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Yokito Zumi

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Everything posted by Yokito Zumi

  1. yeah, makes sure to report bugs here, but be sure to read the comments so that you don't report the same bug over and over. i should really get proto to take tally on what bugs are found.
  2. Pfffft! i leave the thread for a week or two and its grown spectacularly! Thanks guys for all the support. I am trying to work around making a new Mecha but for now i made this. and this new unit that will serve as the main head and booster pack of an upcoming Duo-Frame Mecha.
  3. Thank you so much Insanity. You make the game Alot more fun Also have you tried using Quiztech Aero Parts with these? they go hand in hand.
  4. Maybe because OTP is full of bees, Isnt optimized completely for 1.0.2 and The K Kargo ramp doesnt even work. as well as it not having DDS textures, its unfinished, and im waiting until its more stable.
  5. Hes currently working on finishing up University work, then he has a few things for Flansmod (Minecraft Mod) that he has to do first, he initially set up this pack so that he could fool around with BDarmoury, He usually Makes parts for this mod when he has nothing else to do. Thought i would drop in to say it for him, since hes probably asleep right now.
  6. Haha, i love the seperate model, mostly due to how Modern-Sci It looks, compared to the Retro-Sci Original model. and it fits with my orbital frames perfectly!
  7. Oh yeah, Throw some BD armoury in that, and add KAS Claws for feet traction. and you could make those suckers work perfectly.
  8. Wow! nice builds! Currently in the process of fixing up my own personal mecha. Heres a teaser. PS: I really love the 2nd and 3rd Robots.
  9. Il have you know warp bubbles make great forcefields..... until your fingers slip and you press ZGoodbye Kerbol.....
  10. Yeah, considering USI is comprised of so many Huge mods, i would really just leave it here.
  11. i use IR sequencer for my mechs when switching to their "Flight mode" If you don't have IR Sequencer by now, you have no idea the full potential of Infernal robotics.
  12. Is there any further development planned for the mod? or is it just a matter of updating it when an update rolls in? (Sorry if im being super ignorant)
  13. MKIV is one of those things that needs to be in the stock game, because its so much more useful than MK3 is for cargo.
  14. The hype cannot be contained, The Hypechains holding the Hypedogs are slowly breaking!
  15. Hey proto do you perhaps need a Space battleship weapon testing platform? im dabbling into tweakscale again. might be able to make something nice and fancy.
  16. Im just gonna go ahead and tease a New mecha im working on, Its a part of the ASOF-ARGUS/ASOF-ARIES Programme im working on, to supply Air Superiority Orbital frames to my Craft roster. these frames will have significantly less parts than some of the higher end Orbital Frames as they are a lot lighter and operate a bit nicer in atmosphere. Her name is S.T.A.R.C.H.A.S.E.R
  17. I can easily have a Stargazer Deploy a large bucket of Holy water straight from laythe.
  18. This mod is amazing, Don't stop doing what you do, Because its seriously some of the coolest stuff! Edit: I remember you did the Original Track mod, that i used to use a tonne in the older KSP versions, Mounted it on my first mecha, and used it as a crane. it was the hypest! Edit2: If you ever need help in a way i can provide, please. feel free to ask, i help with craft issues. and i do free Mod testing.
  19. WELCOME TO THE MECHANIZED SOLUTIONS THREAD​!*Ahem* The mechanized Solutions thread is a thread dedicated to showing off your coolest Robots. If you make something awesome that happens to be limb driven or uses limbs for a majority of its tasks, Feel absolutely FREE to post them here! *I'l occasionally post my work here as well* As many are sure, mechas are very impractical solutions to very easy to go about problems. sadly, its just not cool enough to brag to your friends about! so i am making a thread, dedicated to those awesome ideas you come up with when you just want to take a mission Further than just a casual trip to minmus, or cruising a rover around Duna! Remember!!!, Mechanized Vehicles are usually: Legged Vehicles Vehicles who use Robotic arms/legs as a part of their normal tasks Are incredibly awesome or Derpy (Whichever comes first) Furthermore, any Mechas i post here will most likely have a Mod list and a Download link with it. I might also Occasionally Tease Upcoming Mechas. so stay sharp! Current Pictures: ORBITAL-FRAME:S.T.A.R.G.A.Z.E.R A Special Mecha Designed for Asteroid and Starship Intervention, it is capable of getting where it needs to go fast Via the C.O.M.E.T Drive Mounted on its back. It is armed with various gatling cannons and 2 chest mounted missile pods. Current Download Links Orbital frame Stargazer: http://www./download/d09c1sd10nx2t2i/Stargazer_MK_II.craft Mods Used: Quiztech Aero, Infernal Robotics Rework, BDarmoury, GN Drives From Gundam 00, USIs Alcubierre warpdrive (With Heleaons Part addon), MKII Expansion, and Kerbpaint (Not needed) *IF there are any Problems Using the craft please screenshot the Error you receive and i can Deduce what mod im leaving out. (I believe i just listed all the mods i use Currently, Kek) If anyone has problems with links, please ask. and il try to fix the problem as soon as exposition allows.*
  20. Exactly, when i try to fly it using GN Drives Antigrav Function and just pure thrust it tilts downwards in atmosphere, so i was thinking of adding an IR Sequence where the legs fold back, the cockpit Tilts up a bit and then have two hidden wings unfold from the Legs. so it actually has some form of air stability.
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