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Everything posted by Teilnehmer

  1. That actually happens regardless of the snap mode.
  2. Can I request a feature for the next versions of the Editor Extensions? In KSP editor, when one tries to move a TT-70 radial decoupler using the offset tool along the surface of the part it’s attached to, it sinks down with its legs for some reason so it isn’t possible anymore to pull it back without reattaching. Some other parts also behave like that. Is it possible to fix this?
  3. Dresteroids are too small to be visible. You can track some and see their orbits though.
  4. Is there any mod allowing both ends of two-way connected elements (struts, fuel ducts) to be movable by the offset tool and/or snappable to angle and grid?
  5. My suggestion is to get rid of the confusing fuel units and use tonnes only. We need tonnes to calculate weight ratios anyway, so why do we need different fuel units?
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