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Everything posted by LongHairedHuman

  1. My old and perfectly working shitty laptop. Desktop pc will come tomorrow.
  2. You should use NTSF, supports bigger files, and is less prone to BSOD.
  3. You should leave 2 out, in case you need to rescue the rescue team.
  4. Yes, turn down the shiny. I had to do that with my old PC too. Now I get 60-70 fps on the pad, 100-120 fps on launch, and 160-180 fps on a 400.000 - 400.500 Kerbin orbit. Although you can\'t, upgrading is by far the best option. Everything you do on your pc will go way faster.
  5. Hooray! great job, admins/mods!
  6. That thing better stay away from my cat.
  7. I tried it, but it says it missed some parts. I have some common mods, but could you please include which mods you used in your post?
  8. Funny, never tried to put more than 4 engines like that on a aircraft, quite epic.
  9. My current PC has only the processor liquid cooled, one of them H60 things. I didn\'t want to risk fucking up my GPU, as it is a GeForce 670, and it\'s too expensive to mess around with that.
  10. I personally avoid those kind of websites, I just order my parts, and put the PC together myself, so I know what\'s in it, and where everything came from. It\'s easier that way if anything breaks.
  11. I would advice to put all your important files on a separate partition on your HDD, and after doing the upgrade, just re install windows. It isn\'t hard, it doesn\'t take too long, and your PC will be way faster than running the old version. Source: experience. Also, could you please tell us your current hardware, and the hardware that you are planning on buying? Including chassis.
  12. Yes, the 8200 is integrated in motherboards. Can you find it in Device manager? If yes, try and uninstall the drivers and device trough there, reboot, and use the drivers: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/44967 If no, Try and find the device in BIOS, and see if it is disabled. If it is disabled, enable it. If it is enabled, you might have to do a clean install of windows. If you can\'t find the GPU, you might have to clear the CMOS, resetting the BIOS. But before anything, have you tried turning it off and on again?
  13. Yes, I only publish stock crafts. If not, I will state it in the OP.
  14. That would be a 2500K Sandybridge on an asus p8z68 cooled with a H60 watercooler, so I might add some volts and turn it up to 4,5Ghz.
  15. Looks a bit like 2 of my designs, the engine trough wing, and four engines blasting down Very nicely done! Is it stable, though?
  16. Not how to talk like Yoda, that is. 'On it, I can get. Firefox, I use.'
  17. I know, and I was about to apply my corp nation (private island, sort of), when the forums went down.
  18. Wouldn\'t be this kind of thing something that we can fight out on the new forums, instead of already claiming all the land before the forums even go up? Seems kinda unfair.
  19. You should really do some homework and ask some questions that don\'t expect us to write an entire tutorial. Get the hang of modeling first, make some basic shapes. But please don\'t ask for basics, as there are plenty of tutorials on the internet. Also, don\'t forget that this isn\'t a blender forum, and not everybody here is a professional blender user. Just do a quick Google search for a tutorial.
  20. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pqni2/ http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pqnj1/ http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pqnjg/
  21. I really should build another big-ass ship, like my destroyer: That thing barely got into orbit, and took me multiple launches. It also happened quite often that a whole row of engines fell off while launching, though that didn\'t matter that much in the end. I love big ships ^^
  22. Only AC/DC for my videos! EDIT: On a side note, I will try to make more videos when my new hardware gets delivered. I\'m not gonna brag, but it contains a i5, GTX670, and a new MOBO.
  23. I could mess around with it for a bit, but everything that I release will be stock parts, unless it is really epic.
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