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Everything posted by bandit4910

  1. I did an experiment a few days ago by taking the breading off the chicken. All that was in between was grease and and flour and a weird white substance. (The flour was probably so it would stick or something...)
  2. Actual pink slime from their burgers being frozen...
  3. I just found out what they put in their food. Their burgers have pink slime in them. You don\'t even wanna know what\'s in their chicken. Time to start going to Wendy\'s. (The fast food chain.) Even though I can\'t eat their fries.(Not enough salt on their fries.)
  4. Welcome! Happy launching. Enjoy your time playing KSP! Joey73101
  5. Look at his signituare... The quote is there...
  6. He has a quote from Harv it\'s him...
  7. Ermmm We always go to the Allegheny mountains every year... That\'s all I can think of at the moment...
  8. minecraftplayer18021 (My name is probably temporary.)
  9. Welcome! Happy launching. Enjoy your time playing KSP! Joey73101
  10. Welcome! Happy launching. Enjoy your time playing KSP! Joey73101
  11. I started ACTUALLY getting addicted to games when I started playing MW1. Then, I played Halo 1-2 Then, I started playing Roblox(Which is sucky now.) Then, started playing MC.(Still play.) Then, KSP or Moonbase Alpha... Then, I played Halo:Reach. This is how I started gaming .
  12. Welcome! Happy launching. Enjoy your time playing KSP! Joey73101
  13. Welcome! Happy launching. Enjoy your time playing KSP! Joey73101
  14. Welcome! Happy launching. Enjoy your time playing KSP! Joey73101 (YES I BEAT SKUNKY AGAIN!!!)
  15. Error: Cannot run sleep.exe start?(N/N) Warning: There is a new update for sleep.exe that will take all the ram and CPU and will take 50000000000 year\'s update?(Y/Y)
  16. It\'s less likely you form a habit with this. I have trouble sleeping and have for a while now. This is how I will be able to sleep.
  17. My doctor did offer to give me proscription sleeping pills I\'ll ask my parents to get me sleep aid.(It\'s a non addicting pill.)
  18. I would of recommended you went to Newegg but I just realized you\'re in a different country...
  19. They\'re not that close to america but they could of always hid in crates to imported products.
  20. I ended off exploding everything but the command pod. I separated that and landed on kerbin safely...
  21. I had known about the game but thought it was boring until seeing it in action. I started playing at 12. something. Had to remove the program because it lagged to much.
  22. If it was a mouse I would have heard some squeaking. It\'s either some weird bug or my sisters pulling a prank on me.
  23. I could always set some Tree Wetas(According to twohedwlf this is their name..) traps... Now I just need some string and a few knifes....
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