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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. I didn't get a PM but I was in the first five to upload my submission to the forums.
  2. Why would someone go to that place? This forum is way better.
  3. San Diego. Tuna fishing used to be huge here, Chicken of the Sea and another company are headquartered here still.
  4. Well, it used to be the tuna capital of the world.
  5. Well, that was interesting. I only watched about five minutes of it due to me playing Counter-Strike, but I did not expect that at all.
  6. Is it a laptop or a prebuilt desktop? And if it's a dedicated graphics card in a PCI-E x16 slot, it is possible to remove it and replace it, but your power supply might not be able to handle it, and it might not be a standard power supply, so you'll also need a new case, but the motherboard is proprietary and you might just want to upgrade your CPU as well and that basically means you'll just get a new PC if you go down that route. Do you have a picture of your PC with the side panel (left side) off?
  7. It's still a thing. Blame @HoloYolo for the delays. Loading gif
  8. @Qwarkk Yeah, right now for mid-range PCs the one thing is wait for Ryzen. For cooling I have a CRYORIG H7, but CRYORIG coolers are not available in the UK. A RX 470 is definitely best bang for your buck, check r/bapcsalesuk (I think that's the subreddit) for PC part sales. I saw a 4GB RX 470 on sale for $120 USD the other day. I can probably write some more when I'm home, I'm on my phone right now.
  9. Are the winners going to get anything? It's been over a month since it ended.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Can't wait to see what you make!
  11. @Pine Get out of Discord and to the forums, faster!
  12. All of you amateurs, posting in an unlocked thread. Locked up permanently, never opening.
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