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Everything posted by Halo305sparts

  1. https://github.com/BahamutoD/BDArmory/releases/tag/v0.11.0pre3
  2. bdarmory's UI has been rekt'd by the new 1.1 UI hopefully bahamuto come out with a quick fix or a slightly big update
  3. TurboRamjet Engines just like on the SR-71 Switch from Turbjet Mode to Ramjet Mode just like the Rapier from Atmosphere to Rocket mode...
  4. Looking good so far! Nice Video demo... hmmm the AGM and the RGM can be a tad bit stripped in size to make it look a bit more practical otherwise nice start! Don't worry, you'll definitely improve as time goes
  5. Thank you Bahamuto I loved your stream and I love your mod! I was the one who gave you those close up details on the Swiss CIWS weapon system
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