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Everything posted by SuicidalInsanity

  1. Hmm. if it's hanging on the next gun, the usual cause of that is it's trying to parse a bulletType it can't find. if you go to /GameData/AviatorArsenal/BulletDefs/AABulletDefs.cfg, and open the file, do you have a '20x94mmAPTShell' entry, should be 11th down from top? When updating to AA 1.5, was this a 'delete old version and replace', or' copy new version over' installation?
  2. I have no plans to add cockpits. Daniel Prates, are you running BDAc 1.4+? (Link in OP or a few posts above yours) AA 1.5 is incompatible with older versions of BDA.
  3. Update 1.5 for AA is now up on SpaceDock - this updates AA to use the new bulletdefs standard in BDAc 1.4+ As such, AA 1.5 is incompatible with older BDAs. It also adds a few new toys: From left to right: R4M rocket rack, Ho-3 .50MG, Ho-5 20mm, Ho-155 30mm, MG131z FDL 13mm turret Changelog:
  4. Increase the damage multiplier in the BDArmory Settings window to 200-300%. The main issue with AA damage vs stock BDA damage is a matter of fire rate. So while, say, the Hispano 20mm does about the same damage per shot as the Vulcan, it won't have the same damage per second because the Vulcan is firing 5500 rounds per minute compared to the Hispano's 700.
  5. This has been finally updated. Since I've had little time to model recently, this is mainly a maintenance update to fix code issues and similar v1.8.2 - Grab from SpaceDock | GitHub ChangeLog: -Code changes to eliminate memory leak -Resource flow changed to stock model - no more messing with PAWs and fuel transfers -Modulename changed to prevent issues with FFT's 'ModulePulseEngine' - This will cause existing Orion craft to throw a missing module error. Retire/Recover Orion-equipped vessels before installation -RestockWhitelist updated to fix the command pod issue. -Adds CTT integration
  6. No. The patch was integrated as part of the update to 1.4; AAc will natively work with BDAc 1.1+, no patching required.
  7. As one of the people associated with it, I should add that this is a BDAc tournament series that has grown out of Scott Manley's Runway Project rolling BDAc tournament thing. If you've heard of the Runway Project and need more AI planes in your life, or are simply itching for a good quality BDAc competition to end this miserable year with a bang, you could do far worse than Flying Circus. Rounds should be fairly frequent, there will be almost certainly be both FAR and stock aero contests for those favoring either system, and a variety of mods are being considered to add variety to any specific contest. Said contests will also be up to the capricious whim of you, the contestant, with various possible themes/challenges that people can vote on for what they'd like to compete in next. Matches will also be streamed, so none of the long delays waiting for the next update's video of a match.
  8. With tetryds' blessing, I've been given permission to maintain Aviator Arsenal. You can find the new Aviator Arsenal Continued thread here:
  9. Aviator Arsenal (continued) A WW2 aircraft weapons and utilities collection. Aviator Arsenal was a BDAc expansion pack containing some of the most famous WW2 aircraft weapons created by @tetrydsand @VintageXP that has gone un-updated since KSP 1.2, and all credit for this mod should go to them. I am merely a maintainer. Following interest in AA from a few BDAc competitions I've become associated with, I've received tetryd's blessing to maintain this mod and update it to current versions of KSP and BDAc. <<The original thread can be found here>> Every weapon on this pack was researched to be represented accurately, while still maintaining a unique style and making them look appealing into the game. The focus of the pack was originally being used in actual dogfighting, mainly the BAD-T tournaments, and as such a complex balancing system was implemented. This meant that every weapon was rigorously balanced to be used out of the box, you do not need to worry about tweaking anything in order to have a fair gameplay. Every weapon fulfills a role, and you can choose your preferential stats through different variations of the same weapon. Every parameter, from rate of fire to tracer color is represented as accurately as possible. A lot of research was put on making sure the weapons are as similar to their real life counterparts as possible. Have fun, and good fighting! Main Features: Cannons: Machine Guns: ShVAK 20mm (2 Variants), MG 151/20 20mm, MG 151 15mm (2 Variants), Hispano Mk II 20mm (2 Variants) ShKAS 7.62mm, Breda-SAFAT 7.7mm (2 Variants), UBK .50, M2 Gunpod .50, Browning M2 .50 (4 variants) Heavy Cannons: Explosives: Mk 108 30mm, Vya-23 23mm, Vickers S 40mm, BordKannon 7.5 75mm RP-3 Rocket, XM158 2.75in rocket pod, HVAR Rocket, 100lb, 250lb, 500lb, 1000lb bomb Also includes ammo boxes, various ordinance mounts, Jericho Trumpet, Sperry Ball Turret, and custom BDAc AI/Weapon Manager antennas BDArmory 1.4+ (Required) Download Aviator Arsenal from SpaceDock Changelog: Per tetryd's wishes, the license remains All Rights Reserved. All credit to this mod goes to tetryds and vintageXP
  10. I'm not dead. This mod is still being worked on, I've just been busy with other stuff lately that's resulted in this getting backburnered. I'll try to have an update that at least fixes known issues up within a week.
