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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. OK. So using Eve for the grand tour is definitely out of the game. I visited Moho, Kerbin, Gilly, Minmus, Mun, Duna and Ike so far. Just need dres, the Jool v and Eeloo
  2. Well I'm planning on getting from Kerbin to Minmus to Eve using the airbreathing modes and the nukes, saving as much LFO as possible. Before eve I will retrograde burn to flip the orbit around, burning off all the excess fuel radially until there's none left. Then I'll be light enough to enter Eve's atmosphere safely using my drogues. Then I'll mine LFO from Eve and return to eve orbit using the closed cycle rapiers, then the nukes. Problem is that I need more lift, which adds more weight, but since eve has such a thick atmosphere, falling downwards may be harder
  3. Um no. Not using any nodded parts. 4 rapiers, and 2 LV-Ns. Kerbal Engineer is reading roughly 17,000 DV (I also have mining gear)
  4. All tanks drain at equal rates now (provided they have flow to the engine). This means the COM doesn't move until the fuel is completely dry, meaning your planes will be more stable. No need to compensate for fuel moving from the top/front to bottom/back of your plane anymore. With fuel flow, I haven't experimented much, but if you want to drain tanks as normal, set the priority of the tank furthest forwards to something (higher? Or lower?) than the one behind, and that tank will drain first
  5. Hey all! I'm halfway through my Single Stage to Nearly Everywhere mission, but unfortunately I won't be able to return from Eve. As I'm on my phone, I cannot post images. Facts about the ship: ~68 tons, 72 parts, ~6450 LF, ~2100 O, 17,434 DV. I can't take off from Eve since its atmosphere is thick and slowed my down, causing me to fail at getting any significant lift. I feel that adding wings will lower my DV even more, which I need to get to Moho/Jool. Help would be appreciated!
  6. @galileo You can use the alt+0 menu in EVE to disable shadows without needing the SVE EVE shadow config (which didn't work for me). Hope this helps.
  7. Volcanic planet High atmo-pressure, oxygen planet Oddly-shaped world, making orbits stranger due to the risk of hitting stuff A planet with a lot of mist Snowy planet with atmosphere 1 side of a planet volcanic, the other icy, tidal locked to gas giant Oh and why not make the gas giant an ice giant?
  8. Is it me or is it really boring just waiting about 5 minutes for my spacecraft to travel on 10,000x to get to Jool? I feel like another level of time warp whole be added to help with this...?
  9. First off, what is a scramjet? This: http://m.imgur.com/u6w1LhQ It functions as a low-efficiency jet engine at sea level, and, when travelling at speed, provides an extra, sudden kick within its velocity range. Too fast or too slow and it will be inefficient. This would be good forpayloads with a variable fuel usage, but for SSTOs with strict fuel restrictions, not so well. We have jet engines and this closely resembles a Rapier engine, but a Scramjet is something we do not yet have. Oh, and they produce a LOT of heat. what are your thoughts?
  10. Jool V challenge. Here's my interplanetary stage, en-rout to Jool! (it's not that impressive, just a prototype) http://imgur.com/a/oddgc
  11. How do you get 2000 parts without a slideshow?! Wow I'm jealous
  12. 2000 parts? Some beast processor/video card you have there. I'm barely managing 400 with a i7 4790k and Asus 1080 strix
  13. This is the game directory for KSP 1.2. Notice anything? it's empty. But I can still load my ships which I made in 1.2 in the game. So... I can't share my ships anymore. great! Here's a picture. http://imgur.com/a/uBET9 Help would be appreciated.
  14. Yeah that's what I (poorly) tried to convey in my post. It gets you there faster, but uses a bit more fuel and sacrifices efficiency because of its weight in doing so. But still, would make for great planes without having to add a payload bay and deploy a probe that way.
  15. Has drag been significantly reduced? I made a mk1 SSTO with two rapier engines, cruised to about 5km and hit full throttle. Bearing in mind this plane weighs roughly 20 tons, I easily passed the 900m/s mark. And, with reentry, I can go for a lot longer before significant slowing begins. I didn't see anything in the patch notes related to drag, can anyone tell me if it has been reduced? I kind of think it is a good thing, since before 1.2 I was able to nearly hit Mach 2, but now I can pass Mach 4
  16. For small SSTO probes or larger, long term long distance SSTO travel, I feel like our 0.625m Dawn ion engine needs a bit of love. Well. Not the Dawn engine itself, but the Ion engine mechanic. We have a huge whopping/gaping hole in Ion engines or Ion fuel tanks which desperately needs filling. Sure, we have nuclear engines... I guess? But they are also somewhat limited to LFO, and man - that stuff's heavy! Xenon gas and electric power is as light as air!... Hence... "Gas". Bad pun, huh. As more ION engines are needed/wanted, this is an idea for an SSTO based Ion drive: An inline Ion engine which doubles up as a jet engine. Mode 1: Liquid Fuel, wet mode. It should be moderately inefficient with this mode due to its upper stage efficiency. Mode 2: Ion Xenon/Electricity mode. Slightly less efficient than the Dawn drive, but has 1.7KN extra thrust. This is because the engine is a 1.25m/MK1 drive. Like really, who builds a 0.625m SSTO? Just put it in a bay! But when efficiency Is needed, it would be awesome to have a 1.25m/MK1 Ion engine. And with that? 1.25m xenon tanks. In use with the Gigantor solar array, I think this could work rather well.
  17. Windows 10 64 bit. Had no problems with anything in KSP since yesterday. And I assume you want specs as well? Not sure that would affect a debug menu but you never know: Intel i7 4790k 4.2 GHz Asus 1080 Strix (gpu) 16GB RAM 2TB HDD
  18. There's no option in the controls menu, which was my first thought - maybe I'm using the wrong controls? But no...
  19. Notes: Version: 1.2 AND 1.1.3 both had this issue. The debug menu DID work in 1.1.3 but it stopped for some reason My keyboard works FINE. I tried testing it and both alt + f12 work fine. I have some macros on my mouse, and i tried binding alt+f12 to that. Still, the debug menu would not work. Please help! Also, back in 1.1.3, HyperEdit has an option to bring up the debug menu and it worked.
  20. Update: sorry if the video is sped up too much. I didn't really want to make it too long to watch and finding s third song would be difficult.
  21. I think this challenge is easy for veteran KSP players, but I have made my first successful 4.65 ton rocket which can head to the Mun and then Ike in one launch. Except I forgot a parachute so I couldn't return home (I had to fuel to do so). I think I could bring the weight down to just 3 tons if I removed some solar panels, excess weight and used a smaller battery. Here's the video: Enjoy! And thanks for viewing!
  22. What do you mean by 'encounter triangles'? Do you mean the '<planet> Encounter' marker?
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