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Everything posted by bandit4910

  1. Here\'s how they kill the kraken, make the star kerbin is orbiting an actual OBJECT, add planets. I\'m thinking the next planet should be a Gas Giant...
  2. OK, Thanks. I\'m gonna try to get the game later today or tomorrow. Well get KSP full... I think I still have my KSP folder floating around somewhere...(I eventually got bored with V0.13.3, all you could do was Fly to the mun and back and get into a kerbin escape...)
  3. Also if you want it like a slideshow, there are online services that animate multiple pics into a gif.
  4. I didn\'t even know there was a launch. I checked my twitter feed, found a launch pic. Searched on YT found that. When was the launch?
  5. Is the moon almost as far away as a planet would be?(Considering I\'m waiting on docking to buy the game, if the moon is about that far I\'m gonna try to buy the game.)
  6. Um, try googling it. I found a tutorial where you need a free software called GIMP. It has to be a .GIF for cross browser support.
  7. This is why you never use ForumMotion or anything like it. I stick with web hosting like the one KSP has...(Accept I use free ones.)
  8. It could be from the Unity site or from experience with the issue.
  9. Well I\'ve been trying to create a renderation of a mythical planet in Photoshop, so far I have the space background and the star it\'s orbiting. I just want water, an atmosphere and some icy mountains.How would I photoshop this? I\'ve tried EVERY tutorial on youtube, they don\'t really help because there making Gas Giants. The star I just made an orange circle colored it in and added an orange glare to it.
  10. Cool. Why is everything sold on steam though? I mean the only indie game that\'s popular that isn\'t AT ALL steam related are Minecraft and KSP. KSP better steam. OT: I have a friend who plays the game, I tried to play it, doesn\'t interest me.
  11. Have fun.. This is weird, my dad was just there to visit my uncle a few weeks ago...
  12. Well after the fuel line error they have officially launched the Falcon 9. It was launched at Cape Canaveral, I only know this from twitter. Now to see if it actually docks to the ISS. Video of the launch:
  13. You should also say in the disclaimer that the logo and the game are copyrighted by Squad, INC...
  14. Could you give more info about the picture? Do you want it to be animated or 3D or something like those.
  15. The fish we got was on sale at Pet Smart. I did see little spots on him when we got him, that\'s why we are using the drops. The fungi went away after like a week or so... He also has a hard time figuring out if somethings food or not, when ever we feed him his normal fish food it takes him like an hour to figure out it\'s food... Other than that he\'s fine.
  16. If it\'s another male then I think so... Female betta fish aren\'t that violent. It\'s like hampsters with that, if you put to males in one cage they fight to the death.
  17. Yup, and probably would of left a HUGE crater where the launch station was.
  18. I\'ll try to post pictures. It\'s been like 2 days and the fish has already produced a Bubble Nest, it\'s kinda hard to take pictures of him now. Since my sisters at work(I have two sisters, ones 18, ones 15 the 18 year old owns the fish.) I need to feed the fish. Also, I found a game where you move your finger around outside the glass, the fish is suppost to follow but my fish doesn\'t.
  19. Oh yeah add Minecraft 1.8 into there. The fan base rushed that completely. OT: This actually is a good rule, also, what should be added to the rule is the 'When are planets coming?' questions.
  20. AHA! I sort of guessed it.. But for next time...
  21. I fell asleep at like 12:00 AM, set an alarm for 3:30 AM searched for NASA TV on my guide, found out it wasn\'t on our cable. I\'m still mad that they have every other science channel but NASA TV.
  22. I probably already know, there will be a fuel line error causing the rocket to explode. I wouldn\'t be surprised if that was true. Most commercial spacecraft companies have a lot of errors in there designs. The only thing that\'s different with this is the fact that NASA is allowing them to dock with the ISS.
  23. The closest I have to a Gaming PC is an Acer aspire X1200... We might need to replace the cooling fan. (It\'s a 3 or 4 year old PC.) I also need to get WIN7 on it.
  24. I was going to watch on NASA TV until I found out my cable didn\'t have it.. I might watch the stream online when it launches again.
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