  11. Mission Update 4 Y2, D156 - Y10, D1 Culmination With both the ITV and backup ITV in Duna Ike orbit, and both DAVs fueled and functional, all 46 Kerbals currently on Duna can be returned home at any time. @Death EngineeringChallenge complete, score is as follows: Scoring Mission Value is Kerbal days before Y5,D1*2 + Kerbal days on Duna Y5, D1-Y10,D1 -45 kerbals on Duna from Y2, D09 to Y5, D1: (1269 days*45)*2 = 114210 -1 Kerbal on Duna from Y2,D10 to Y5, D1: (1268 days*1)*2 = 2536 Doodnard arrived 1 day after initial colonyfall to pilot the shuttle down -2 Kerbals on Duna from Y2, 09 to Y3, D240: (648 days*2)*2 = 1296 Arwig and Matemone returned to their home planet 46 kerbals on Duna from Y5, D1 to Y10, D1 (2130 days * 46) = 97980 216022 points Efficiency is Mission Value/NPM*launches Efficiency = 216022/(585*1) = 369.27 Achievements: Achievements: 29 (30?); The outpost delighted the Federation with your exceptional achievement. Your retirement will be luxurious! Mission notes Despite - or perhaps because of - the single mega launch there's a lot of redundancy that in a more distributed mission plan could be reduced or done away with - in addition to the DAV and backup DAV, either of which can evac the entire colony population, there's also the 9 seat shuttle that could be used for the same purpose, abet more slowly; there's also the ITV and backup ITV that can be assembled from the DAVs and the ISRU tanker, one or both of which was always available enabling the colony to evac back to kerbin at any time during their 9 years at Duna (and either could be used to return the entire colony population to Kerbin at any time post Y10, D1). That said, there is one major potential point of failure for which there isn't redundancy - the colony is dependant on Kerbin for food/consumables, and will require a resupply before the initial supplies run out (now that the colony is down to 46) on Y10, D394. The second launch comes available post Y8, D105; soonest TW is Y10, D30. So, if second launch fails, can the colony make it back to kerbin before Y10, D394? -Yes. Assuming the second launch fails and resupply won't arrive before initial supplies run out Y10, D 394, worst-case scenerio the colony can safely be evac'd to Kerbin as late as Y10, D 177, arriving Y10, D390 (4 days to spare) for 5570 m/s, within the capability of the ITV's 5700 dV budget. (Presumably, if the supply launch suceeds, but breaks down mid-flight, the ITV has enough dV to intercept it during its Duna flyby.) Post-Y10, D1 mission architecture A SLV launch is available to launch for the Y10, D30 Transfer Window, to carry 90 tons of supplies to the colony. (Ideally this would get upgraded to in-situ life support to become fully self-sufficient, but this was vanilla KSP, so supply drops it is.) There's also sufficient extra payload budget for expansion of the colony, in the form of a second mobile base habitat to add additional 48 kerbs to the Duna colony. That said, a second base (100t) also requires: -an additional supply cache (w/ 10t deorbit motor)-100t -an additional DAV to still have a backup-30t (unfueled) -an additional ITV, to still have a backup-200t -with a remaining 50 tons that can be used to launch a second ISRU miner+tanker The miner+tanker would remain at Minmus to provide ISRU refuelling capability at both ends of the Duna<->Kerbin route, and would refuel the DAV, which would burn to Duna under its own power, followed by the refueled ITV with base and supplies. If further expansion is