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Everything posted by DespairingSquid

  1. Probably RAM related, works fine for me and others if you'd care to scroll up
  2. But KSP doesn't have native support to map different axis to engine thrust, so even with the software you couldn't make say an A-10 replica with realistic engine control
  3. Just had a look, and it seems perfect! Thanks so much
  4. So I'm almost certainly getting a thrustmaster warthog at this point and I just wondered what compatibility is like with KSP. For example, are there mods that would let you set up the individual throttles to control individual engines, set the switches to action groups and use hat switches to look around etc.
  5. It works great, I more meant the title being a tad misleading without the 1.1.number. (Actually, it works even better than it did in 1.1.1 because now zooming out in IVA than going to ext cam doesn't make the ocean follow the camera round, though that's fixed by double tapping MMC)
  6. This work in 1.1.2 for anyone? My game won't load but I'm almost certain it's a different mod
  7. Am I right in thinking this should be fine in 1.1.2?
  8. Wheels for KSP were reqritten in 1.1, almost no wheel mods now. Old wheels are broken.
  9. Is the remake thingymabob working with 1.1.2? Same dropbox link ( https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o4rd2db72a8d9x3/AADp-IqD3s0C1lq_XBHGd-TJa?dl=0 )?
  10. So the original author is burnt out/isn't updating? Haven't been following this thread, but this is a must have mod tbh
  11. Ah, thank you. Do they have their own thread or is it just released here? I'd quite like to get my hands on an aircraft carrier.
  12. Sorry if I'm being stupid but wasn't there an aircraft carrier in this mod? I can't find it(using full/complete version)
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