's going on.
  10. Updated to v 0.1.4 with some new Lithium tanks to help with making craft that use the larger MPD-2 and MPD-3 engines. Release Notes: Added more Lithium tanks. The new tanks are scaled-up versions of the XS tanks with correctly adjusted sizes, weights, capacities, etc. - so for now they just look like bigger versions of the smaller tanks. The new tanks include. LT-SM-060: Small (1.25m-class) Inline Lithium Tank - 0.6t capacity LT-SM-120: Small (1.25m-class) Inline Lithium Tank - 1.2t capacity. Kinda like two LT-SM-60's joined together, but better. LTR-SM-050: Small (1.25m-class) Radial Lithium Tank - 0.5t capacity LT-MD-470: Medium (2.5m-class) Inline Lithium Tank - 4.7t capacity LT-MD-940: Medium (2.5m-class) Inline Lithium Tank - 9.2t capacity. Kinda like two LT-MD-470's joined together, but better.
  11. Updated to v 0.2.0, now with three brand new 2.5m-class options for your MW power production needs! Release notes: Added three new 2.5m-class reactors producing MW-class power (1000+ EC/s) in stackable (in-line) and end-of-stack (open) configurations. FPS-1000: Designed exclusively for in-line applications, the FPS-1000 delivers MW-class power (1000 EC/s) in a compact 2.5m frame utilizing counter-rotating turbines for no net torque applied to your craft, but plenty of net EC! Check out the Roast and Broil settings! Isn't it time you opted for the Nuclear Option? FPS-2000: For our more serious customers in need of serious power (you're one, right?), we're proud to offer the FPS-2000. Available in either stackable 'In-line' or end-of-stack 'Open' configurations, there's sure to be one to fit your needs. Warranty void if used on Flambe setting... Isn't it time you opted for the Nuclear Option?
  12. Next up, I'll most likely add more Lithium tanks, as they'll be needed. I'll also add a reactor or two to TNO (they'll be needed, too!)
  13. Annnd, it's updated! Release notes for v0.1.3: Updated MPD-1 to have built-in radiators to deal with the waste heat (that isn't actually generated yet). The MPD-1 started out as a proof of concept Lorenz Force Accelerator in a Plasma Physics lab where an aspiring graduate assistant noticed that it kept nudging the coffee table to the left whenever Dr. Kasperov Kerman ran his experimental apparatus. How it found its way from there to the SPARK Technologies factory is an ongoing mystery. Added MPD-2, because MPD-1 just isn't big enough for some applications. If you're looking for an ion engine with some serious thrust, then look no further! This little engine produces an impressive 96.4 kN at full throttle only demanding 1000 EC/s (and a trickle of lithium vapor) in return. There are chemical engines this size that produce less thrust! Of course, they don't need a fission power system to run... Got carried away and added MPD-3 just for good measure. The MPD-3 is the pinnacle of high-thrust ion engines. Topping the chart at a whopping 242.2 kN of thrust, you'll be going places fast with this engine behind you! You may need as much power as a small metropolis to get there, but hey - that's just the cost of playing! Yes, it needs 12 of the Size SM (1.25m-class) reactors. Why do you ask? Added a set of Size XS (0.625m-class) Lithium "tanks". It might be a slight exaggeration to call them tanks in the sense that they actually are made up of over-engineered cubby boxes designed to hold metallic lithium ingots, but whatever... Tanks for playing! LT-XS-05: A handy little 'tank' designed to hold ingots of metallic Lithium. It's really more like an over-engineered cubby box than a tank, but it can deliver a caustic vapor suitable for use in magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters. The vapor can also be used to rid your house of unwanted pests. LT-XS-10: A slightly larger 'tank' with twice as many lithium ingot cubbies for even more storage versatility. While the doors do look like they might be watertight, it's probably best that you avoid submerging it. LT-XS-20: The LT-XS-20 (AKA Tall Boy) provides even more lithium ingot cubbies for double the capacity over the LT-XS-10. With this much lithium on board, you're fairly sure a small probe could get to the Mun and back, provided it's got an engine suitable for using lithium. LTR-XS-05: A clever radial variant of the popular LT-XS-05, this 'tank' holds ingots of metallic Lithium provided they've been properly rotated by 90 degrees. Does not float.
