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Everything posted by Irvin

  1. Indeed the 100km parking orbit was a terrible idea, it's not suited at all for an ion craft.
  2. Hi, So I've managed to reach the Mun and come back with ~1100/1400 dV left depending on how I launch, land, etc so I think getting to Minmus too won't be a problem for this craft. Thanks to all of you for your advices. Here are a few pics if you're interested in seeing my craft, I'll make a video later this week. I saw the trick of using a heatshield in front of a fairing somewhere on reddit, I can't remember the guy's name but he was building a lot of SSTOs as far as I can remember. At the expanse of quite some fuel to overcome the drag you can zip through the atmosphere at any speed without risking a RUD. The launch profile is a little bit unusual, I build up speed asl up to 800/1000 m/s then I pitch up 40°-ish and let the fuel burn, depending on the exact profile I end up somewhere between 110/130 km apoapsis and 1250/1400 m/s of horizontal speed. I can go up to 1500 m/s asl but then there is no way to pitch up, I used this trick for a single-stage-to-the-island speed run and I was below 40s (never posted it on the reddit weekly challenge though). Then when the atmosphere is thin enough I detach the ion craft and its five motors and two gigantors are more than enough to reach the Mun. The full upper stage can land back on Kerbin using the chutes and can be reused, I plan to do something for the booster stage too even if it will fly like a frying pan without the upper stage attached.
  3. Actually the ion ship is just a challenge I set to myself :-)
  4. That's a very interesting answer, I'll try what you suggested and compare what I end up with in terms of dV. My goal is to go to the Mun and Minmus with only air breathing rapiers and ions, I can reach the Mum but I'm still a bit short of dV to reach Minmus and come back to Kerbin. OTOH I can try to skip circularisation and burn straight to the Mun...
  5. Hi, I'm launching from Kerbin an ion ship using no rocket fuel at all, it works but I have the feeling I could be more efficient. What I'm doing is zipping through the atmosphere with a set of rapiers and get as much kinetic energy as I can, it ends up with an apoapsis around 100/110km and an horizontal speed around 1300 m/s. At 30km or so the rapiers stop working and I detach the ion craft, at this point I'm 2 to 3 minutes before the apoapsis and I do not want to raise it any further. What I want to do is to raise my periapsis in the most efficient way, but as the ion craft has a ridiculously low TWR I have to burn as soon as I detach, I can't wait to be any closer from the apoapsis. If I burn prograde my apoapsis is raised and I end up with a terrible elliptical orbit, so I've tried to burn well below the prograde marker so that the apoapsis stays almost constant and the periapsis is raised, but is this the best thing to do ? Thanks.
  6. Hi I've been playing KSP for years, but this is the first time I make a YouTube video, usually I'm just proud and happy enough when I complete a challenge and I never show it to anyone. Anyway, I know my piloting was far from perfect and the video is a bit dark but here it is, just tell me what you think about it. Thanks !
  7. Just read on devnotes tuesday that they are working on "orbits calculations" bugs... let's wait for 1.1.3 and hope this will be fixed.
  8. @Jens Lyn IV with your test rocket my map view breaks as yours, but with mine I can get a trajectory outside kerbin's SOI before it breaks. I guess your test rocket accelerates so hard that we have no time to see an escape trajectory before KSP goes nuts whereas mine is on nukes so it is easier to stop burning just before everything breaks. @Omikronlex to reproduce what I did accelerate to escape velocity, as soon as you have a trajectory outside kerbin's soi stop burning, timewarp out of the soi, then burn as usual. Aftet that trick I've been able to go to jool and perform a reverse gravity assist on tylo so I guess this bug is only in kerbin's SOI. Even if we have a workaround it really needs to be fixed, I can't believe we are only three people affected...
  9. Intermittent sadly, but I've been able to launch your test rocket at least a couple of times. I don't know if it's just luck or not though, that's why I'm asking. For my rocket I found a workaround too, once I'm on an escape trajectory I have to wait to be outside of kerbin's SOI and then I can burn again to reach jool. I hope @taniwha or @sal_vager will soon find how to fix this, it is REALLY annoying.
