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Everything posted by fozzthulu

  1. This pack is absolutely beautiful. What a great refresher to the old parts, and my ships all look so cohesive now! Wonderful work!
  2. @linuxgurugamer I just dropped in to say that I really like this very lightweight mod for adding crew rotation to your game. I've tried life support, and Kerbalism and Kerbal health et al, but almost all of them kind of get in the way of "Kerbaling" more then they enhance the experience (IMO). This mod pushes you to fill out your roster and rotate Kerbals without the need to add 52 parts to every craft, or put time constraints on missions.
  3. How much food/Oxygen is in the regular command modules? I don't see any numbers in my resource window, or the details kerbalism window.
  4. So, This may totally fly in the face of this very cool mod but I have to ask, so. Does this mod by chance work with the parts from Planetary Base Systems? I really like the look of those bases, and this functionality with that ISRU/science lab would be nifty =)
  5. So, I may be a base newb here, but how do you assemble this base without KIS or KAS in 1.1? Just wheels on everything?
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