Maneuver Node Splitter v1.7.0
Maneuver Node Splitter provides a GUI interface to split a single interplanetary transfer ejection burn maneuver node into multiple maneuver nodes.
Version 1.3.0 comparison of the Unity skin and KSP skin above. Also shows the new 1.3.0 "repeat" option.
Version 1.2.0 picture of the four modes for splitting nodes below.
Why does it exist?
If your vessel has a low TWR then it may not be possible to perform your ejection burn in a single orbit. By splitting your ejection maneuver into multiple burns you can raise your apoapsis a bit with each orbit until your final burn gives you an escape trajectory.
How do I use it?
1. Get into orbit.
2. Create a maneuver node.
3. (Optional) Use Precise Node to move your maneuver node forward to the transfer window.
4. Set up the maneuver node to give you your ejection and encounter with your destination.
5. Open the Maneuver Node Splitter GUI by clicking the icon on the toolbar.
6. Use the left and right buttons to select how you want to split the maneuver node.
7. Enter the appropriate values into the text boxes. For example: delta-V values for the amount of delta-V you want to burn in each maneuver.
8. Click "Apply."
Your original maneuver node will be replaced by multiple maneuver nodes. Each of the first maneuver nodes will be created based on the values you entered, and the final maneuver node will have the remaining delta-V. Your final ejection burn maneuver node will be around the same time as the original maneuver node (depending on what values you entered).
After creating an ejection burn requiring 2500m/s I open the GUI and enter 250 and 300 then click "Apply." The mod will split my original maneuver node into three maneuvers: the first will be 250m/s, the second will be 300m/s, and the third will be 1950m/s (the remainder).
Once your maneuver nodes are created it's up to you to actually perform the burns. This is the hard part. If you do not perform the burns precisely enough then the subsequent burns will be impacted. Luckily, as long as you're close it's usually easy to do minor adjustments to the later maneuver nodes using Precise Node to restore your rendezvous. Usually what you will need to adjust will be the *timing* of the subsequent maneuver nodes (since burning a slightly different amount from what the maneuver node specified will give you a different orbital period) rather than the delta-V.
Additional Tips and Notes:
It works with both mid-course plane-changes and direct ejection burns.
The additional maneuver nodes will be created prior to the timing of your original maneuver (if your maneuver node is far enough in the future) so that your ejection time is left as unchanged as possible.
The GUI will modify your upcoming maneuver, so don't add extra maneuvers before your ejection burn.
The GUI will preserve any maneuver nodes that come after your ejection burn as long as they're far enough later than the original maneuver.
After clicking "Apply" there will be an "Undo" button that will restore your prior maneuvers, so it's easy to just throw some numbers in and see how they work out. If it's not to your liking you can easily undo it.
The "+" button will add more text boxes (for splitting the original maneuver into more burns) and the text boxes will have "x" buttons next to them for removing them (when you have more than one text box).
Stock KSP has a bug where projected orbits sometimes do not show when multiple maneuver nodes from separate orbits are placed directly on top of each other. This is not a bug with the Maneuver Node Splitter.
It's usually best not to raise your apoapsis above around 7000km prior to your ejection burn because of the possibility of an encounter with the Mun.
While the tool can convert your ejection burn into a dozen or more tiny burns, it's usually easier to perform the ejection in fewer burns rather than more (due to the impact on later burns of not performing the earlier burns perfectly).
Your current orbit very slowly drifts when your vessel is not on rails (timewarp) due to floating point math. This can impact your ejection maneuver while you are trying to set it up, so it's best to set it up at timewarp, if possible.
Version History
v1.7.0 (2017-03-18) -Compiled for KSP 1.2.2
-Fix for splitting maneuvers that include a normal component.
v1.6.0 (2016-10-13) -Update for KSP 1.2
-Includes a version file for KSP-AVC (thanks Henry Bauer!)
v1.5.0 (2016-03-30)
-Updated for the KSP 1.1 pre-release. Only use this version with KSP 1.1, not KSP 1.0.5.
v1.4.0 (2016-03-20) -Added error messages when the input values cause early ejection from the original SOI or an encounter with another SOI.
-Added a "repeat" option to make specifying how to split the nodes easier.
v1.2.0 -Maneuver splitting can now be specified by deltaV, orbital period, burn time, or apoapsis (splitting by burn time requires that you install KER). Thanks @Val for the suggestions!
-Added support for using either the KSP skin or the Unity skin (the new default), configured via settings.cfg.
-Initial release.
Maneuver Node Splitter is licensed under the MIT license.