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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Doesn't DirectX12 support higher res textures? If so I demand a 16k texture pack for the solar system.
  2. Happy New year, everyone! Thirteen and a half hours until 2016!
  3. Well, another year, another post. Acer XF240H (144Hz, 24". 1080p, FreeSync) HyperX Cloud Core Duran Duran albums (Rio, Duran Duran, Seven and the Ragged Tiger, and Greatest) Peter Schilling's Different Story | World of Lust and Crime album About $150 or so A new sherpa jacket 6-pack of duster gas (I use a lot when cleaning my keyboard and PC) 96-pack of Dixon Ticonderoga pencils because those are the only pencils on the planet worth using. And finally a 4" Eucl3d print of the Saturn 1C from Bluedog Design Bureau. And I'm probably forgetting a few things.
  4. Banned for not having numbers in your name.
  5. OK, that works. What monitors did you get? I just got an Acer XF240H.
  6. Just to let you know the RX 480 outperforms the GTX 1060 with AMD's newest drivers, and if those monitors are FreeSync a return on the GTX 1060 (I assume the 6GB model) would be a very good idea.
  7. Stock Visual Enhancements, Stock Visual Terrain, Scatterer, Distant Object Enhancement, etc. And specifically which Sandy Bridge-E processor?
  8. I believe it is possible to use a .craft to Blender addon for Blender and modify that for 3D printing then print that, but coloring it will be hard.
  9. My i5 4670k was $235 new and currently goes for $255, processor prices usually don't drop from what I've seen. I built my PC in April of 2014, when Haswell was new, those prices are odd (probably because you are in the UK).
  10. http://www.switchtop.com/product/40-percent-keyboard-kits
  11. I typically just throw on music ripped from some CDs I got for Christmas. Huh, some of it was left out. The other songs were The Chauffeur, Girls on Film, Planet Earth, Anyone Out There, Careless Memories, Is There Something I Should Know?, Night Boat, Sound of Thunder, Friends of Mine, and Tel Aviv.
  12. I mean, when I play I'm either actively doing something in-game or I'm alt-tabbed with an empty VAB in KSP like I am now.
  13. Why thanks for the medal! I'm "patiently" waiting for Skylab to be released in BDB before I start doing things (Eyes Turned Skywards project recreations).
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