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Everything posted by StickyScissors

  1. Anything less than a ksp.log file and reliable bug reproduction steps won't help in solving whatever issue you are having. And, seeing as, well, nobody is having that same issue, something with your install in particular is amiss, not necessarily the mod itself.
  2. 1. yay, Super Dracos! One step closer to making another mod i use obsolete. Although, it doesn't have a complimentary capsule 2. re: the Merlins, specifically the vacuum engines, are there plans to make the bell extension glow red(orange?) like they do IRL?
  3. Assuming those are liquid fueled engines, yes, the amount of smoke is correct. The amount that they used to put out was more along the lines of SRB exhaust, which was unrealistic for LF engines
  4. So, i take it that SVE, and KScale64 should work together right out of the box, correct? IIRC, SigmaDimensions (being required for 64K) automatically scales cloud layers, so that part should be fine, but does everything else compiled in this mod scale as well? I'm hoping to crash SVE, 64k -maybe- KSPRC together into my install.
  5. Do mods need any sort of patching to work with 64K? It looks intriguing, but if i have to add more crap on top of what i assume will be an already NRE-spammy install (~40 mods), i'm not gonna bother. My main concern being graphics mods like Proot's KSPRC, because those seem to have...issues
  6. So, i haven't messed with EVE seriously since... 0.90 or early 1.0 i think, and since then, things have obviously been completely redone with this mod and i have fallen out of the loop. What im curious about, is if old cloud textures and whatnot still work? For example: Better Atmospheres, the plugins/configs for that pack are completely broken, but i'm curious if i drop the cloud texturescand such from Better Atmospheres' old "GameData\BoulderCo\Clouds\Textures\" folder into EVE's GameData\BoulderCo\Atmosphere\Textures file without renaming them or whatever if they will still work to some extent? If not, is there a reasonably straight-forward method to using old packs? i'm not to keen on only using 2K textures, and i'd prefer some of the higher res options that texture packs provide. I'd test myself, but my GPU died last week, and i'm waiting on my refund for a replacement :/
  7. So far, i have -downloaded- the Nova add-on. Haven't bothered setting up my install because i still don't have a GPU, and won't get my refund until (hopefully) tomorrow, then it's waiting another 2 weeks for the replacement to actually get here :/
  8. This needs to be a proper book...or a mini series...or a full series...or a MOVIE, I don't care, IT MUST BE SEEN BY MORE! Also, congratz on reaching 2000 rep, wooo!
  9. Thanks! The rocket, however, has been retired/completely lost since i started using 1.1. The Volga name lives on, though, because when i get my new 1.1 game/save stable, i've got a whole line of Angara-like launchers to be built and tested. I just wish i didn't have to depend on BobCat's Soviet Engines for the RD-191's and 0124's, but i don't mind -that- much. To get the shot, i used Kronal Vessel Viewer and nearly all my patience trying to line it up at that angle. Than i took the rotate and moving gizmo's and moved stuff around/rotated things. Then the game crashed as i was about to take the screenshot ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ Eventually, i wrangled the screenshot into GIMP and stretched a usual 30 minute editing job to over ~4 hours to try to mimic ULA's DIVH infographic: Oh, that wasn't even the biggest one. Try this, 300 tons to LKO >:D
  10. Mmmm, it's really tempting to help out but my internet speeds and, by extension, my data cap, are abysmal and i can't get a modded game to remain stable for the life of me
  11. I guess since we're sharing things, here's an infographic i made in 1.0.5. Some of you may have seen this before on the KSP subreddit. I find that making these is fun, sue me
  12. Good timing for me to check this thread it seems, as i was just about to bring up the speeding up of plumes. Glad that this is something that is being changed/planned to be changed, as i've always found it weird that they move as slowly as they do compared to real rocket exaust
  13. Wow, this thread imploded overnight, huh. Anyways, good luck and godspeed @Shadowmage you definitely deserve a few weeks of not having to go insane over U5/a mod community/modding in general, i admire your patience. On the bright side, if you wanna call it that, this means the mod will be stable for few weeks and won't break every weekend or so
  14. Ehr, is there a way to -not- have fuel in the swappable nosecones and instead have them be purely structural? Something other than having to remove fuel preferably. And i guess while we'ere on that topic, is it possible to integrate stock nosecones into the model swapping lineup?
  15. As it turns out, i actually am interested in them. me want. I can make patches and i can get bored and remake stuff like this: But part textures with detail are something i've never really tried Also, yay! working-ish wheels(and landy legs)! My Mun colony ideas can't get anywhere other than paper without proper integrated wheels and legs. Edit: Probably not something you'd be interested in working on, but how possible would it be to have custom text written down the side of a fuel tank? All the decal mods aren't updated and probably never will be. If not, am i correct in assuming just duplicating a tank texture and putting text on it would work out without the text stretching? It's hard to test things without a GPU ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
  16. Hmm, ok, understandable objections. Although, on the topic of fairings, i have had another idea. Is it possible to have the option of fairings that stem from the top of a fuel tank? I have some plans in place of launching (and later, expanding) a Skylab-alike station (half of it a fuel tank not shrouded, but the other bit is shrouded, starting from the top of the tank) and would prefer not to have extra parts (fairing base) loitering around when this thing gets big. Custom fairing panels not needed
  17. I've found that actually letting it crash into the ground/water after it messes up triggers it to re-calculate when you revert. If it's flying poorly but doesn't actually wreck, and i revert, it has always not re-calculated until it actually crashed/was destroyed.
