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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. I've seen you around quite a bit, usually in The Lounge. Probably because I really only post in The Lounge and the BDB thread.
  2. I mean it's not really over winter break but I went to yesterday's Falcon 9 launch with @Abraxsas.
  3. Well, I usually play Factorio, work on my airsoft guns, waste time on Reddit, or just look around for airsoft stuff and then cry myself to sleep because i cannot afford anything.
  4. 7/10 Pixel art is cool. @ProtoJeb21 AMD's Ryzen processors. H Y P E ! ! !
  5. They're like $40 (a little expensive for me, but worth it I guess) and I was poking fun at novideo Nvidia.
  6. Wait. So I can throw a RX 460 in with my RX 480!?!?!? Damn! That's awesome!
  7. Crossfire doesn't work in some games, but when it does it's amazing. And you don't need a bridge like a certain other company!
  8. Wait for AMD's Ryzen processors to come out. March 3 at latest. For a cooler, the CRYORIG H7 is much better and easier to install than the 212 EVO. If you are set on Intel, this is a better build ($90 more expensive, though, but it's Z270+Kaby Lake i5 instead of Z170+Skylake i5 and has a 8GB RX 480 with the best cooler): https://pcpartpicker.com/list/KG4kbj That will be an awesome black-on-black build, but if you don't care about looks whatsoever you can drive it down about $110 or so, here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dCXByf
  9. 7/10 Admin building is kinda useless but Walt is cool.
  10. If you're looking for a cheap one the Logitech 3D Pro is good. http://gaming.logitech.com/en-us/product/extreme-3d-pro-joystick
  11. I'm really good at procrastinating. I said I would make RO configs over winter break. I should at LEAST get something done, I know how to use MM. sigh, I wish I could get stuff done. Then I might take the time to get better at modelling and learn to texture.
  12. yes now get back in discord also i guess @VenomousRequiem inb4 delete urself
  13. Wasted time watching anime, played video games, and spent money on airsoft. What else would I do with my time?
  14. Also, Ryzen is set to come out before March 3. Here's a short article confirming. http://www.anandtech.com/show/11031/amd-set-to-launch-ryzen-before-march-3rd-meeting-q1-target
  15. 6/10 Pretty cool, but it's not good enough of a weapon.
  16. Well, that's your problem! Buzzfeed is absolute garbage.
  17. What's wrong with it? Reinstall it if it keeps acting up.
  18. I believe the 1.2 release for consoles will be at the same time as the EU release, and the 1.2 update is supposed to fix all the bugs in the console versions. I don't know that for fact, I just remembered that from my head, so I likely am wrong.
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