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Everything posted by bandit4910

  1. For me when I had a younger teacher it was just awkward. She was fresh out of so I have to give her a break. She wasn\'t good at helping us understand topics, I got my parents to do that.
  2. Dan I have one question. Is your avatar a preview of a new KSP animation?
  3. Here\'s the thing that sucks. If I try to get a job in graphics design like I plan. If someone is being interviewed that has went to college even if I\'m better at the design they will pick him. And they\'ll just teach him how to be better. I really wish that part was different.
  4. My gmail is the same as my user name on here.
  5. If I were a parent I would seriously walk up to the teacher and ask her directly 'what the hell are you teaching my kid?!'. Then take my kid out of the school and try home schooling.
  6. Joesph sorry spelled my name wrong... EDIT: Fixed it.
  7. no... I have a picture of Venus now. (Same one as in the gif on the forums.
  8. Time to share my name with the internet... My G+ is Joseph Williams. I currently don\'t have an avatar.
  9. bandit4910


    I cant stand their text to speech program... It pronounces Barrack Obama wrong... It speaks to fast. They should just use a voice changing program.
  10. Radiation can give us cancer so yes it would effect us... The only way we would be able to leave the solar system is if we found out how to turn dark energy into electricity. Then we could put heating wires into our space suits and use the dark energy to power it.
  11. bandit4910


    I\'m so tired of SOPA getting it\'s wording changed around and the name changed. I will never support a Bill that allows the government to snoop on personal property. What has happend to America any more. If only we could create an alternative to the internet... Everyone needs to make it clear that we dont want ANY of these kinds of bills. The only way to do that is to start angry mobs leading to the white house.
  12. Granted you can only play All you need is love on the guitar. I wish for a billion dollars.
  13. Yup. This can mean Mars or another planet has water under it\'s surface.
  14. Not exactly they were particles of water... That could of been sign of past water... (Like Mars may have if we ever get a person up there with our budget for space travel now.) We found the water getting squeezed out is actual proof.. So maybe Europa has water... Of course that is a maybe, that place looks to be a frozen waste land.
  15. You are right the brittish are funny.(when you don\'t call our country fat)
  16. No when someone tries to say that to me I\'d kick them into a wall then call the police... I don\'t know if that accounts as assault or something...
  17. Wait was the account minecraftplayer18021?! If it was you\'d better not of altered anything.
  18. You won the country because it was on the other side of an ocean. Though I guess that\'s the risk we took when we did it in the first place. But that\'s no excuse against me calling you lot \'splitters\'. And its not so much an alliance as Prime Mininster after Prime Minister sucking up to Presidents.
  19. Sunlight would be warmth... Gravity to keep the water on the moon. Of course it spews out in particles and stuff.
  20. That moon has barely any sunlight, it has weak gravity. I\'m surprised theres water on there.
  21. That was hundreds of years ago. We won the country the British and us are allies.(For now I assume.) Get over it.
  22. Well new research has confirmed it. Do you expect a probe to be on the moon? I just googled the moon for a report then that showed up. I don\'t expect intelligent lifeforms, though. I do expect microscopic life.
  23. No some country we were at war with in the past. The British are saying this.(Mostly them anyway.) I have no problems with the British that aren\'t like this. Ever hear of American English?
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