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Everything posted by mark7

  1. I tried the latest release of TCA with KSP 1.12.3 and found the auto land function is a bit weird. It tend to stabilize my ship at 200m and using 0.8m/s instead of 10m/s to finish the rest of the trip. I'm not sure it is due to incompatibility or just my settings are off though. Also, landing with RO engines tend to launch straight to orbit.
  2. I have encountered a strange bug. When loading a craft with Procedural Parts, the node of the Procedural Parts shifted and there is no way to restore it. I am running KSP 1.8.1 and I noticed that this bug has been mentioned in the issue page of github, however I cannot find any fix to that. Anyone know how to fix it?
  3. Well I was referring to my own RP config. I dont know how to fold the text so I'll just paste the cfg content here: %EFFECTS { %RCSrunning { AUDIO_MULTI_POOL { channel = Ship transformName = RCS clip = sound_rocket_mini volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.02 0.1 volume = 0.5 0.1 volume = 1.0 0.1 pitch = 0.0 0.75 pitch = 1.0 1.5 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small transformName = RCS emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.1 0.0 emission = 1.0 1.0 speed = 0.0 0.8 speed = 1.0 1.0 localRotation = -90, 0, 0 } } } @MODULE[ModuleRCS*] { @name = ModuleRCSFX @runningEffectName = RCSrunning }
  4. Alright, thank you anyway. I'm not a C# programmer but I am currently looking into the source code to see if I can find any clue. My initial suspect is how the way RSS tweak the home planet affect how HyperEdit is working. I'm still digging into that, and should there be any progress, I will post it here. Edit: Do you know if the 【Extensions.Log()】in the source file is to print a message in the KSP.log or not?
  5. I am having a problem when I use HyperEdit with RSS, the Lander function is not working. The problem seemed to be caused by how RSS tweak the home body, and the HyperEdit team does not have a working solution. Can anyone else confirm this issue and/or know a way to fix it?
  6. I am encountering the same problem. In RSS environment, the Ship Lander Function is not working, no any responding when I press the Land button. Land Here is the only thing working in the Lander. Debug console is not showing any messages as well. I am running KSP 1.8.1 with HyperEdit 1.5.8, RSS version 18.1.3. When RSS is removed completely, the Landing function is working again. Could you please give a look into that, and I am happy to provide more details if needed.
  7. Applying the RP config seems to solve the problem……Though it is now the standard RCS instead of the cool "hotFlashFume"
  8. Okay, I understand, I will try using Real Plume FX to config the RCS to see if it works. And the FAR patch is based on a very dated version I made back in the KSP 1.2.2 days, it did stable the pitch axis a lot, but for the Ranger to fly aerodynamically I still have to add fins to control the yaw axis, and use Atmosphere Autopilot to improve the stability. Thx for your time~
  9. Thx about it, I just tried doing so and it worked. However, the FX of the RCS on Ranger is still not displayed correctly, but on Lander it just worked fine. Only thing I have is the RCS sound when I press J to translate. And also, the Ranger is quite unstable under FAR environment, I moved the center of lift backward so the pitch axis is stable, but the yaw axis is still all over the place. I wonder if this is a known issue, or am I doing things incorrectly?
  10. Hi there, this mod looks fantastic! I have a quick question, is the latest version of this mod(1.13) compatible with KSP 1.8.1? I wish to use this in RO environment, and my initial try-out found out that Ranger RCS is a little buggy in 1.8.1.
  11. Hmm, so this wonderful piece of art is not currently working correctly on KSP 1.3.1,right?
  12. Well 3D modelling is really not my field. However, I can help with some cfg/test work.
  13. Actually I am more curious about the raptors. They are now 50% less powerful and the ISP dropped a bit. Are the scales also changed? I can't remember the previous value.
  14. Looks like the ITS needs some major upgrade XD
  15. Err sorry for replying you after such a long time, but is the RSS edition completed by now? If not, maybe I can offer some help. I can do some basic cfg work.
  16. Using v1.2 on KSP 1.2.2 in RSS&FAR conditions, the ranger is totally unflyable. Even the slightest yaw would cause it enter some uncontrollable spin. I wanna ask if this problem is noticed and/or solved in the latest version.
  17. Well, if its not too much trouble, could u please upload the original 1.2.2 version of this mod?Cause RO is not upgrade to 1.3 yet and I wanna stay at 1.2.2 while using this mod...
  18. Im having some strange problems when using this mod in 1.22, like heat shield exploding, ladder turning upside-down, etc. Any chance we can get it right?
  19. Havent try it yet,but this mod looks like a saver to a shuttle fan who always play in career mode. Thank you so much! Also,by any chance we can figure out how to make this work with RF?RF is also a must-have which depend on MFT……
  20. This is called crossfeed and was FH's original design. SpaceX is now put CF on hold as FH is already power enough, but they also stated that they will continue develop it if someone show up and pay for it.
  21. I have some trouble here when using trajectory with RSS. It says “prediction stop, too many iterations” Did I use this mod incorrectly or something else?
  22. THX! However, I would like to add some stockalike steategies, do you know what should I do?
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