  18. Yes, the Rodan, i haven't used the cargo variant at all. The "tilt the capsule to generate a bit of lift" works decently in FAR, but FAR is being mean to other, more important mods than itself so i can't/don't use it for the time being.
  19. @Shadowmage As you have recognized, my brand new GPU has gone poo poo, and while i return it back to Amazon and wait for a refund to buy a replacement, i have been thinking a lot more than usual, and i have come up with some ideas that may or may not have been brought up before: Proposal #1: An option to swap Soyuz's service module between the regular, LEO/LKO variant with the extended 7K-LOK version, which was to be used for Lunar excursions. And possibly make it a wee bit more powerful. Even around the Mun it's difficult to use. To go along with the swapping of service modules, it would also be cool to have the have the option to swap the current black/dark gray color of the entire spacecraft with the green of older variants. I'd make the texture myself but...i don't know how. The files can't be modified in GIMP without a plugin (of which doesn't work anyways), and i don't have photoshop Example, ASTP mission: Proposal #1.5: Swap between Apollo service module blocks 1 and 3. I have no idea what block 2 looks like, because google won't give me anything, but it must be very similar to block 1, so it can be ignored. Block 2 was used for the actual Moon missions, Block 1 was Apollo 1 and previous, so Block -1- can be ignored. Example: Note that BIII, III+, IV and V are shown, but the only one i request would be the standard BIII. Seeing as how BIII+ and V can most likely be made with the station parts, and BIV could be made with stock panels, they are extra unneeded work. For the engine, i assume just using the engine-swapping modue you have already created would work there, but i don't know what variant BIII and beyond uses. Probably just another variant that could faked with engines already made. the shuttle maneuvering engines, perhaps are a good option due to their size similarity with BIII Proposal #2: Modular/procedural fairings, beyond the fiddly ones that stock implements (i'm having serious trouble closing them at the point sometimes ). I'm thinking about a fairing base, with adjustable bottom/top diameters, height (via model swapping or just stretching), the middle piece with adjustable length, and the top/cone bit that could be swapped out for others. So as not to inflate the part count of the vessel, maybe just have the fairing as one big part that splits into 2 when staged (rather than having 2 separate halves built with individual pieces) to begin with? That's how stock fairings seems to do it, and that works ok most of the time. Examples of fairings that could be made, Soyuz(can you tell i really like Souyz ❤️): Titan fairings. The only difference between these would be the base shape (configurable, ofc), while the panels would just be a different diameter due to the base top being scaled differently. I hope you catch my drift, i'm really sleepy: Proposal #3: A way to align ports to make multi-port docking easier. Maybe just a single long, skinny docking port that reaches from one end of the tank to the other (down the side) of some sort so i can dock tanks side-by-side. This would prevent the process of: align, dock, realize i screwed up, undock, repeat until i get it right. It would make docking things like Project Argosy type ships together a lot less tedious. Example: Ideas i had that won't work, or that i suspect you wouldn't bother with Being able to swap the current lander can out with the LK lander. Why it won't work: It would mean swapping IVA's which isn't possible, if i'm reading previous posts correctly. MAKS Spaceplane: Why it won't happen: Waaay too many non-modular parts. IVA, carrier craft to launch from, fuel tank, wheels. Modular command capsule. Why it won't work: IVA swapping. Nope, NEEEXT! Lots of other non-modular stuff...ehh, you get the point. I'm tired, and i'm going to sleep.
  20. I'm gonna just assume it's a bad card and RMA it, seeing as how i've re-installed the drivers a couple of times, and i haven't overclocked any more than it already is out of the factory. I was so excited However, even with all that graphical destruction, kerbal, witth all the GFX mods i have thrown at it, is still a silky smooth 60FPS, so that keeps my hopes up for when i RMA this thing
  21. Why does navball replacement not want to work anymore? Use to work fine in 1.0.X but since upgrading to 1.1 it just doesn't change.
  22. meh, take your time, i can't play now anyways. As of today, my new GPU came in, and what does that mean? Lots and lots of screen tearing on my POS monitors, which means that KSP (or any game for that matter) is unplayable. yay me :/
  23. Can we get a way to temporarily disable this entirely in-game? the way mechjeb flicks around the craft to align them, then -instantly- time warping means that the craft always tumble, them MJ stops them to re-align again. rinse and repeat.
  24. Is there a reason why the capsule seems so draggy? I am having serious issues of landing 1/4 of the way behind where i want to land. Even with Trajectories, the undershooting because of drag there is is horrible. Tilting the capsule to try and generate lift like a lifting body does the opposite :/
  25. @Shadowmage So, i have found an issue between SSTU and FAR. Specifically your engines and FAR. To reproduce: 1. Install SSTU 2. Install FAR 3. Make some sort of craft in the editor 4. select engine (or any other part with an integrated engine) 5. NullRef. NullRef. NullRef. NullRef. NullRef. NullRef. Note: Service modules such as the Orion, Apollo, and Soyuz spit out s*** loads of NRE's at once, while engines only spam out 2 when you select them. Also, im not on the latest version, i don't have the internet speeds or data to support downloading this mod every few days, so i'm on the previous patch. Output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0g01j1imuyvdn9/output_log.txt?dl=0
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