desired, the second launch would carry 5 supply caches, enabling the third launch to carry 3 supply caches (300t), a third base(100t), an additional DAV, and additional ITV to move it all. By making the second supply launch nothing but 5 supply caches, the fourth and fifth can loft 2 supply scaches, an additional base, DAV and ITV, for 4 bases - 200 Kerbals - on Duna, with the means to return home in case of emergency - within 40 years. Further expansion to a 5th habitat base (and 250 kerbals on Duna) would require 5 launches (over the next half-century) juggling supply drops and individual elements of colony architecture, and would be the upper limit that can be supported and supplied by the SLV, as 500 of the 585 ton NPM would be dedicated to supplies moving forward. Changing the Supply pod design to be deorbited via local tug instead of disposable deorbit motor would free up 10 tons/cache, and might allow a 6th base to be snuck in, but that would require likely another 4-5 launches to get everything down, and would absolutely be the upper limit - 540 of the 585 ton NPM would need to be supplies at that point. Final thoughts: I suspect the monolithic approach made this challenge simultaneously easier and harder at the same time - on one hand, very few launches massively reduces the amount of busywork to get stuff assembled and delivered to Duna; on the other, if anything breaks/goes wrong/doesn't work as expected (and there were a few instances of that), replacements are either at best years away, and may require completely rethinging/planning the remaining launch(es) as part of the payload needs to be that replacement instead of the original manifest, or you'd better hope you overengineered things and can achieve needed functionality from remaining hardware. As for the grading aspect of the challenge, having sufficient payload capacity to throw a large nuber of kerbals at Duna from the beginning, when they score higher than Kerbals arriving later, is a considerable bonus. It would be interesting to see how an intermediate attempt would play out, something with a NPM in the 100-250t range, just to see how it would compare to both a conventional approach and this - having enough throw weight to get boots on the ground quickly, yet being able to have enough launches to permit later arrivals and potentially hgher scores from larger end population.
  12. Oof, it's been a while. Mission Update 3: Y2, D14-Y2, D156 Surface Exploration Mission Notes: Both DAVs refueled and ready for use, should they be needed, Shuttle made it down with enough fuel to make orbit, but will need orbital refueling. Any future launches - either the one I have upcoming Y8, or post Y10 outpost upkeep - will be carrying redesigned resourcing hardware as part of the payload Surface samples acquired for Early Mission Prestige / Biome Diversity: 13 I should be able to have a fourth(final?) update up in the next day or so, with scoring and plan for going forward post-Y10, D1
  13. Thanks. And apologies if my previous comment about documentation was taken as a slight - I was referring to Squad's lack of such, not yours, though my wording was more ambiguous than it could have been.
  14. Not surprising, at the time those were made I was more or less needing to reverse-engineer first principles from stock drills on how to make custom ones (convenient and available module documentation? What's that?). I can poke at them a bit and see what needs to be reconfigured or reexported to fix the issue.
