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Everything posted by StickyScissors

  1. Ohh, i thought that it looked familiar, it would seem i just forgot the name, and that i already had it on the list
  2. [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] EDIT: Nevermind, disregard. This isn't an issue specific with SSTU, it's happening to everything. Now i have to spend forever tracking this down, oh joy EDIT2: Figured it out: OpenGL and KVV = Big no-no, this is not something that KVV likes
  3. Behold, the Arion Multi-Purpose Lander. Basically just a stretched Arion service module (used on Marduk and other Arion family variants) with landing legs glued on. Able to land on, and then ascend back to orbit of, quite a few planets/moons. - Launch Mass (LES included): 40.853 Tons Unit Price (LES included): 90,830 Krubles
  4. The design for the Marduk Fueling Vessel has been solidified. Basically just an Arion-class service module with solar panels and a big fuel tank. More on Arion later.. - Launch Mass (fairings Included): 69.193 Tons Unit Price (fairings Included): 57,040 Krubles Also working on an E(xtended) variant, which uses a stretched Arion service module so i can fling it at other planets and use SM fuel to slow down -and- maneuver/dock rather than a third stage or a bigger launcher
  5. Yes, MechJeb has an OK auto-launch feature. Ok then, don't use the other stuff that it comes with? Have some self control
  6. Mechjeb is sub-optimal when you have a vehicle with very many lower boosters and a relatively small second stage, i.e: Falcon Heavy or Atlas V. The lower stages tend to be used for part (or all, if the payload is really light) of the circularization.
  7. Please tell me that accurate, real-time visor reflections are working. The latest 1.1 version either: have a solid color as the visor, be visually glitchy, or (worst case), i disable visors all together due to them being unappealing without reflections
  8. Holy god this game would be so much better with Shadow's modding logic applied to the base of this game.
  9. Finished the other part of my infographic for the Vishera A-series: Exploded view. Also, i have an idea in mind to convert the second stage into a lander/ascent stage for the Mun along with my Arion crew transportation system (pictured below). Direct Ascent has never really been my cup of tea, but it's growing on me as something that won't look like poo (stock parts, euuhhgg).
  10. I assume you are using the shuttle fuselage with the built in engines? RealPlume does not like engine FX on the root part of any craft after reload, it's not specific to this mod
  11. Draft number 2 of the Common -Fuel- Station. Designed so i could do super quick transfers to other planets (Duna mainly) without having to design/test/launch a much bigger nuclear shuttle. I can Use most of my DV to get to orbit of the target body, refuel there, then use all the fuel again to return home quickly. Each one of those orange tanks is enough to refuel a nuclear shuttle a little over half way. - Refueling mission test. Not liking the "drag fuel to station via nuclear shuttle" way of doing it. I'm probably just gonna end up flinging one of those orange tanks along with a service module (for post-fling maneuvering) at whatever target planet to fuel the stations, it's much quicker and more simplified. - Edit: Also, yes, i wanted to share my Vishera launcher collection, now that the design is solidified. Didn't export because the file, being 7000x7000 was gonna take to long to export, and the image is not even done yet. For the fuel flinging, i'll probably use A3 or A5 to fling the mass of fuel i'll need while still being within the bounds of service module weight limits.
  12. @Shadowmage Well, i just crashed my game harder than ever before. Had a modular command probe, placed a fuel tank under that, placed the SuperDraco-L engine under that, then tried to adjust tank size(can't remember if diameter or height). The engine vanished, but MJ was still giving DV readouts as normal. I alt-clicked the tank to dupe it for no real reason, just to see what would happen, then the game stuttered, then it froze, then i got some weird C++ error message, and then i finally got the "KSP_64x has crashed" message. The log is spammed with.. ..a few thousand times over. Even windows went "nuh uh", and wanted to shut this thing down, judging by the "Received abort signal from the operating system" at the end of the log, that is. - Edit: seems like this is a one-time issue. Edit: tried another scenario: Don't merge a different craft and try to take engines from it to use on the current craft. Either the game will crash before you are able to get the engines off the merged-into-the-scene bit, the issue that i described originally will happen. Weird
  13. Space Station Vucari, revision 2. Also, I'm curious if any of you guys have some reasonable designs/concepts for an orbital construction dock/ore refinery that i could build. I've got plans for everything else, i'm just bad at station design, really. - Oh yeah, and then this stuff happened Side note: Dammit, Gfycat, stop speeding up my videos
  14. I'm glad someones paying attention to this mod. For some of my rockets, it's either launch with this this, or manual flight, and i have slowly gotten worse at gravity turns and maneuvers since i started doing automated stuff a long time ago.
  15. Always check your staging, folks. Or you might end up like this - And here's a first draft of a commonized space station, one i hope to deploy to every body i plan on exploring. Launched into LKO piece-by-piece on my Pechora-Lavina shuttle system(depicted above), of which has just undergone a major overhaul, it will be built out completely in LKO, than will be pushed to it's final destination by an Alkaid Reusable Nuclear Shuttle.
  16. Would it be possible to open a flag-selection menu clone when you click a button in the menu, and have some thumbnails of the caps with maybe some basic dimensions/stats overlayed on the images? Obviously the code will have to be different, but the flag menu layout is easy enough to navigate.
  17. 1.2 drops the day i planned to start my serious 1.1 save, wonderful (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Looks like i won't be doing anything until development ceases for good it seems only half-serious.., Maintaining a 50+ mod install takes juuust long enough to be stable in time for the next big, break-everything update - Edit: In other news, i've never had such detailed space stations with such high FPS before, my meager FX-6300 is jumping with joy!
  18. @Shadowmage Would it be easy to add a toggleable cylinder to the bottom of docking ports, to remove the need of using structural fuselages to move them away from tanks? Radially mounting them now creates the problem of having them sunk in too far to look good an be usable, or they are far enough out to be usable, but the majority of it isn't touching the tank. - Edit: Also, here's a random screenshot from a test mission to Duna
  19. The contract adding system is based on what contracts are already spawned, so sometimes it will refuse to add any more of a particular type, and you can't specify what parts spawn in part/crew recovery contracts
  20. @Shadowmage Found an issue with station parts and symmetry that i have somehow managed to not find until now. Example jif: - Relevant part of output file: Notes: -This issue only happens with parts that come with swapable ports right out of the part menu, such as the ST-COS-HAB-L. -If you place, for example, the ST-COS-HAB-L down without symmetry, set TDock and BDock to Mount-None, then place it down with any symmetry amount, it will work fine. -It's kinda annoying trying to build a wet-lab concept with symmetry issues
  21. Hearing from a few people that wheels are still having a terrific amount of issues in the experimental versions. Random explosions, slipperiness and there is still waaaay too much front gear bouncing on touchdown of aircraft. What a shame :/
  22. Hmm, ok, you make some good points. If the radially atached one doesn't work out, would it be easier/more feasible to do one that is node attached to the ends of parts? Although, that would mean that you couldn't use the tank noses and/or mounts properly due to the nose node being taken and the RCS ring being shifted wherever the user desires.
  23. @Shadowmage Would it be possible to make a radially attachable, multi-RCS-port ring that sort of wraps around fuel tanks when placed, to cut down on parts further? Imagine the modular command probe core but with 4 RCS ports evenly spaced around the outside, but it is placed radially rather than on a node. Jeez, this is difficult to convey through text. Here's a sweet MSPaint gif that hopefully gets what i'm thinking about across alightly better
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