  14. Now, technically, each of these really ought to be running on Lithium, but for now, they're fueled with Xenon. To keep things simple, the Xenon fueled performance is the same as what you should expect when I transition these to burning Lithium. This is why they're currently listed in the Lithium group for engines. Once the Community Resources mod comes out (...SoonTM), then you'll see an update to SPARK where I convert these to use Lithium. In the meantime, though, I've already begun crafting special new "tanks" (really they're airtight cubby boxes) to hold all the metallic lithium ingots you'll need. They automatically take care of melting the lithium to deliver a nice (caustic) lithium vapor (DO NOT SNIFF!). Also, please do not take any of these tanks into the bath with you. They may be airtight, but... just don't. Lithium and water have a, shall we say, volatile relationship. Just for good measure, I've also introduced a (starter) argon tank... At some point, those may also prove useful! Once the Community Resource mod is released, I'll update both the Lithium tanks and the Lithium engines to store/consume Lithium. For now, they can be found in the appropriate parts group, but they're actually configured to store/consume Xenon. This should make it so that when the new version is released, any rockets you build using these will still work! The parts should transition seamlessly. Now, if you go and do something crazy (like I have in the action shots above) and use a no-kidding Xenon tank with a Lithium engine... Well... It'll work for now, but it will stop working once SPARK is updated to have the lithium engines require... lithium!
  15. I'm getting ready to update SPARK with some new engines, so here are some pics! First up, the all new and improved MPD-1. Why new? What's improved? Well, this thing is pulling in a lot of juice (400 EC/s to be precise), so it only seemed fair that it must have some built-in way to shed the waste heat. It's not like the engine could possibly be 100% efficient, so there must be some waste heat, right? Tada! Built-in radiators! But wait! There's more! Look how they glow... Next, we have the long-awaited sequel to the MPD-1, the MPD-2, naturally! It's a bit bigger, and heavier, and gobbles up even more EC which it merrily converts into thrust for you, just add a smidge of propellant (Xenon in case you're wondering). And, finally (you guessed it, didn't you?), the legendary MPD-3! This thing is a BEAST! Warning, it consumes 3x as much power as the MPD-2...
  16. The stock ion engine in the game does make a sound I believe. That said, I think it’s pretty quiet and that seems reasonable for such an engine. If I can work out how to add sound, then I will. I’m more focused on some short term goals to add more engines, tanks, and fuel types. I’ve already got 4 new lithium tanks ready and will have another lithium burning engine here very soon. I’ve got a start on an argon tank, but I’ll probably scrap it and re-do it. Until I add some argon burning engines though I’ll probably hold off on that line of tanks. I also need to add a couple more reactors to TNO…
  17. I agree, in it’s present state it’s way overpowered. Fun, but silly. I need to go back to KSP1 to see if the equivalent engine is working the same way or if I’ve just missed something really important. I suspect it’s my substitution of Xenon for Lithium. I do plan to introduce Lithium as a fuel, but that requires the Community Resources mod, which hasn’t been released yet as it requires the Patch Manager mod - which is in a pre-release beta stage. So… Soon, I hope, but this change will make SPARK dependent on both of those mods. I could never have gotten where I am today on the plumes without the help I’ve gotten from @LuxStice and @IsaQuest. Lux implementeded some changes in the latest LFO that he developed to support having plumes like on my nested hall thrusters, and Isa paved the way with blender tools to model the profiles necessary. It really wouldn’t have been possible for me without their help and Lux’s LFO mod in particular. The plumes on the DS4G-1 and MPD-1 are also using LFO, but they use the mesh-based plume tools Lux had previously developed in LFO. I did play with the sliders to get things how I liked them, but I don’t know how much credit I deserve for that when it was Lux who made it possible *and* showed me how. So, I suppose that in some sense I made the plumes, but really, it was Lux with help from Isa that made it possible and did all the heavy lifting. The good news is that any future engine molders can also use these tools! I expect to keep working my plumes like this, and I hope that others do to.
