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Yokito Zumi

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Everything posted by Yokito Zumi

  1. I need to strap those wings to the sides of my Orbital Frames Legs, for better in atmosphere stability!. I think i will do that right now *Proceeds to steal wings*
  2. Its more useful than just a warpdrive, "For when you need to litterally "Punch" a Sat out of orbit, and that includes meteors." and people ask why i gave it claws instead of blades. blades are mainstream, i like to suplex my meteors out of the kerbol system, thank you very much. as you would guess im hated by trains everywhere.
  3. I cant wait until i get My good buddy prototype to Help me Migrate his MG rex Parts To KSP, maybe texture them to fit this mod. Always wondered what a futuristic rex would be like.
  4. Sorry about the long reply, But i redid her back area completely and added a few quirks,
  5. She is actually fairly modlight, this being because i need to conserve ramspace as im not using a gaming PC at the moment. and no she is not one of my transforming ones, i tried to keep her fairly simple in a way. Here, have some pics. (no hacked gravity here, just the GN Drive doing its job) (Folded up nicely) (warping at full power) (Arriving at Eve)
  6. Since you recommended those parts i have integrated them into the mecha.
  7. The "struts" are the large aircraft wings and the cones are from a .90 mod that still works perfectly in 1.0 mind you, with GN drives (Gundam nucleus) and they allow you to make your ship levitate, and do lots of cool stuff. they are basically really special thrusters that always move your ship forward regardless of how they are placed. and i only ask if we can provide an IVA because it would be great for filmmakers like nassault and co.
  8. Because i made her in the spirit of the Mecha "Jehuty" From Zone of the enders, shes sort of like a cross between anubis and Jehuty. Also it makes driving it a lot easier and fun. The wings transform into a ring on its back and allows it to Warp. i cant remember what mod, il try to open up a mecha Thread with my builds and downloads included and shiza, with a list of the mods i use. i can only use mods that take up a small amount of ram anyways. but im sure you are famiiar with a few of them.
  9. As if Rotary cannon equipped orbital frame mechs are not cool enough in space
  10. Hey sophia, if i can get one of my good buddies to Help in making the IVA, would that help a bit with the progress of the mod? if you dont know who he is, he goes by PrototypeTheta on the forum and Is currently working on the Never Enuff dakka BD Armoury expansion. But im gonna wait a bit before asking, i might contact you if he says yes or ask him to contact you about it. Hes an amazing modeler but not the best at texturing. so he might need some guidance on that. il see what i can do to get this working if he accepts.
  11. Thank you so much . i cant believe i overlooked that.
  12. Cannot wait to strap some SABERs to my Mechs and send them careening to their doom.
  13. Thanks for bringing this mod back to life Sophia, I was able to Create this Monstrosity of magic and fairydust
  14. Ever thought of a 1.25m or mk2 Alcubierre Drive? Also managed to Finish my first Warp Capable Mecha, She is an absolute beast. and is very maneuverable, She has a whole bunch of cool features Including antigrav, fully working limbs, grabby arms, gatling guns galore, 2 Giant Cannons, and a hidden Blade. on normal thrust options she can go about 400m/s in atmosphere and 1km/s in vacuum, but thanks to this amazing mod, she can now fulfill her true purpose. and a cheap and safe way to send kerbals to other planets when i don't have to time to endure a full Travel procedure.
  15. Thanks to this mod my first Warp capable Craft as constructed, as a way to show the most unconventional way of Conventional FTL Travel!
  16. Thought i would post this here since this mod is amazing
  17. Could you possibly rip the monsters Quadcannon from its back and mount it to a giant turret?
  18. Eh, it does that to me too, as well as some other parts from various other mods, sometimes if you relaunch the game you don't have that problem.
  19. Iosef Stalinium is the core Component of the KV-2 cannonshells they are super dense and Feature Physics altering technology,.
  20. Bumpin' Because Dennis Hype. If you are reading this Dennis thanks for using the pack. we look forward to more Shenanigans from you!.
  21. Guntank is totally the coolest. Forged from the fires of hell, with only the greatest of Nippon Steel. A Swiss Design perfected with Japanese Enthusiasm. - - - Updated - - - I've Tried to build proto a platform for his naval guns, sadly though im sort of scared because the most recent Land Platform i built for him (smooth and curvy tank one the Falcon is mounted on) is Damn near indestructible. and also if i got a boat working it wouldn't look the best or be the biggest. i don't have the hardware to support that much water physics. However i did make him a slightly unstable (only breaks the Time/Space Continuum if you smash it into anything) Land Battleship platform somewhat inspired by the ratte. i will look around for alternatives. but for now he wont be doing any naval guns for a while. hes mostly working on Flans mod stuff, and his own custom part pack.
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