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Everything posted by mark7

  1. When scale up the wings, it resulted in negative mass. This problem only happen on wings, every other part is fine. You can find the detail here: Scale up wings result in negative mass · Issue #92 · JonnyOThan/TweakScale
  2. I updated to 1.0.1 and the RSS reentry still seems to appear after below 70km The reentry effect begin to show up after entry strength hitting above 500, which happened around 70km
  3. Update my scatterer to the latest version does do the trick, thx!
  4. I encountered a problem when Firefly is installed. Everything is perfectly fine, until I switch to IVA view, where things got very blurry when moving the camera. If the camera stays still, the blurry goes away. you can find the ksp log and picture here
  5. I found a really strange bug. With VABO installed, all of the Breaking Ground Hydraulic Cylinder stopped responding to manual input. The Rotors and hinges are fine, just the pistons. I found this bug several days ago, and only today did I find a reddit post from 6 yrs ago saying that Removing Filter Extensions - Default Configuration made the pistons respond to manual input. I removed VABO and things now back to normal. I checked the debug console, no apparent errors are present. You can find the log file here
  6. You can download via ckan and it should include the craft file. Or, you can find them here WIP It should support RO, but not for RP-1.
  7. After I upgrade waterfall core to 0.10.3, I noticed that the waterfall in-game editor icon is no longer present in the tool bar. Downgrade to 0.9.0 bring the icon back and the editor works fine. I have already submitted an issue here, along with the log file.
  8. Could you elaborate a bit? Cause I did not see the problem from the pictures.
  9. About Tianlong-3, I'm both sad and angry for what just happened. Before the event, I'm actually working on the texture for Tianlong-3, with the intention of adding the vehicle to KCLV around September. I'm all for commercial launch, I do believe in rapid iteration, but not in such a way that public lives and property could be damaged. I hope the company could be able to bounce back.
  10. We decided that the stock version should be able to match the burn time and the payload capacity with the real version, hence the heavy tank. We donot intend to change that, but I can add your work to the Front page.
  11. Thx~I'm giving it a shot. Also, when attemping to install via ckan, it shows that Tweakscale Rescaled is not compatible with KSP-recall, is this a bug or a feature?
  12. The original Tweakscale has some awful incompatibility issues I've been put up to, thanks for your contribution! I do have some questions which needs some help. 1. In the OG TS, the tweakscale function will be disabled when ModularFuelTank and B9PartSwitch are both present. With Tweakscale Rescaled, is this still the case? Cause sometimes I wish to have B9PartSwitch to manage the models and textures while ModularFuelTank do the tank part. 2. When RF is installed, will the engine specifications be changed alone with the sizes? I remember back in the old days TS itself supported RF engines, but later on it was dropped for reasons I don't know. What will Tweakscale Rescaled behave if I change the scale of a RF engine? 3. My own part mod already have TS patches, if I wish to adapt to or change to Tweakscale Rescaled, do I need to make some changes?
  13. 【Update】 KCLV 1.1.8: -Added Long March-10 Launch Vehicle -Fixed the issue of conflict with KCAP in some cases -Bugs fixed Formerly the 921 rocket, now officially designated as the Long March 10. To the Moon!
  14. Congrats! Sorry for the delayed reply though, for some reason your reply did not pop up in my Notifications
  15. An update of KCLV is on its way. This is a special one, especially for me personally. I started playing Kerbal Space Program 10 years ago. Hard to believe it has been a decade. Not very long after, I began to explore the territory of modding. And with a bunch of my friends, we revived Kerwis' Chinese Launch vehicle pack, which includes the largest Chinese LV, the Long March 5. It was not flying in real life at the time, but in KSP it was. Time passes, I grow up, went to college, graduated, met new friends. But I never stopped playing KSP, and I still makes Chinese aerospace mods. 10 years ago, I dreamed about LM5 taking us to the moon, and it has done that. And now, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the whole team if KIU, I present to you, the Long March 10. The rocket which will land the first Chinese astronaut on the moon. "We choose to go to the moon, we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." I'm looking forward that. And I'm looking forward to the next decade of me and Kerbal Space Program.