  18. The current version does work. I'll go onto SpaceDock and mark it as such. That said, I also just did a quick Kerbin - Mun - Duna - Ike - Duna - Kerbin - Minmus - Kerbin trip and I can tell you that shakedown cruise has helped to uncover a few things I'd like to improve, so expect an update some time soon-ish here. That said, FP 0.812 definitely does work in
  19. Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it! AFAIK, we can't maneuver during timewarp. At least I've not been able to do so. If we can, then such a thing is theoretically possible, but it would require a mode like Flight Plan to help with the maneuver. I say like Flight Plan because right now Flight Plan lacks the ability to help with this. All of the math in Flight Plan is geared towards making maneuver nodes for impulse trajectory changes, with only a little thought to how that needs to change when the thrust is not applied in a way like an impulse. So a new mod is needed, or an overhaul of Flight Plan, so that maneuvers using long burns can be planned and executed. That said, if/when it's possible to maneuver during timewarp, and a mod is made that enables planning and execution of these kinds of burns, then sure - de-kerbalizing the thrust is a real possibility. For now, I'm going to stay focused on creating KSP2 engines that are similar to those in Nertea's KSP1 NFP. To that end, here's an update for version 0.1.2 with a spiffy little Magentoplasmadynamic thruster! It's extra small (0.625-m class), lightweight (0.33t), and puts out a whopping 47 kN if you feed it up to 400 EC/s. At lower thrust, the EC consumption is correspondingly lower. An engine like this really ought to be running on Lithium as fuel, but I've not added that yet, so for now it's running on Xenon like all the other Ion engines. When I do add Lithoum I'll update this engine (and others like it) to use that fuel instead. This update also fixes some minor issues with the other engines (where they had the wrong Isp at the very low end for Sea Level). Here are the release notes. https://spacedock.info/mod/3470/SPARK Technologies#changelog Fixed low-end Isp for all engines to be internally consistent and aligned with similar engines in KSP1 Updated graphics for the MPD-1 to include magnetic (solenoid) coils needed to achieve performance and add the gimbal capability. Added +/- 1 degree gimbal capability to MPD-1. Nothing needs to actuate as the plume deflection is realized through the applied magnetic fields. Improved plume and internal nozzle emissivity on MPD-1 Right now, thrusters like this are actually very much overpowered. This is mainly because thermodynamics isn't here, so you're not having to deal with waste heat from the engine or the nuclear reactor you'll need to power it. Consequently, I was able to make a little 8-part test craft that, starting from LKO with more than 16K Delta-v in the tank, was able to make the following ridiculous trip Fly to Mun (land) Fly to Duna (capture) Fly to Ike (land) Fly to Duna (land) Fly to Kerbin (capture) Fly to Minmus (land) Fly to Kerbin (returning to the same 100x100km LKO the journey started from) At the end, there was still more than 2k Delta V left in the tank. If I had thought to put some parachutes on the craft, it could have finished with a landing on Kerbin
  20. Thank you! I'm glad you like it. I've not tested this mod with previous versions, but it would be surprising if it couldn't work. That said, I gave it a minimum version of 0.1.4 for both the game and SpaceWarp as those are the versions I've tested with. This means that in the state I've shipped it, it will currently refuse to work on earlier versions. If you want to try this out with an earlier version of the game all you'd need to do is edit the swinfo.json file that ships with TNO. To try this mod with an earlier version of the game there would be at least two things you'd need to change. The "min" for the game, obviously is one, but you will need to also change the "min" for SpaceWarp if you want to try this with an earlier version of KSP2 since version 1.4 of SpaceWarp also requires KSP2 0.1.4. If you roll back to a version of the game and where you find it necessary to use a version of SpaceWarp that's earlier than 1.3 then there will be more things that would need to change and this will get a little messier. Given all the improvements that have gone into KSP2 0.1.4, I really wouldn't recommend doing this, but you're welcome to give it a shot if you like. { "spec": "1.3", "mod_id": "com.github.schlosrat.TNO", "author": "schlosrat", "name": "The Nuclear Option (TNO)", "description": "When solar power, batteris, and fuel cells just can't cut it, turn to TNO", "source": "https://github.com/schlosrat/TNO", "version": "0.1.0", "version_check": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/schlosrat/TNO/main/TNO/swinfo.json", "ksp2_version": { "min": "0.1.4", "max": "*" }, "dependencies": [ { "id": "com.github.x606.spacewarp", "version": { "min": "1.4.0", "max": "*" } } ] } I've been collaborating with @LuxStice on this and my other mods, particularly SPARK. His volumetric (profiled) plumes in LFO are what make the ion engine plumes in SPARK a possibility! He's got a mod in the works, Patchouli Parts Manager, that I hope will make some of the things I want to do in this mod possible. As soon as that mod is ready, I plan to begin using it to help with this mod so that I don't need separate parts just to have separate configurations.
  21. Updated to v 0.1.1 Working on enabling different options (Inline vs. Open). Still don't have a way to have a single part that does both where you can switch the part, but I have been able to do this. It's lame, but it works. This is a slight remodeling of the FPS-60 so that its exoskeleton frame works better in a modular fashion so that the top adapter can be optional. Selecting the open variant of either will subtract a small amount of mass as well as removing the top frame and top attachment node.
  22. Is there more than one NF Electrical? I'm only aware of Nertea's, so I'm afraid I don't know about yours. Is it similar to Nertea's?
