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    SirReality (Rylee)

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  1. No worries, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything obvious or already known. I will probably just make a module manager patch that changes them to use the stock ModuleResourceConverter, and stock enough snacks for a long time before re-focusing for catch-up.
  2. @Angelo Kerman First, thanks for all that you do for the KSP community, and for picking up this mod and continuing it. I am using Snacks v1.28.0 (dated 10/27/22), with Module Manager 4.2.2, via CKAN, on a fresh install of 1.12.5 with both DLC, and no other mods. I am having difficulty with background resource production of snacks from the SoilRecycling module and the SnackProcessor Module. Even after activating one or both on a Kerbol-SOI ship with a single Kerbal, a plentiful supply/production of EC, and watching it as the active vessel for 6 hours (in game time) before going to the Space Center, they will run out of Snacks while there is plenty of Ore/Soil to Process/Recycle. I saw in previous comments you were apparently able to trigger updates of SR/SP modules at mealtime, but I can't seem to replicate that functionality. Is this a known bug, or am I doing something wrong? Logfile in pastebin here: https://pastebin.com/GS3j1ee6 Launched craft @ 20:36:34.833, set orbit to sun, turned on processor to make snacks from Ore. @ 20:39:09.796, returned to space center to fast forward time to see if snacks would be made or if kerbal would starve @ 20:40:06.410, received alarm from Snacks that kerbal was starving, reverted to the flight, confirmed it would now continue making snacks from Ore, but no snacks were being made or caught-up on load Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
  3. ...and fixed! See, this is why feedback is good! Well, at least when people know what they're talking about (*grumblesantivaxersgrumbles).
  4. Glad to be of help! It was definitely one of these cases where I could see the elegance and great design in the code, but the wiki was just SO un-updated it was making it harder to use than it needed to be. I'm still monitoring the wiki and the thread for any points of confusion I can clarify in the wiki, but have less time now that I recently graduated (that stethoscope in the avatar is no longer for show!) and am getting work.
  5. Excellent! Thanks for the swift fix and update, I'm glad I could help in a small way. I love me some unmanned supply missions when playing with Life Support and Kolonization mods, and this will make it run so smoothly. Keep up the great work!
  6. Hello @PrivateFlip, I'm really enjoying the mod update for 1.1.2. I'm having an issue, and I cannot tell if it is working as intended, or a bug. Specifically, a vessel without crew capacity, but with a docking port, will cause the RM^2 menu icon to disappear after fully loading. I.e. it will be there when I click on the launch button, but by the time I can pass controls and the Kerbal picture would load, it's gone. If I add a simple pod with Kerbal, the problem goes away. Any insight?
  7. Excellent, I wasn't TOO far off then. I couldn't find documentation anywhere, was I missing something?
  8. Been on KSP-vacation while I got my computer fixed, and now coming back to lots of changes in USI-LS. Can somebody point me to an explanation of how the LifeSupportModuleRecycler works? Does it reduce consumption by it's percent while active? All I see is it consuming EC and Replacement Parts without doing a dang thing. Thanks in advance for any help.
  9. Well that took entirely too long with silly mistakes and trying to be "elegant". In the end I basically brute-forced the simple approach, and learned a fair bit in the process. Pull request is up and verified to be working.
  10. Double checking my math. It appears that each supply is worth 0.1132 Food, 0.0748 Water, and 11.4669 O2, while each mulch is worth 18.8001 CO2, 0.1809 Wastewater, and 0.0195 Waste. This was all done under the assumption that equivalent drymass tanks hold an equal amount of supplies, finding equivalent tanks, and determining the ratios. I'm gonna see if I can dynamically substitute supplies for each of Food/Water/O2 and ditto for Mulch with CO2, Wastewater, and Waste.
  11. Shall I replace the USI-LS capacity with equivalent amounts of TAC-LS O2/H2O etc?
  12. Would people like a config file that removes supplies/mulch from the part if you have TAC-LS and not USI-LS? I'm diving into working on module manager configs and this looks like a good project.
  13. Totally fine. It seems the RT pull request had validation issues on my end, figuring it out now.
  14. You should have just received a pull request from me. In order to do this, I learned GitHub, modulemanager syntax, and even got Visual Studio running to scan the .dll's. You are quite the inspirational programmer! What is your opinion on these changes? If you're in favor (or have other numbers?) I could put in a pull request for these changes. I'm seeing the allure ofmodding and using the github process and would love some more practice at it. Obviously, don't want to step on your toes, nor spam pull requests at you. Hope you're feeling better from the weekend sick!
  15. Adding my two cents to the pile that my resource scanner does not work even with the FancyMouse fix. Do not have Science Alert installed. Also, it appears that the mod has not been active since the middle of November on the forum, which is a little concerning for future development and bug fixing.
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