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Everything posted by bandit4910

  1. Wait this is going to be included in the mars rocket? Wow I did not know that... Maybe we could get a mission a bit sooner now.
  2. That song reminds me of hippies for some reason xD... Honestly the Beatles are better than nickleback.
  3. Same. My family plans on driving to disney land next year. I serousily can not bear a day or two in a car with my sister without getting into a HUGE argument.
  4. 4) If you abort the shutdown, add 1 point to your score, and divide the time delay by 2 (initially 120). 5) Repeat until you fail to abort the shutdown, at which point you lose. Submit your score to this topic for a ranking! Rules: No automation via scripts/batch files. Must be hand types, although I will allow copy/paste by means of keyboard presses. I would ask for a screenshot, but seeing as the conditions for losing are an immediate shutdown... I made this game as a fun way to finally kick my lazy arse off the computer when it was late at night, and there wasn\'t anything to do online lol Highscores: Empty! Submit your score now! P.S. This also makes for a great .bat file to throw in someone\'s startup folder, or link someone\'s internet icon to on April Fool\'s Day Does this command work with like shutdown [iP here] -t 120?
  5. I got viruses from Free Online Games(An actual site, not linking to it though.) I got AVG, it thought my schools site was a virus, so I removed AVG and got Avast!, that removed the viruses and blocked them from my computer.
  6. Oh yeah and I have to catch up on math... Only 2 or 3 Units though.(Our books are divided into units so far I\'m on unit 9 or 10.)
  7. I remember that one time I was listening to the radio and the ISS passed right over my house... It would be cool if we heard their encrypted channel communications. All I got was a static transmission...
  8. I\'m JUST a version behind I have android 2.2 on my tablet. My tablet is VERY bad, it doesn\'t have flash and doesn\'t work with Angry Birds...
  9. This rule is actually fair to me, considering on other forums you usually can\'t post personal conversations at all. (Unless the other persons name is changed to a random word or something.)
  10. I want to know since every browser I\'ve tried crashes.
  11. I only have a last paper left. Only needs to be 2 pages, it\'s a research paper also. I still need to figure out a topic... My parents are trying to get me to do it on how good apple is, they have VERY out dated knowledge of PCs so... I could do it on Ubuntu, Microsoft, Windows or Pluto...(This would actually be my first paper on any object in space except earth.) So wait they don\'t go by grades in the UK? I can\'t believe I didn\'t know that...
  12. I\'m not implying she\'s stupid. I\'m implying if she\'s going to be using a computer for online banking she should have an average knowledge of PC\'s. Right now she has a basic. I recommend a backup of music files scan them on a different computer, and remove the virused files. Then reformat the disc and put the non virused files back on. If she doesn\'t let you than let her money get stolen, if she tries to blame you tell your parents that she needed a disc reformat and she wouldn\'t allow you to reformat so it\'s her fault.
  13. Wouldn\'t allow me for some reason. Might of downloaded from a site that offers virus downloads... It\'s alight though, my parents weren\'t that mad since I paid for the HDD with my own money.
  14. This happend to me except it was my ethernet ports. It also didn\'t recognize my microphone and headphone ports... So I ended up having to backup my files (again) and get another hard drive. My parents were pissed that I wrecked my computer...
  15. Cooler Master NotePal U3 Notebook Cooler with 3 Fans R9-NBC-8PCK-G It would also help to know your laptops measurements...
  16. How old is she?! I had a basic knowledge of a PC when I was 9.
  17. I\'m also pretty sure your PC needs DDR3 ram also...
  18. 0_o Use AVAST!... That detects almost every virus.
  19. Technically speaking Android is a Linux OS... It\'s built on a modified Linux kernel...
  20. I wish I had GPS on my tablet. I wounder what else you can see by eye... How much does one of those things cost? I\'m an amateur astronomer I\'ve only seen the moon and some satellite... (Probably a GPS satellite)
  21. I\'m not complaining.. I wounder if they have wifi on the trains now...
  22. I\'m trying to render some planets in 3D. (Not for a game, just to test my blender skills.) I can\'t get textures into the scene any help on this?
  23. Well I guess this is another reason to go to NYC... Of course It takes like 2 hours to get there by car. It would take us 2 and a half hours to get there by train. New york isn\'t much different from my city.(Except the fact there\'s HUGE sky scrapers..) I remember the last time I went to new york, I planned on seeing the construction of the new sky scrapers. (Of course by then all they would have done is the basements...)
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