  23. Current Status and Future Development Plans Reactor Sizes: In version 0.1.0 which was released today, there are just two reactors, one at Size XS (0.625m) and one at Size S (1.25m). I plan to release more reactors at other sizes similar to what is available today in Nertea's KSP1 mod Near Future Electrical. The thought here is that if there are use cases for needing those sizes in KSP1, then we can expect to see similar use cases in KSP2. The initial release provides some good options for the current crop of ion engines in my other mod, SPARK. I'm planning to eventually expand that one, and as I do I expect to see the need for bigger nuclear reactors that will show up here. Reactor Configurations: The reactors in this parts pack today are designed as In-line configurations, but one of the things I plan to do is to make them configurable as either "Open" like the one stock nuke (meaning there's just one bottom attachment node, so they're suitable for use as the last part on a stack), or "In-Line" (where they have some structure at their top with a top attachment node). Again, this is similar to what is available in NFE, so I'd like to deliver no less in TNO. Fuel Storage: Currently, there are no Uranium fuel storage parts in this pack. I'll probably change that, but as things stand these things can already run for very long spans of time, so I don't feel it's urgently needed and am prioritizing more reactors first. Fuel: The reactors in the mod today use the stock resource Uranium, and there's no ability to capture spent fuel for reprocessing like there is in NFE. I'll probably change that to be more like NFE too. One difference is that NFE uses Enriched Uranium vs. just plain old Uranium. I think that makes a lot of sense too, so I may go in that direction adding the various resources and conversion formulas needed so that as fuel is consumed you get a biproduct that might be "reprocessed" into useful fuel. Until such time as I add that feature, there's really no need for a reprocessing part like that in NFE, but if I do take this mod in that direction I'll probably add one of those too. Waste Heat/Cooling: Eventually, the devs will deliver thermodynamics in the game, and with that feature, I believe we can expect to see stock parts that generate waste heat as well as stock parts that help players deal with it. When that time comes I'll definitely be making some updates to the reactors in the mod at that time. In fact, in anticipation of this, I've been designing the frames around the reactors to have "hard points" where surface attachments will eventually be possible so that radiators can be attached. If there are parts or features you'd like to see that aren't in the mod now or on the roadmap, please feel free to post here requesting them.
  24. The Nuclear Option Acme Fission / Fusion is proud to present the latest in Space Nuclear Fusion... err... Fission Power Systems (sorry, the name is confusing, and some of this marketing material seems to be misprinted). One thing is clear, though. If you need a more compact power system for some really power-hungry parts you've got, or perhaps your solar panels are starved for photons out past Duna, then maybe it's time you considered The Nuclear Option! NOTE: This mod aims to be the KSP2 *spiritual successor* for Nertea's KSP1 Near Future Electrical mod. No code or meshes are reused from that mod, but the intent here is to fill the same basic need, delivering moderately realistic nuclear power options to feed those power-hungry electrical engines. For now, all the reactors (both of them...) have "integral cooling", which really just means the devs have not yet implemented thermodynamics. Once they do, you can expect the reactors in this parts pack to generate some waste heat that you'll need to deal with. Until then, you're free to ignore that particular reality and substitute one of your own. Compatibility Tested with Kerbal Space Program 2 v0.2.1 & SpaceWarp 1.9.3 Requires SpaceWarp 1.8.0+ Requires Patch Manager 0.9.1+ Requires V-SwiFT 0.3.0+ Requires Spring Cleaning 0.1.0+ Optional, but recommended: Lux's OAB Extensions 1.0.0+ Source Code: GitHub Repo SpaceDock: The Nuclear Option (TNO) Installation Highly recommend Installing via CKAN if possible. This ensures all dependencies are in place and the mod is installed properly. If you prefer to install it manually, you can follow these instructions. Download and extract BepInEx mod loader with SpaceWarp (see link above) into your game folder and run the game, then close it. If you've done this before, you can skip this step. If you've installed the game via Steam, then this is probably here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2. If you complete this step correctly you'll have a BepInEx subfolder in that directory along with the following files (in addition to what was there before): changelog.txt, doorstop_config.ini, winhttp.dll Download and extract this mod into the game folder. From the TNO-x.x.x.zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\SPARK. Download and install Patch Manager (see link above). From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\PatchManager. Download and install V-SwiFT (see link above). From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\VSwift. Download and install Spring Cleaning. From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\SpringCleaning. Optional: Download and install Lux's OAB Extensions (see link above). From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\LuxsOABExtensions. Or, make things even easier and just use CKAN! Fission Power Systems Compact, and built for in-line integration, these reactors are the answer to your high power needs even in photo-deficient space environments. FPS-60: Tiny, but mighty. The FPS-60 packs a lot into its Size XS (0.625m-class) frame. With this gadget on board, you'll have EC to spare, plus it doubles as a space heater for those long cold Duna nights. If you're not getting 60 FPS, then you need TNO! FPS-400: When you need some serious power generation in a handy Size Small package, then reach for the FPS-400! Designed as an in-line module, the FPS-400 stacks with other 1.25m-class parts fitting easily into your design - plus it has handy Roast and Broil settings! Isn't it time you opted for the Nuclear Option?
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