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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Sorry for the necro but I'd like to know a progress report since when I was last here. I have high hopes for this!
  2. Well a redo of the 2.5m to 1.25m structural adapters would be nice, and polished textures for everything.
  3. I never liked mainstream youtubers. Only Paulsoaresjr. Usually smaller channels I watch feel different or I lose interest but stop to comment sometimes.
  4. I always feel like that. I went to Canada over the 2014-2015 winter break and needed a good day of KSP to wind down. and counter-strike... and errr whatever else i do
  5. Yes they did, why else is it preinstalled on Windows 8? Wait, nobody uses Windows 8, much less the non-desktop view.
  6. It rained and I am going to finish my Civilization V game in a real europe with true start locations. Then I'll do a real earth map or something. Or just play Counter-Strike.
  7. Apple just wants you to pay money, I probably would get the XKCD phone if it existed. At least the OS it would have, the iOS home screen and looks but Android customization so it would be like a jailbroken iPhone. Why not do that? I don't know.
  8. Why not Linux? linuxmasterrace
  9. I'd go for a 'logical progression Sandbox' where you start with less powerful rockets and eventually get bigger and better and change cfgs to show it being better.
  10. Maybe switch to a single Swivel? TWR would increase a lot with that, but the engine might hit the ground, or it's too heavy. If it's too heavy a Reliant might do the job.
  11. I can attach, just needed to know how to detach. Thank you and have some rep!
  12. Can somebody tell me how to remove a part from a node on my station? I put a docking port on a hub and I need to know how to remove it. Thanks in advance!
  13. I mean like the stock engines having real behavior but not real engines, so it's Kerbal engines with realistic physics. Sorry for the late reply.
  14. Ok, thanks! Will do. Here, have a rep cookie for being awesome.
  15. You could very easily copy the gimbal from the LV-T45 to the Kickback so it has a gimbal, or use a modulemanager config.
  16. Can you quickly upload a different version with fairings only? I need these awesome, larger fairings!
  17. I think that is MechJeb's auto-KSC landing feature. Can you open Mechjeb and the landing autopilot to show settings?
  18. Yeah, that does make sense. And make it 2-person so it's more of a research jet or a C-17 or something like that.
  19. I think the Xbox One has backwards compatibility, so sell the old one and buy the Xbox One.
  20. It's called Kerbal, and I would love that. You could do that with the TextureReplacer mod, though. Very nice.
  21. Welcome! And that name is awesome! we all love timewarp
  22. Nice bases guys, but I'd say KPBS is the best for beginners, with MKS at a close second.
  23. Here is my KR-71 plane, looks like an SR-71 and design loosely based off of Scott Manley's SSTO in his Beginner's guide. Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132692-KR-71-BlackKerb-SSTO
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