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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. You're making me want to throw the Saturns into Blender, make them usable for printing, and hijack the half-million dollar multi-color 3D printer at my dad's work to make rockets.
  2. Neither. What is a siege engine capable of launching a 90kg projectile 300 meters?
  3. Doom is great! On sale for $20 right now, Insurgency is really fun, so is Day of Infamy, just browse the store and look for something you might like.
  4. I ordered mine in November so it would arrive in time for Christmas. Sad they shut down, were really high quality.
  5. Here's a subreddit with more: https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu
  6. Imgur is quite possibly the least productive and helpful community. Reddit should be able to help.
  7. I have been hard at work at the Christmas meme forges.
  8. That sounds amazing. Next year I wanna put together a German special forces loadout for airsoft with a G36k and all of the tacticool Flecktarn.
  9. I went to Big 5 earlier and they had a G36. $460, sadly it's .22 cal. Something something I am salty because I want a 5.56 rifle.
  10. Yeah, guys, keep it civil here. I don't want this locked, if we must argue do it in Discord.
  11. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, everyone!
  12. Banned for having a theoretical rocket in your profile picture.
  13. As if anyone has ever gotten more than halfway through the tech tree before a new update comes out and makes them have to restart.
  14. I'd like to make that arthopod reindeer my profile picture.
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