  10. I've had some success with these 3 features disabled in BIOS: Could you guys confirm if this works for you too or if I was just lucky ? Beware if you're on a laptop it disables speedstep .
  11. I've been thinking of something, my ship for jool (see my first post in this thread) leaves kerbin's SOI, the bug occurs when my apoapsis is somewhere between Duna and Jool. So maybe this is not entirely related to kerbin's SOI after all. If you need any more input please tell me. @omikronlex same thing here in tracking station.
  12. Last but not least, here are the output logs from 1.1.0 (clean fresh install) and 1.1.2 (modded), I've deleted 1.1.1 since my last post. It's filled with lines like this: (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) getObtAtUT infinite UT on elliptical orbit UT: -Infinity, returning NaN And then it goes on and on like that... Links to the logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0Yi_mKwX3aIT0RXbUV5eFlDUkU/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0Yi_mKwX3aIdHRFM1hvMFhPVkE/view?usp=sharing
  13. I've reproduced this in 1.1.1. I was so close to make my first jool5 attempt... that's really frustrating. Edit: also tried many graphics settings from lowest to highest, tried with wine (linux), tried to play with "max physics delta time" Edit 2: reproduced in 1.1.0 with this ship https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0Yi_mKwX3aIOUFIUmhjZzE5QWc/view?usp=sharing @sal_vager if you have some time it would be great if you could investigate this.
  14. As @Jens Lyn IV pointed out in "my" thread (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/140572-112-ship-trajectory-disappears-huge-frame-drop/) it looks like we are experiencing the same bug. I've tried to fly his test ship and I have the same behavioras him. My settings.cfg is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0Yi_mKwX3aIQnV2X3hOaVJDSms/view?usp=sharing Thanks.
  15. We have the same problem, let's close this thread and continue in yours then.
  16. Hi, I'm trying to launch a ship to Jool (see link below). I launch straight up at sunrise and everything goes well until a couple of minutes after I start the nukes. Then suddendly, when my apoasis is somewhere between Duna and Jool, the ship trajectory disappears and there is a huge framedrop. I've reproduced this several times in 1.1.2/Win10, with or without any mods, 32 or 64 bits. Computer specs: Core i3 530, Geforce gtx 750 Ti, RAM: 7 GB (yes 7, not 8). Any idea ? Thanks Ship link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0Yi_mKwX3aIdGNIRGVZUG5GZ1k/view?usp=sharing
  17. I would have liked to help you but C# is definitely not my cup of tea (without the # or in Python I would have been able to). Anyway, this useless post was only to say thank you for all your hard work on this great mod, I hope you'll get some help eventually.
  18. Hi, First many thanks for all your interesting answers. The solution was quite obvious, Val was not in line with the COG and as the ship is really light it made it wobble ! Thanks again.
  19. Mine is barely smaller, is it wobbling too ? What are these things sitting on the ground btw ?
  20. No I'm not running out of power... OK if it's a known bug it sucks but I'll have to live with it. Thanks !
  21. Hi, I have a light lander designed to put into orbit a very small ship made of a seat, a small xenon tank+engine, a 200 battery, a 3x2 panel and the smallest reaction wheel. Once in orbit the small ship keeps wobbling when I fire the xenon engine, it is almost impossible to pilot it. Val is on the seat if that matters. Any idea on what's going on ? Thanks.
  22. Many thanks to you all !!! See you soon (?) in mission report !
  23. Hi, I have a dumb question, I've built several ships for my jool5 attempt and now I'd like to load two of them at the same time in the VAB in order to link them with a docking port. However the subassembly drop zone does not allow to store a full ship with its control pod as far as I can tell. Is there any trick to achieve this ? Or do I have to disassemble one of my ships in order to use the subassembly drop zone without the control pod ? Thanks
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