  16. Will take a look into that. That is pretty weired. Can you provide a log file?
  17. In RO the scale should automatically be adjust to their real sizes, from 0.6→1.0
  18. KCHS update: -Added Free-IVA support , Big thanks to @JonnyOThan
  19. I have been playing around with contract configurator to make some new contract lately and have encountered a pop-up exception in game which suggested me to post the error here. the exception is Exception occured while loading contract 'KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademy_PilotingTraining': System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[ContractConfigurator.Kerbal, ContractConfigurator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]'. at System.Convert.DefaultToType (System.IConvertible value, System.Type targetType, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x00269] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at System.String.System.IConvertible.ToType (System.Type type, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x0021b] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType) [0x0000c] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[T] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, System.Boolean allowExpression) [0x006a0] in <20a3a039060941bfb465629683bb64bf>:0 at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00032] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00048] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x00233] in <20a3a039060941bfb465629683bb64bf>:0 and the exact contract is: CONTRACT_TYPE { name = KerbalAcademy_PilotingTraining title = Kerbal Academy: Pilot Training Program group = KerbalAcademy description = It seems that a group of pilots is ready to improve their piloting skills. Take them to @targetVessel, along with 2 mentors to train them, then bring them back home. genericDescription = Put a gourp of pilots throught the training Program. synopsis = Complete the training course. completedMessage = Congratulations, we now have more experienced pilots on our team agent = Kerbal Academy notes = The parameters must be completed in order. minExpiry = 1 maxExpiry = 7 maxSimultaneous = 1 cancellable = true declinable = true prestige = Significant targetBody = HomeWorld() rewardScience = 0.0 rewardReputation = 10 rewardFunds = 0 failureReputation = 0 failureFunds = 0 advanceFunds = -50000 - @crew_size * 20000 DATA { type = List<Kerbal> uniquenessCheck = CONTRACT_ACTIVE all_candidates = AllKerbals().Where(m => m.ExperienceTrait() == Pilot && m.ExperienceLevel()<= 2 && m.Type() == Crew && m.RosterStatus() == Available) trainee_list = @all_candidates.Random(@crew_size) title = Must have a group of Kerbals who qualify for the basic program. } DATA { type = int selectionIndex = Random(0, @validOTFs.Count() - 1) crew_size = @is_random_crewsize ? 2 : Random(3, 6) } DATA { type = double expAward = 8 } DATA { type = bool is_random_crewsize = 6 < @all_candidates.Count() } DATA { type = List<VesselIdentifier> requiredValue = false validOTFs = $KerbalAcademy_OrbitalTraingFacility.Where(vi => Vessel(vi).IsOrbiting() && Vessel(vi).EmptyCrewSpace() >= 8) } DATA { type = Vessel uniquenessCheck = CONTRACT_ACTIVE title = Must have an Orbital Training Facility with sufficient empty space targetVessel = @validOTFs.ElementAt(@selectionIndex) } BEHAVIOUR { name = AwardExperience type = AwardExperience kerbal = @/trainee_list experience = @/expAward } PARAMETER { name = HasTrainee type = HasCrew kerbal = @/trainee_list } PARAMETER { name = HasMentor type = HasCrew trait = Pilot title = Must have an experienced Pilot on board minExperience = 4 } PARAMETER { name = HasCommander type = HasCrew trait = Commander title = Must have a commander to oversee the training minExperience = 2 } PARAMETER { name = DockwithStation type = Docking vessel = @/targetVessel title = Dock with @/targetVessel completeInSequence = true } PARAMETER { name = Duration type = Duration duration = 15d preWaitText = Waiting for the Crew. waitingText = Crew at the station completionText = Mission accomplished! Bring the crew back home. completeInSequence = true } PARAMETER { name = RecoverKerbal type = RecoverKerbal completeInSequence = true kerbal = @/trainee_list } REQUIREMENT { name = check_crew_count type = Expression expression = @/all_candidates.Count() > 1 title = Must enough crew } } Anyone know what could be the problem?
  20. I have checked that commit, it's a bit complicated. Icecovery has made a Chinese Space Station several years ago but never really finish. OldCopper also made one in the recent years, but lacks IVA. So, with the merge of ICSP and NTCP (OldCopper's Chinese mod), we took the existing IVA from ICSP and apply to OldCopper's parts, hence the commit. I have checked with Icecovery and it could very well be that he did not finish that prop. Do you think maybe remove the prop could be better? Also, sorry for the delayed reply, I just went through a surgery and only recently bouncing back.
  21. Any Prop from ICSP is inherited from Icecovery's Chinese Spacecraft pack. If you cannot find them, it probably means either I left some files or it was not finished by Icecovery. I'll have a look to see if I can find them but don't count on that... Also we might do a complete overhaul for the Shenzhou and Tiangong. It is on our roadmap, but currently we are focusing on the new Long March 10.
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