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Status Updates posted by legoclone09

  1. Would you be willing to help the Real Space Program make a website? The domain we want (realspaceprogram.com) is not taken.

  2. Are you still developing Stock Replacement Assets or is it abandoned?

  3. Congratulations! PC gamer really likes your Stellaris mod!


  4. Welcome back from Philmont!

    1. Spaceception


      Thanks :)

      It was hard, but it was also awesome!

  5. Happy 240th  'Murica day!

  6. Wow. The first forum account.

  7. Just searched up airsoft in the forum search and saw your post, that's cool you're into it. What gun(s) do you have?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. legoclone09


      Wow! I hope you have a MOSFET in that G36, also my geaebox shell is 7mm, so should I get an 8mm gearbox shell so I can get 8mm bearings? I've heard that bearings under 8mm are prone to breaking.

    3. Mjarf


      Seems like my last reply got deleted somehow.

      I have mosfets in all of my AEG's, my AK has a computerized mosfet, a GATE MERF 3.2. My G36C is currently without internals, I don't quite know what I wanna do with this gun. There's little difference in performance between bearings and bushings, get 8mm if you want to get bearings, 7mm usually hold up in low stress setups. Always glue bushings/bearings in place so they can't spin in the mounting holes and wear the holes bigger. If they spin and wear the holes bigger it can wreck the entire gearbox in a worst scenario. I like G&P 8mm bearings, they are reasonably priced and can take a beating, I've used them in 50+rps SSG setups without issues.

    4. legoclone09


      OK, thanks for the advice.

  8. It took you long enough


    1. tylerraiz


      I don't really check messages on the forums

    2. legoclone09


      I know, just joking.

  9. So sorry for your loss!

  10. I didn't know you had a profile here! Awesome, and I love your videos!

    1. Matt Lowne

      Matt Lowne

      Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoy them :) And yeah I have a profile here. I mainly made it to have a place to consolidate my craft files into 1 forum post. I don't really post or comment much here though :P

  11. Congrats on moderator! So many new ones...

  12. Have you always been a moderator or did you just become one? If so, great job!

    1. Val


      Thanks. Just became one 2 days ago :D

  13. What does the BR in your name mean? Always wondered.

  14. yay! Falcon 9 explosions!

    1. legoclone09


      What I really was trying to say is cool profile picture.

    2. Probus


      Thank you.  Its my first gif :)

    3. Probus


      I've started work on a new tech tree using that editor. Soooo much easier.  Let me give you the premise:

      Each node, instead of being technology per se, is a new class of rocket.  So for instance the start node (0) is sounding rockets, node 1 is Explorer I, node 2 is Sputnik, node 3 is Mercury-Redstone, etc...  In order to reach Saturn V you need Saturn I and so on.

      Here is the kicker! I am banishing all the stock parts except things like fuel lines and struts etc...

      I am starting with FASA, then plan on doing all of Raidernick's historical rockets and moving on from there.  Also going to try to work with the "Historical Missions" mod also.

      I will probably not add any more part packs to ETT for a while.  Just do maintenance and work on overhauling the flight side.

  15. Why does it say you have 16 posts? You have way more.

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