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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. What I mean is have a bunch of chutes to slow it down then a re-ignitable center engine like the Falcon 9, and land safely for refurbishment. And thank you all for taking the time to respond.
  2. Makes sense, typical paranoid people . I guess this won't work.
  3. Mine is half-decent. I 'know' cursive but only use it for my signature. I can write something and upload it, though.
  4. I like the new engines! They look awesome, and if you make a VTOL like an Osprey it wouldn't hurt the design.
  5. I am wondering why NASA can't launch from somewhere at the westernmost end of the Mojave desert or something, and ditch stages to where they won't and can't hit anything because there is next to nothing there. It would allow reuse of rocket stages, cheaper recovery fees, and not impede sea trade. Of course airlines might get in the way, and other things. Can somebody tell me why NASA/JPL/SpaceX/any rocket company in America can't do this? Also if this should be moved, please move it.
  6. I agree about this, I think the Mk2 stockalike expansion has a very nice rover pod for Mk2 parts, as well as some 5-way RCS ports that fit in the sides. Even though it's a mod it will do for now. You can, however, use some structural parts to make a cabin. Tweakscale would help there.
  7. I think the Kossak from Lack's Stock Extension has something akin to that, but you may want to use the model, remove the area underneath, and add a hinge or whatever in Unity with the ModuleAnimateGeneric to handle the hinge.
  8. Hello, I would like to know how to use the heat shield texture on the Advanced Nose Cone A because I want to make a heat shield nosecone. Also I would like to know if it is legal/allowed to use the SQUAD models if I give credit to them.
  9. I can *probably* throw together a heat shield nosecone. I actually should do that.
  10. I think a pointy heat shield would be very heat resistant, if it existed. Or you can Offset and Rotate heat shields to make that effect.
  11. I just wish I never had Windows 8. *shudder*
  12. Not sure where to post this, mods please move if it belongs somewhere else, but does anybody have some 1024x768 wallpaper I can use as wallpaper on my iPad? I'd like something similar to purpleivan's Thinking of Home rendered screenshot, or just some nice ones in general. Thanks!
  13. I was saying this because I did not know my Kindle had a browser. It would be cool to see the forums on an old Windows OS.
  14. I just found out I can view the forums on my kindle! There shall be no more reading on this! I feel weird now because nobody probably cares about this.
  15. Divico, is there any possible way to make this the stock space center, so we have this centered on in the main view or is it coded in a mysterious way from SQUAD so we always get the KSC?
  16. Well I would try it in Snadbox with hyper edit to get the best coverage, on the Mun you should have 3 sats with 120* phase angles above 200km, I think. Try that and if it works go for 250km, better safe then sorry.
  17. Well, it depends on the efficiency of the solar panels, the distance, and the energy output of the star overall. Not sure about the rest, though.
  18. MUAHAHAHAHA steamdoge Add a small detail, small enough for the next person to add to it. Oops.
  19. They usually are, if a post is greater than 3 months old it is called necroposting, and it is generally frowned upon. But also welcome to the forums, since you are new. I linked the rules here if you want to read them.
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