  15. Mission Update 2: Y1, D90 - Y2, D13 -Kerbin departure -Duna arrival -All mission hardware deployed Settle in, this update's a long one. Lots of waiting, followed by lots of frenetic activity, with no good place to split it in two. Mission notes: -Kerbals on Duna: 48 -Arrival date Y2, D9 (day 435) -Main disadvantage so far with an All-in-One approach is everything ends up happening at once. KAC is highly recommended for anyone else thinking of attempting a similar non-distributed outpost plan. -Achievements thus far: Safety *Backup Plan Robustness *Duna Space Station (3 kerbal capacity) *Duna Space Bus (9 seats support 4 crew should trips take 10+ days) *Deep Space transit (the ITV, once refueled, has 5400 dV) Science *Deep Space Lab Advanced Goals *Kerbin Space Station (still where I left it Update 1) *Positive Uplink (4 relay, 1x Ike orbit, 1x Polar orbit) *Advanced Deep Space Transit (Duna>Kerbin ~1.9k dV, Kerbin > Duna ~1.9k dV, ITV has 5.4k dV) Mobility *? >50% crew access to EVA rovers ? (not actually sure about this one, does Full Crew Access to Pressurized Rovers supercede this?) * Full crew IVA Rover access (mobile base seats 48, with additional 2x 2 seat and 2x 10 seat parasite vehicles) *Home is where you park it (entire colony base is mobile) *Contingency plans (Backup Plan, Duna Station, Duna Shuttle, positive Uplink achieved)
  16. I remember trying this back in the day with a 30 0r 40 ton reusable SLV and a gimmick of doing no mission planning whatsoever - I had all the hardware built, but hadn't bothered with fine details like transfer window dates or launch manifest order past SLV 8 or so. Not that it got that far - lag from mult-hundred part vessels held together with too many docking ports saw the attempt die before anything got posted. Always wanted to come back to this though, so, lets try this again (and officially enter the challenge this time): Mods: -None; pure stock SLV: -580 ton NPM -Reusable: yes -Turnaround: 8 years, 72 days Everything a Duna outpost needs. Hopefully. If anything breaks or doesn't work as intended, replacements are a mere 8 years away! The lifter is a horrible kludge of clipped fuel tanks and engines because I was running out of space in the VAB and I needed to fit 44MN of thrust in there somehow. Mission Update 1: Y1, D50 - Y1, D90 Launch 1 -All planned hardware and crew orbited. -Transit to Minmus -Minmus refueling Mission notes: -The AFOH has 48 crew aboard. -In addition to the 7200 LS ore in the Primary Supply Cache, the Duna base and ITV have an additional 1500 LS ore, for a total of 8700/(48*0.04) = 4531.25 days, or enough supplies to last until Y10, D321 (crew launched Y1,D50) -The DAVs can carry 300 units of LS ore each (will need to be transferred from PSC), should they need to be used as backup ITV accommodations.
  17. Typical. I can't be bothered to get around to UV mapping ~2k poly structural fairings for the 10m Orion, but I can be bothered to unwrap a pair of ~12k poly engines? Anyway, here's Project Orion's Nexus booster in all its cyclopean glory: Ignore the placeholder textures, and have a Banana Bob for scale. This thing is ruining my ability to make parts - I'm losing all sense of scale when modeling, it's so stupidly huge. I love it. Now, back to actual Orion bits...
  18. Flares work by generating a 'thermal score', for lack of better phrase, that is a random value between 0.65x and 1.75x of current vessel temperature. Heatseeker targeting code looks to see if there is a flare within the sensor cone, then does some math based on flare current temperature, distance and the detection angle that modifies the thermal score. if the final score is +/- 10% of target vessel temperature, the heatseeker will lock onto the flare. More flares help, true, but being able to get out of the immediate area, be it maneuverability or speed, is still a large part of it, because the engine temp value the flares are being compared to is also modified by detection angle and distance. That, and missiles can only turn so many degrees per second - moving out the space they can reach guarantees a miss.
  19. I won't be providing a full 10m conventional rocket parts lineup, no, since that's out of scope; but I could provide parts for the Project Orion-adjacent launch vehicle developed to get Orions into orbit While most of the USAF designs involved strapping a bunch of Clydesdale-sized SRBs to the sides, a few used a truly Kerbal 'Moar Boosters!' approach - meet the NEXUS Booster: Bottom is 20m. For a sense of scale - the 8 small thrusters on the bottom? Each of those is the size of a LV-T30 Reliant. But if it's 10m rockets you're after, the small tank in the upper right and the toridial plug aerospike are both 10m sized.
  20. No idea about other mods. SpaceY might, I remember it having 7.5m parts, at least. I hadn't considered launch vehicle parts, to be honest, but an engine plate will be among the 10m parts.
  21. Not going to lie, I was not expecting a clean sweep from the Super Spectre.
  22. All right, M2X is now up - SpaceDock | GitHub -Fixes the Banshee door issue -Fixes the RCSAS missing -Fixes the Landing Leg
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