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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. I think he's stopped working because of the rocket revamp, I heard it was almost done a few weeks ago.
  2. The grass is greener on this side! I loved those in Terraria.
  3. I am on fire, but an extinguisher is not required! Banned.
  4. 208: It's not allowed to be High Noon at any time.
  5. Because Tracer fell of a cliff. How the actial hell did I think of that? Why is Major Tom coming home?
  6. Banned for counting. (Ban the above user)
  7. You did order the out-of-this-world special, right? Waiter, there's a meme in my soup!
  8. It's that I can't load the pagebon mobile, if it does load it works, though.
  9. BUSTED Waiter, @TedwinKnockman66 is in my soup!
  10. *insert that KerbalRoss meme I made a few months back which probably gave @KasperVld nightmares cant insert because imgur is stupid right now* EDIT: Here it is, @CAKE99.
  11. Hahahaha (out of likes ). I unflood the world with Physics^TM(R)(C)SM and claim the hill. My hill.
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