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Everything posted by allenby

  1. Ah, so it doesn't look like it was the previous version of Procedural Parts that was causing the odd GUI issue/debug errors. Even with the updated Procedural Parts that uses KAE 1.7.5, the issue still persists. However, removing the KAE dll fom RealFuels or otherwise disabling the mod still resolves this issue like before. I was also wrong when I referred to the "updated" KAE dll in RealFuels, as it turns out it still uses 1.7.3 (what I found in the directory), so at this point I'm completely lost. All I can say at this point is that, on my end (and at least one other person), having Real Fuels 10.4.1 and PP 1.1.4 present will break functionality of the latter, with the error message: [Error]: ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_ChooseOption' not found.
  2. I just installed Real Fuels 10.4, and noticed some odd GUI issues with Procedural Parts. When I bring up the procedural tank GUI, the options to select textures/shapes are invisible, and the debug is repeatedly spammed with: [Error]: ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_ChooseOption' not found. Deleting the updated KAE dll in the Real Fuels folder seems to resolve the Procedural Parts issue and it works normally again. I don't know if it's due to Procedural Parts out of date, a bug with KAE 1.7.5, or something else entirely. Just thought I'd bring it up. I'm running KSP 1.04.
  3. I'm getting voxel updates when I wouldn't expect them, namely when craft are in space or on airless bodies. Normally the bit of lag isn't an issue (i.e. when deploying antennas), but it does chug noticeably when doing EVA flights across moons (updates would happen every couple seconds or so). I don't know if voxel updates in space are a bug or maybe due to some kind of coding constraint, but if it's feasible to restrict them to when there's an atmosphere, it might cut down on some unnecessary lag.
  4. Having a bit of trouble with RCS. It normally hasn't been an issue getting them to work before, but they won't fire now (I know the steps involved in getting them to work with RF). Oddly enough, when I select an RCS module in the VAB, the debug is repeatedly spammed with: [Exception]: MissingFieldException: Field '.Vessel.staticPressure' not found. These lines keep printing after the craft is launched, and only stop when I delete the RCS. The VAB also lags quite a bit even after deleting the parts (memory leak?). I haven't heard of anyone having this same issue, so I thought I'd check. EDIT: The updated RF Stockalike config is bundled with an older version of RCSFX (3.5). Replacing it with RCSFX 4.0 seems to have resolved the issue.
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