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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. http://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=998&filter=ut2&page=6
  2. I think KSP is a tank simulator. That gives me an idea.. hold on, I have modelling to do. panzer vor
  3. 9/10 Seems to be part of a panel of a manga in a Shuttle cockpit.
  4. panicks I CAN DO IT! ITS TOTALLY NOT 2 AM! I DID IT!!!! A hastily taped togeter 'rover'!
  5. Have any of my posts ever been reported (besides the two I've gotten infractions for)? Just curious.
  6. You're right. I'm actually working on the last one now. So many small things....
  7. 7/10 Cool. And it's Holo from Spice and Wolf.
  8. He means to have a free-moving camera, like it isn't locked to a planet, it can center in on a point you pick.
  9. And I don't know a thing about zeppelins! I just like tanks after watching Girls und Panzer. And playing War Thunder while listening to Katyusha.
  10. We talking about war? Cool! I've been playing too much War Thunder the past two days. If anyone wants to play you can add me on Steam. I've been using Soviet tanks.
  11. Yeah, Russian stuff is awesome (I type this while using Soviet tanks in War Thunder). Both are great mods, I was joking about BDB being 'superior', both mods just have different parts. Both are very high quality.
  12. But Broforce is literally blow everything up. I don't see how KSP could win against it.
  13. Wish I had time to do the last one. Got distracted playing War Thunder... Always next time to win something! (the next two will likely be in under an hour and it'll take me at least an hour and a half).
  14. RIP. I had to take a 7 hour bus ride from SD to Utah the other day. Spent it watching anime like the weaboo lowlife i am because I had nothing better to do with my time.
  15. Threw this together in about fifteen minutes:
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