I never liked mainstream youtubers. Only Paulsoaresjr. Usually smaller channels I watch feel different or I lose interest but stop to comment sometimes.
I always feel like that. I went to Canada over the 2014-2015 winter break and needed a good day of KSP to wind down. and counter-strike... and errr whatever else i do
It rained and I am going to finish my Civilization V game in a real europe with true start locations. Then I'll do a real earth map or something. Or just play Counter-Strike.
Apple just wants you to pay money, I probably would get the XKCD phone if it existed. At least the OS it would have, the iOS home screen and looks but Android customization so it would be like a jailbroken iPhone. Why not do that? I don't know.
I'd go for a 'logical progression Sandbox' where you start with less powerful rockets and eventually get bigger and better and change cfgs to show it being better.
Maybe switch to a single Swivel? TWR would increase a lot with that, but the engine might hit the ground, or it's too heavy. If it's too heavy a Reliant might do the job.
Can somebody tell me how to remove a part from a node on my station? I put a docking port on a hub and I need to know how to remove it. Thanks in advance!
Here is my KR-71 plane, looks like an SR-71 and design loosely based off of Scott Manley's SSTO in his Beginner's guide. Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132692-KR-71-BlackKerb-SSTO